Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 977: Fei Qinxiang's difficult choice

The way the Datang Army attacked the city has basically formed a routine in the past few years. The inspector on the opposite side also knew that the Datang Army would play like this, and they have always tried every means to carry out targeted defense.

However, after a few years of the Datang Army, they still play like this!

Why, because even if the Ming army knew that the Tang army was attacking the city like this, they still couldn't do anything about it!

The whole process of shelling, digging traffic trenches, tunnels, blasting, and assault battalions, the current Ming army basically has no resistance.

The same is true for the attack on Jingzhou City now. With the absolute advantage of artillery fire, the Second Infantry Division filled in the moat and dug tunnels for blasting.

On the second day after launching the attack, there were two consecutive loud noises from Jingzhou City, which also announced that the Second Infantry Division had launched a general attack on Jingzhou City!

The assault force of the 2nd Infantry Division launched an assault from two sections of the city walls that were blown up. Although the Ming army desperately resisted, it was still unable to stop the advance of the 2nd Infantry Division!

In the afternoon that day, the troops of the Second Infantry Division had successfully captured most of the city walls, but the defenders in Jingzhou City did not have a second city wall to let them retreat and continue to defend. After the city wall was breached, the entire Jingzhou was like a A young woman was completely stripped of her clothes by the Tang Army, and her feet and hands were held down.

The defenders in the city fought their last stubborn resistance when the city wall was breached. They struggled hard, kicking their feet, twisting their bodies, and waving their hands, but under the fierce offensive of the Tang Army, All resistance was in vain. In the end, after they exhausted the last bit of strength, they could only lie down and let the Datang Army go in and out!

In the evening, the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division, which was the first to enter the city, successfully captured the headquarters of the avant-garde of the Zuobiao Army in the city, and also captured the buildings of important institutions such as the Yamen of the Prefect in the city.

However, due to the chaos, the Datang Army failed to stop the Ming army's defeat in the city and burned down many warehouses, and the fire began to spread to many other buildings in the city.

When the night came, many places in Jingzhou City were full of fire, and thick smoke shrouded the entire city. After entering the city, the Second Infantry Division continued to block the main roads in the city and clear the chaos in the city. On the one hand, they began to organize young men and prisoners of war in the city to put out the fire.

They didn't want the city of Jingzhou, which they finally conquered, to turn into ruins in the end.

Speaking of which, this is also a defect of many cities in China at present, that is, the resistance to fire is too poor!

Because of the architectural tradition, the buildings in Huaxia are all brick and wood structures. Buildings that use a lot of wood are easy to catch fire. At the same time, if the buildings in the street are connected together, a house will catch fire, and the entire street will be burned down.

In order to reduce fires, the Datang Patrol Department is not allowed to set up a special fire-fighting agency. Basically, every local police station will set up a fire-fighting agency to specialize in fire-fighting, but even so, it is difficult to completely eliminate the fire. large-scale fire hazards.

Naturally, there was no fire department in Jingzhou, which had just been shot down. The Second Infantry Division could only organize young men and prisoners of war in the city to put out the fire.

As for the soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division, they didn't have the spare time to put out the fire by themselves. They also needed to hunt down the soldiers scattered all over the city.

During the siege of the city, they failed to kill too many Ming soldiers, because after breaking the city wall, the Ming army itself was defeated. Countless Ming army supervising soldiers took off their military uniforms, and then became civilians and hid. , trying to muddle through.

However, the Tang Army was already familiar with the search and capture of defeated soldiers. They directly blocked the entire city, and then began to gather the people in the city. As long as the young and strong don't care about the 3721, they will gather together first.

Among them, those who are outsiders and those who do not have a local accent are the key suspects, and those who resist will be directly killed!

Unless relatives identify and lead the person, otherwise, they will basically be concentrated on the spot.

If you want to ask whether it will be difficult to operate like this, it is actually not difficult at all, because there are generally not many city residents these days, ordinary county towns are only a few thousand people, and prefecture cities are only tens of thousands, unless it is Jinling City. In a big city, otherwise, the permanent population of a large city rarely exceeds 100,000 people.

The permanent population of Jingzhou City is only tens of thousands, but the number of troops stationed there is tens of thousands. You think, it is not easy for these defeated soldiers to hide among the common people and try to pass the border.

When searching for a defeated soldier, as long as it is young and strong, not to mention the percentage, but there is at least a half chance that this young strong man may be a defeated soldier!

Fortunately, the reputation of the Datang Army for treating its prisoners well has already spread throughout China, and basically they would not kill prisoners of war, so many of those captured prisoners did not resist.

If you are caught, you will at most be a coolie for a few years, but your life will usually be saved.

What's more, when the Tang army treated Ming army prisoners of war, they also treated them differently. Needless to say, middle and senior generals, those who should be killed, those who should be imprisoned, or those who should be exiled. Well, most of them will be imprisoned, extremely. A small number of diehards will be regarded as typical and sentenced to death.

For low-level officers, they are usually imprisoned for a period of time first. If they are willing to join the army, and if they have passed the test in all aspects, they can also arrange various crash courses, and then continue to join the army after being assigned.

Ordinary guards and young soldiers will basically be directly incorporated into various reclamation groups. They will reclaim barren fields for a few years, or build official roads and various water conservancy facilities. Generally speaking, two After three years, they will be released home, and when they encounter amnesty, they can be released earlier.

However, all kinds of new troops in the Ming army, such as superintendents, are treated differently. Some technical arms, such as cavalry, artillery, sword and shield, etc., usually try their best to persuade them to continue to join the army. These technical arms It is difficult to cultivate, and the Datang Army is also relatively lacking in these technical arms. If you are willing to continue to join the army, after ideological education and simple training, you will be assigned to various units.

As for ordinary infantrymen, they are also selected, willing to join the army, and have good quality, then they are directly thrown into the boot camp for training. After the training is passed, they are assigned to various units, which are basically treated as ordinary recruits.

Those who are not of sufficient quality, or who are unwilling to continue to join the army, are incorporated into the reclamation regiment.

Generally speaking, there are only a small number of junior officers and ordinary soldiers of the Ming Army who have passed the test and are willing to join the Datang Army. This does not mean that they are unwilling to join the Datang Army, but because their quality is generally not good enough.

The Datang Army has become more and more demanding on the quality of its soldiers in all aspects, especially the physical requirements, whether it is height or weight, there are clear regulations.

The latest, in Xuanping's six-year recruitment regulations, there are clear and strict requirements for the recruitment of new soldiers of various arms!

The minimum recruitment requirements for ordinary soldiers are: the height should not be less than 1.55 meters, and the

10 kilograms of heavy objects, 10 kilometers in light clothing within an hour, aged from 18 to 25 years old, strong, healthy, and free of any disease.

Then there is a very important point. It is stipulated that he must be a good family boy without any bad discipline.

What is a good family child, this is not stated explicitly. In theory, anyone without any criminal record can be, but in practice, when recruiting, basically all children from rural areas are recruited, and no children from citizens are recruited.

And the above are only the most basic requirements, and when it comes to various arms, there are higher specific requirements, such as artillery, which requires a height of 1.6 meters or more and a strong physical strength.

And the grenadiers are required to be over 1.7 meters tall!

These are just the conditions for the Datang Army to recruit new recruits. If it is recruited from prisoners of war, then it is still rising on this condition. If it is not a relatively good prisoner of war, then basically it is not necessary.

Therefore, most of the prisoners of war ended up in the reclamation regiment, whether they wanted to or not!

Of course, there are still a very small number of diehards, such as those Ming soldiers who resisted until the end, and finally were forced to surrender. The Master of the Tang Dynasty expressed his admiration for your courage to resist, so we will also set off you. This kind of courageous treatment will not be sent to the various reclamation regiments, because the Ming army prisoners of war in the reclamation regiments are a group of bones, and it is an insult to these warriors to put these brave Ming soldiers and prisoners of war with them. !

So Datang Army will incorporate them into various prisoner of war camps, and then send them to various mining areas under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises to mine until they die!

Only then can they be worthy of their courage!

Of course, the above handling method does not include uprising troops and uprising generals!

For the Ming army who revolted and defected, the Datang Wang Shi always maintained preferential treatment. Those who are willing to join the army will continue to join the army after training. The officers will also be given considerable rank treatment. The actual leading position is not expected, but an idle position can still be used. received.

For those who are unwilling to continue to serve in the army, the soldiers will pay the travel expenses to be sent home, and the officers can also arrange for civilian jobs.

In short, the treatment is quite generous!

Many Ming army prisoners of war in Jingzhou city belonged to ordinary prisoners of war. They were neither stalwarts who resisted resolutely, nor Ming army who revolted and surrendered, so they were treated as ordinary prisoners of war.

The 2nd Infantry Division captured Jingzhou. At this time, Fei Qinxiang personally led the reinforcements, but they had not yet reached Jingzhou!

No way, they got the news a little late. When they reported that they brought reinforcements with troops, they had to delay a lot of time on the road. Finally, when Fei Qinxiang brought the combined 6,000 troops to Jingzhou City 20 miles away. When I was outside, I found that Jingzhou City had already changed its owner.

Now Fei Qinxiang is left with a difficult multiple choice question: should we counter-attack Jingzhou, return to Anluzhou, or enter Sichuan from the west?

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