This is the best opportunity for those atheists to get to know the evil cult! "

Nangong Yue leaned against the wall and started talking to pass the time.

"Konoha...if you insist on saying so, it's not considered atheism.

Don't they all regard their ancestors as gods and act according to the so-called 'will of fire'.

Isn't there some kind of ninja god? It's the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, who put down the troubled times of the Warring States Period.

Well~ It sounds so high-sounding, but in fact it’s not just for one’s own battle, to forcefully arrange a reason to go up. "(Nangong)

"Huh?! You mean, I'm the same as those trash fish?!

Are you mocking me, you bastard? ! "

"Hehehe... There is no need to laugh at you.

No matter what you think, battles and wars are essentially pure battles. This is the instinct of life guiding all of this, and there is no need for any reason at all.

No matter how absurd and boring the reason is, it may become the trigger of war. "

" what are they doing now? This organization collects money?

This is my most annoying reason to fight! ! !

Ah...and collecting those big, mean animals. "(Hidan)

"Why do you care so much? Isn't it enough that you can kill people?

Also, the Akatsuki organization will go to war with the entire ninja world in the future.

In war, money is a very important part~

Of course, the essence of collecting money is to be able to swallow up a large amount of strategic resources...

As for's enough to just fight then.

On the battlefield, it doesn't matter how many people you kill. "(Nangong)


Wow...I'm really convinced~

But forget it, I can only kill people anyway, everything else is none of my business~"

At this moment, Kakuzu walked out with a money box in one hand, and then looked at Nangong Yue,

“Nangong, take these and return to Yu Nin Village.

It's enough to leave the next thing to the two of us.

I heard that you still have human experiments, so you probably don’t have much free time.

Being lazy is not a good habit. "

Nangong Yue took the two cash boxes and opened the portal next to him.

"Okay... Anyway, I'm just here to check on your progress and imprint the magic circle on Hidan. The research results in the laboratory have to be tested in practice."

Finally, Nangong Yue looked at Fei Duan,

"After using this formation, remember to record your own thoughts. I found it useful. Maybe I can make some modifications."

After saying that, he ignored the two people behind him, stepped into the portal and disappeared.


In the forest outside Yu Ren Village, Nangong Yue found Hei Jue.

"Kakuzu and Hidan, please pay more attention."

"Huh?! Do you still care about the life and death of such a character?" (Jue)

Nangong Yue found a random tree and leaned against it.

"Of course not, what you need to focus on is their opponents.

Konoha is likely to send out the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. Although they can defeat the Jinchuuriki, they cannot defeat the Nine-Tails.

The most important thing is that the identity of this jinchuriki is not simple. "

"What's wrong? Isn't he the son of the Fourth Hokage?

The same goes for the people in Konoha. How can they guard this trivial piece of information so tightly? ! This is really..." (Jue)

"Hey... Asura..."

"Nani?!!!!!!" (Absolutely)

Hei Jue's eyes suddenly widened. It was obvious that he didn't know this information yet, and his mentality naturally fluctuated greatly.

"Yes, the reincarnations of Asura and Indra in this generation have been identified.

Uzumaki Naruto is the reincarnation of Asura, and Orochimaru's Uchiha Sasuke is Indra.

On Sasuke's side, it was my clone who detected it, and sensed obvious high-level Yin Escape chakra from that kid's soul.

As for Naruto, I personally confirmed that there is high-level Yang Release Chakra in his soul.

What's even more interesting is that both of them have a trace of chakra, or remnant soul, of the old man Hagoromo's soul. "


You mean, Hagoromo..." (Ze)

"That's right, if Kaguya breaks the seal, that boy in Hagoromo can use the bodies of these two children to use the 'Six Paths, Earth Explosion Star' at any time to seal your poor mother again.

To be honest, Hagoromo is quite hardworking~

I've been to the moon, and Hamura's soul is almost gone, but in the end, Hagoromo's soul cultivation has achieved something~

It is estimated that this old boy has been sleeping in his son's chakra all day long, just waiting to seal his mother again0."

"In other words, if the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is captured in the future, whether to seal it or not is still a question." (Jue)

"That's right, that old man in Hagoromo, when both twins are reincarnated, he will not allow Asura's reincarnation to die so easily.

What's more, my arrival had already alarmed him.

In this way, it would be even less possible for him to let these two reincarnations die.

In other words, taking action against either of them means being prepared to face the Immortal of Six Paths head-on! "

After the warning, Nangong Yue was ready to go back and continue the human experiment, so he teleported and disappeared in front of Hei Jue.

After Nangong Yue disappeared, Hei Jue remained silent for dozens of seconds before using Earth Escape and slowly sinking into the ground.

"Hey... Obito, you have to watch that kid closely, lest..."

...Sealed space in the heart of the moon...

“Outsiders, what are you doing here again?

You can't break this sealing technique. "

At this time, Princess Kaguya's fear of Nangong Yue was basically written on her face.

It's probably because I haven't interacted with people for a thousand years, and I don't even remember how to deal with them.

What's more, this time Nangong Yue gave her a sense of threat that was even worse than before. God knows how Nangong Yue's strength improved.

No... She can sense that Nangong Yue's level has not improved, so in this short period of time, the number of Nangong Yue's methods has skyrocketed.

In other words, this kid has mastered a large number of techniques. I have no idea why this kid's learning and research speed is so fast.

Faced with Kaguya's question, Nangong Yue did not answer at first, but turned his palms up, and then...


A black sphere condensed into the palm of Nangong Yue's left hand.

"That's right~ This is the old man's technique from Hagoromo."

After the display, to prevent the old woman's mental fluctuations from further aggravating, and then waking up the old man Liu Dao, Nangong Yue quickly stopped casting the spell.

"Old man Yuyi is a talented person.

He did not rely too much on his talent. In order to seal you, he worked hard to develop this improved version of the technique.

Let’s not talk about the Earth Explosion Star, which is regarded as your family’s innate awakening technique.

However, the part that allows the seal target to charge the sealing technique is really very precise. "

After the annoying fluctuations in the technique disappeared, Miss Kaguya quickly calmed down.

However, this time, Kaguya finally understood why the threat this boy brought to her suddenly increased.

"So what if you learn it. The core of this technique is to absorb energy and charge the sealing technique itself.

If you want to lift the seal, you will inevitably need to inject energy.

However, any energy will be poured into the seal, which in turn strengthens the seal.

If I want to lift the seal, I can only think of three ways.

1. Completely understand the sealing technique and develop a complete lifting technique;

Second, use huge energy to break the seal from the outside;

Third, what is being implemented now is to lead the concubine’s soul out with the help of the resurrected Ten-Tails.

The first type, I have been studying for thousands of years, but I can't perform the technique, let alone the second type.

As for you, you will never waste a lot of energy on me, a stranger. "


Chapter 198


As for you, you will never waste a lot of energy on me, a stranger. "

"So... aren't we cooperating with your plan?

Although I could indeed forcibly break the seal, I was not in a good state at that time. I could not withstand Hagoromo in his prime state, and even the remnant soul of Hamura!

Not to mention, you are the one who needs to be on guard the most~

Compared to you, a demigod, those two brothers, Hagoromo, really are nothing to me. "

Nangong Yue openly expressed his fear of Princess Kaguya and his affirmation of Princess Kaguya's strength.


Tell me, what is the purpose of coming to see me this time? "

"This is where we get to the point...

In that line, the main thing is that there are always people sneaking into your auxiliary spaces recently.

Judging from their energy fluctuations, they should be of the same race as you.

And I'm going to capture them for research, so I think it's best to inform them.

Also, although I will try my best to control the intensity, please forgive me if there is any big damage. "(Nangong)


Is it Momoshiki...?

Forget it, after I break the seal, as long as you don't completely destroy those spaces, no matter how big the damage is, it will be easy to repair.

Is there anything else? If you have nothing to do, leave immediately and don't wake Yuyi up. "

"That's okay~ I'll control it."

After confirming that Kaguya would not cause trouble afterwards, Nangong Yue decisively withdrew from 01 and came to Yue Nei's palace.

"Momoshiki...that's a typical sorcerer~ and he uses the energy of chakra fruits to cast spells.

Hahahaha... Give him a forbidden demon state, and he can be beaten~

Moreover...the pure-blood Otsutsuki clan is a rare material~"

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