Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 976: Jingzhou General Attack

The matter of the Battle of Huangzhou could not be spread to Jingzhou for a while, so Song Tianbiao didn't know that the Zuo Army of the Governor in Huangzhou had been wiped out.

Right now, he is staring at Jingzhou City, thinking about how to take Jingzhou City in the shortest time and at the lowest cost.

It has been several days since he landed in Jingzhou, but he was not in a hurry to launch an immediate attack on Jingzhou City, let alone a general attack, in fact, even a tentative general attack.

He had already made contact with the intelligence personnel of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, and learned some general information about the defenders in the city.

The guards in Jingzhou City are similar to the previous information. There are about 10,000 guards in the city, but only 7,000 of them are superintendents, and the remaining 3,000 are the local guards and young soldiers. .

And this situation is also the situation of most of the Ming army defenders. Even if Zhang Yue has already established a main force such as the supervising standard, in fact, the guard soldiers in the Ming army and the temporarily recruited young men still exist. However, the number is less than before.

When defending the city, these guardsmen and young soldiers were basically used as civilian husbands.

On the other hand, this kind of auxiliary force also existed in the Tang Dynasty, but it was not in the name of the guards and the young men recruited temporarily, but in the name of reserve divisions and patrol officers.

Needless to say, the reserve division, this is the reserve force established by the Tang Dynasty at present. It mainly bombards the local area on weekdays. If it encounters a large-scale war, it will also assist the main force to fight.

When necessary, after mobilization and replenishment, these reserve divisions will also take to the battlefield and become part of the main force.

As for patrol officers, there are actually quite a few patrol officers in every place, especially in some relatively large cities, where the number of patrol officers can reach hundreds of thousands.

For example, in Songjiang Prefecture, after the Tang Dynasty captured Jiangnan and designated Shanghai County as a trading port, this place has become the most economically active prefecture in the Jiangnan area, and its core Shanghai County is even more It is a thousand miles away. It is said that the local land price has risen several times in a row in just two years, and the upward trend has not stopped.

There are a large number of businessmen gathered in this place, some from the Jiangnan region, some from all over China, some from all over Southeast Asia, and even Europeans, which also makes the security situation quite complicated. The largest government-level patrol police station in the country has more than 3,000 patrol officers.

And although these patrolmen maintain law and order on weekdays, if there is an enemy attacking Shanghai, they will certainly be able to provide some help to the military.

In addition, the Datang military often recruited civilians to engage in logistics transportation, fortification construction, etc.!

In this regard, in fact, the civilians recruited by the Tang military were no different from the young men who were temporarily recruited by the Ming Dynasty, and their work was basically the same.

The only difference is that the Tang military never included these civilians in the combat sequence of the army, and basically would not let them go to the battlefield, while the Ming army usually used these recruited young men as the army. Let them participate in the defense of the city.

The three thousand guards and Qingzhuang in the city were directly ignored by Song Tianbiao. After fighting with the Ming army for so many years, he knew very well what the Ming army's guards and Qingzhuang were, and they were basically his own people. are of the same type.

The real opponents are only seven thousand inspectors.

If it was a field battle, these seven thousand superintendents would not be their opponents at all. Maybe a round of field battles would be able to completely defeat them, but the Ming army in the city would not have rushed out stupidly, they would have to defend !

This is also the choice of many Ming armies to face the attack of the Tang army over the years.

But today, can the Ming army's stubborn defense stop you?

Song Tianbiao didn't think so!

Because he attacked Jingzhou City this time, all his second infantry divisions were here, and their strength was twice that of the city's superintendent.

Song Tianbiao, who has a military advantage, is not worried about not being able to win Jingzhou. The only thing he needs to consider is to minimize his own casualties as much as possible, shorten the time, and avoid taking too long to cause any accidents.

In the past three days, although there was no official attack, it was necessary to do exactly one thing, build engineering equipment, dig tunnels, trenches, build artillery positions, and then move the naval artillery. Disembark and transport to the outside of Jingzhou.

And now, three days later, the preparations that should be made are already in place, and Song Tianbiao has also decided to launch an attack!

At noon that day, after Song Tianbiao held a military meeting earlier, he officially issued an order for the artillery units to open fire on the defenders in the city!

Before launching the general attack, bombarding with artillery is also the established procedure of the Datang Army to attack the city, but this time, Song Tianbiao said to the commander of the Second Artillery Regiment: "Keep the rhythm during the artillery attack, and don't fight indiscriminately. Our shells are limited, and we will hit important targets as much as possible!"

The commander of the Second Artillery Regiment is also a veteran artillery officer. As the Colonel's artillery commander, he naturally knows very well that although they brought a lot of ammunition this time, follow-up supplements are more troublesome.

Their ammunition has to be transported from Yuezhou to be replenished. For such a long distance, even if the Datang Navy completely controls the Yangtze River waterway, transportation will take time and capacity.

Therefore, the artillery shells of the Second Artillery Regiment seem to be very sufficient now, but it is absolutely impossible to be the same as the Second Army's attack on Susong and Huangzhou. There is no need to have any scruples. After the shells are exhausted, the logistics department can always be able to provide them with supplements.

The Second Artillery Regiment has to use it sparingly. After finishing the attack on Jingzhou City, it has to defend the city and prevent the Ming army from counterattacking!

If all the shells were fired, what would you do if the Ming army counterattacked later?

Therefore, in the next shelling, the 2nd Artillery Regiment and a heavy howitzer battalion temporarily strengthened to the 2nd Infantry Division, naval artillery regiment and other artillery units =, the intensity of the shelling was significantly reduced, and many of the 2nd Infantry Division who observed the shelling The officers all looked serious, because they felt that the current artillery bombardment was not strong enough, and they were worried that they would not be able to effectively destroy the many artillery positions deployed by the Ming army on the city head and kill their artillerymen.

But when many officers of the 2nd Infantry Division frowned, many of the Ming army generals on the top of the city also frowned. Why did they think that the artillery bombardment of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty was too great.

As a supervisor, they copied the army of the Datang Army in all aspects. Naturally, they also attached great importance to artillery. Even if they could only produce artillery by hand, Zhang Yue still organized countless craftsmen to produce as many artillery as possible and assign them to Subordinate inspectorate.

The avant-garde of the right army, the inspector of the city of Jingzhou, was naturally assigned guns and artillery. The guard had 7,000 people, and was assigned twelve five-jin cannons, five seven-jin cannons, and more than 100 catties. Below 100kg

There are about fifty Wankou guns and Folang machine guns.

This kind of firepower is actually quite a lot for a supervising officer with only 7,000 people. The early Datang Army could not be equipped with so many artillery pieces under the same force.

The avant-garde superintendents and generals also believed that their artillery force was strong enough, but when they saw the scale of the Tang Army's artillery bombardment, they were all dumbfounded!

Outside the city, there were only more than 10,000 Puppet Tang thieves, but they organized more than 100 artillery pieces to bomb Jingzhou City!

The strength gap here is simply hopeless!

The artillery force of the Datang King Division outside the city is mainly composed of the Second Artillery Regiment. It has two 5-jin field artillery battalions and one 9-jin field artillery battalion. Each artillery battalion has 18 artillery pieces, which is very standard. The field artillery regiment under the main infantry division of the Datang Army has a total of fifty-four field artillery.

In addition, the infantry division temporarily strengthened a battalion of heavy short-barreled howitzers, with twelve twenty-four-pound howitzers and four forty-eight-pound howitzers.

The navy supported thirty-two artillery pieces, including twenty five-jin artillery pieces, six nine-jin artillery pieces, and six forty-eight-jin howitzers!

The total number of the above-mentioned artillery is more than one hundred!

Moreover, this number does not include the six 5-jin cavalry guns under the jurisdiction of the Second Cavalry Regiment. Each infantry regiment and cargo regiment have shotguns. Each infantry regiment in the Datang Army is organized according to the standard. A twelve-door artillery unit, equipped with two catties of shotguns and three catties of shotguns. The same is true for the cargo regiment, because the cargo regiment of the Datang Army has never been a simple transport force, but to a certain extent it is the fourth infantry regiment, but its usual task is to transport As well as escorting baggage, you can participate in line battles when necessary.

More than 100 field guns and howitzers are shelling Jingzhou City. Even if the frequency of shelling is lower than in previous battles, it is still difficult for the Ming army defenders on the top of the city!

At first, the Ming army on the top of the city wanted to use artillery to counterattack, but when they were continuously killed by howitzers on the top of the city, and the artillerymen were killed and injured in large numbers, they gave up this plan.

Because of the inferiority in artillery, the Ming army basically did not have any advantage in the artillery fire of the Datang Army!

After seeing the Ming army artillery on the city head being completely suppressed, the officers of the 2nd Infantry Division outside the city were relieved. The Ming army at the city head, whether it was artillery or their musketeers, were suppressed. After that, they can move on to the next step!

Next, the other units of the 2nd Infantry Division also appeared one after another, but they were still not officially attacking the city, but filling the moat and digging traffic ditches.

At the same time, amid the rumbling of cannons, the soldiers in the engineer battalion also waved their steel shovels and continued to dig the tunnel, preparing to dig the tunnel under the city wall to bury explosives.

After the blasting is successful, it is time for the Second Infantry Division to launch a general attack!

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