Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 974: No life, no dead, no corpse

The next day was the first day of the first lunar month in the seventh year of Xuanping.

This day is the first day of the new year, but the Second Army of the Tang Dynasty and the Fifth Army launched a general attack on the city of Huangzhou!

Tens of thousands of soldiers rushed towards the head of Huangzhou City like a tide, and several assault battalions took turns. The assault battalions and soldiers in plate armor, under the cover of rear artillery fire and muskets, or through the gaps in the ruins of the city wall blasted by engineers , or simply climb the long ladder to the top of the city and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the soldiers of the left army.

The next day, on the second day of the lunar new year, the two sides broke out in the most violent hand-to-hand combat since the Battle of Huangzhou. On that day, over 4,000 people were killed on the spot by the Zuo Biao Army, and more than 1,000 people were killed by the 7th Infantry Division. The 7th Assault Battalion, which was cooperating with the division, suffered 70% casualties!

This assault battalion was not the first to rush to the head of the city. They were the third assault battalion to charge, but they were intercepted in ambush by the city's superintendent, with dozens of shotguns and hundreds of arquebuses. The soldiers were ambushed in another section of the ruined city wall. When the 7th Assault Battalion thought they finally rushed forward, they suddenly opened fire. Shotguns, muskets, and grenades were thrown at the assault battalion, so that there were more than 600 people in the battalion. , More than half of the casualties were on the spot!

The fierce battle between the two sides made the Spring Festival without the slightest warmth and joy in the face of the war!

As night approached, although Huangzhou had not been conquered, the Tang Army successfully captured the outer city wall, and the remaining Zuo Biao Army was forced to retreat again, this time they could only retreat to the inner city!

Du Danqing had high hopes that he would be able to hold on to the Huangzhou defense line for more than a month after being besieged. In fact, he has only resisted for seven days so far!

Just seven days!

Du Danqing couldn't understand at all, why he made such adequate preparations, but he still failed miserably in the end!

This night, Du Danqing stayed up all night. He did not discuss the war with his staff, nor did he think hard about how to break the situation!

That's how he stayed in his study, drinking rice wine and reading with a book in his hand, amid the rumbling of cannons outside.

When the explosion sounded, there would always be a flash of light outside, which was the sound and light of the shell after it fell in the city and exploded.

Having fought against the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army for many years, he has long been accustomed to this kind of explosion!

Even based on the sound of the explosion, he could tell that this should be a 48-pound heavy howitzer from the Puppet Tang Bandit Army.

When these pseudo-Tang thieves were fighting, the cannonballs would not stop almost all the time. Sometimes he doubted that there were so many cannonballs from these pseudo-Tang thieves, their artillery shot so much Cannonballs, the barrels won't be scrapped?

Although Du Danqing claimed to have a good understanding of the Great Tang Dynasty, he, like most people in this era, did not understand the particularity of the entire Tang Dynasty at all!

Will the artillery of the Grand Master of the Tang Dynasty be scrapped? Sure, but in the material storage warehouse behind the house, there are rows and rows of brand-new artillery pieces waiting to be replaced at any time.

Are there so many shells? That's crap!

The artillery shells produced by the Ming army were handcrafted by craftsmen one by one, but the arsenal in the Tang Dynasty was an assembly line production, and the production efficiency was dozens of times that of the Ming army!

And don't you look at how many arsenals in the Tang Dynasty produced ordnance, and under the command of the three major arms companies, there were twelve large and small arsenals producing various types of ammunition!

Every day, ships are loaded with all kinds of ammunition, going to and from the Yangtze River waterway, supplying all kinds of ammunition for the front-line troops.

Therefore, the doubts in Du Danqing's heart were because he didn't know enough about the Tang Dynasty!

But this kind of incomprehension sometimes caused many Ming army generals to unilaterally put the defeat on the sharp guns and guns of the Tang Wangshi, thus ignoring other aspects of the Tang Wangshi.

For example, the current Du Danqing, he is now full of guns and ammunition, but he does not know that when the Datang Army broke through the outer city wall, it actually relied on the assault battalion, and the assault battalion has a large number of cold weapons and soldiers. And when those ordinary infantrymen rushed to the city head for hand-to-hand combat, they also relied on the bayonet!

The sharp guns inevitably brought a lot of advantages to the Datang Army, but the Datang Army was able to win frequently, more relying on training and bravery.

When the two sides are fighting bayonets, it has nothing to do with the sharpness of guns, it is purely a competition for the training and courage of both sides!

As a result, the left army of the inspector performed quite well when the two sides were engaged in confrontation at medium and long distances, but when the two sides fought close to each other, they often collapsed quickly!

This is the characteristic of almost all contemporary Ming armies!

There are Ming troops who dare to shoot guns against the Tang army, and there are many!

However, there were not many Ming troops who dared to fight bayonet against the Tang Army.

Therefore, on the battlefield, such a scene often occurs. When the two sides are firing guns at medium and long distances, the Ming army is still fighting, but when the Datang Army launches a bayonet charge, the Ming army on the opposite side often Just crashed.

Does Du Danqing know this? He knows, but does he understand?

He doesn't understand!

The night of this day passed by the continuous artillery bombardment of the Datang Army, and the next day, the Datang Army infantrymen who had rested for the night started a new round of attack!

And this time, it was more difficult for the left army to defend.

At noon, the east gate of the inner city was conquered by the Third Infantry Division of the Datang Army!

An hour later, the 3rd Infantry Division continued to advance, and conquered several temporary fortresses built by the Ming army relying on several masonry houses behind the inner city.

At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, some other 12th Infantry Divisions of the Fifth Army, which launched an attack, also broke through the defense of the Ming army and captured a temporary fort on the left side of the Dubiao Zuojun headquarters. The Biao Zuo Army headquarters is less than fifty meters away!

The soldiers of the 3rd Battalion of the 34th Infantry Regiment under the 12th Infantry Division were already able to clearly see the sign hanging on the huge building across the street.

The sign above clearly shows the importance of this building: the Da Ming Governor Biao Zuo Army Commander Yamen.

I have to say that even the style of the signboard is copied from the Datang Army, because the Datang Dynasty likes to hang up vertical signboards, and then it will write on the yamen of a certain prefecture and the headquarters of a certain division in the Tang Dynasty.

The supervising standard is thorough in studying the army of the Tang Dynasty, and he does not forget to learn even the signboard. It is just that the army of the Tang Dynasty often uses a certain headquarters, a headquarters, and they use a certain commander's yamen to supervise the standard.

Without much hesitation, after waiting for the shotguns in the rear to come up, the soldiers of the third battalion immediately launched an attack on the commander's yamen.

Under the bombardment of guns and guns, an ordinary building in the district is naturally irresistible. Although there are many Ming soldiers resisting, it is now obvious that the general trend has passed. Their resistance is not so resolute, many people are resist a little, and then

It was because they gave up the waist knife and musket to surrender, and more Ming Army soldiers, in fact, surrendered directly when the soldiers of the Datang Army rushed in.

This is also the reason why their battle was so smooth today, because after the Datang Army conquered the outer city, it was almost certain that the Zuobiao Army was destroyed, and their resistance was destined to be meaningless.

Many generals who supervise the standard have made various choices in desperation!

Some people tried to break through and escape with their troops, but if they broke through before being completely besieged, there is still hope for them to escape on a small scale, but now, they are all blocked in the inner city, do they still want to break out? late!

There are also a small number of generals who supervise the targets, following the example of the supervising generals who died in Changsha and Hengyang, and committed suicide in despair!

Some people took off their military uniforms, left the army, and began to flee for their lives on their own, but the inner city is so big, not to mention that there are not many ordinary people in the inner city at all. , where can you hide after dropping your weapon?

And more superintendents and generals surrendered in desperation with their direct subordinates who were still loyal to them!

Now that the battle is underway, these gentry disciples have done their best, and they have high hopes for the elders in the family. It is time to think about their own lives.

There are also a very small number of people who want to surrender on the spot anyway, try to make merit at the last minute, but save their own lives, and even further become a part of the Tang Dynasty. For these people, the Master of the Tang Dynasty will never refuse. .

As long as you are willing to go against the grain, you will be treated favorably!

However, the above mentioned are all the generals of the supervising standard, or to be more precise, the children of the local gentry in Huguang!

Ordinary supervising soldiers are not They naturally follow what others say. When the city is broken, most of them choose to escape and surrender. In this chaotic time, saving lives is the key, who cares Take care of the life and death of those gentlemen above!

The Ming army superintendents who defended the superintendent of the left army and commanded the Yamen were no exception. The Ming army of hundreds of people surrendered on the spot, more than half, and the rest fled, and only a few were stubbornly resisting!

But the third battalion is not a vegetarian either. Needless to say, for the recalcitrant Ming army, they greeted them with guns and guns. After advancing step by step, they came all the way to the inner courtyard!

This inner courtyard is obviously the command center of the former Supervision Left Army, because there are many paper documents scattered on the ground, and a group of officers in the uniforms of Supervision Officers raised their hands one by one, in the third battalion. The soldiers slowly walked out under the bayonet of the soldiers!

The major battalion commander of the 3rd Battalion walked in and saw that it was very messy.

Some corpses can be seen to have been killed by muskets or bayonets, but there are also a small number of corpses that can be seen to have died by suicide.

He directly ignored the group of captured officers who were taken away, and then said, "Where's Du Danqing?"

The subordinate shook his head: "I didn't find him, no one found him, nor his body!"

After listening, the major frowned, "You can't live without a human being and die without a corpse?"

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