With that said, Nangong Yue came to Yuedian's laboratory, where two Hyuga ninjas who had released the caged birds were lying.

These two are the experimental subjects for studying "Reincarnation Eye Opening".

Of course, these two people had their minds destroyed and only maintained their physical activity.

As for the blood and cells of the Otsutsuki clan, Nangong Yue collected a lot of them from Toneri through "renovation".

Because of Nangong Yue's unscrupulous collection, the current Sheren has shrunk from a sixteen-year-old boy to a child of about ten years old!

Of course, the large number of cells peeled off from Sheren's body were not disposable. They had been placed in a culture tank by Nangong Yue for cultivation.

A large part of it was swallowed and digested by Nangong Yue's own body, which also strengthened the body's energy circuit a little.

No... Strictly speaking, after integrating the unknown energy hidden in the Otsutsuki clan, Nangong Yue has a higher affinity for energy.

It is more friendly to energy. When casting spells, the burden on the energy circuit is reduced, and the maximum output is increased a lot.

As for the two Hyuga ninjas here, Nangong Yue actually doesn't have much hope for them.

Because Nangong Yue forcibly lifted the "Caged Bird" curse seal, which caused further harm to them who were not innocent in the first place, and Nangong Yue regretted this.

As for the reason, Nangong Yue discovered that although this 'caged bird' is a seal, at the same time, the curse seal has been absorbing the body's energy, which is sealed in the seal, somewhat similar to the 'yin seal'.

At the same time, this 'caged bird' also has the function of purifying blood. Although it is very weak, over time, the effect is still considerable.

After the death of the separated ninja, the purest trace of Hyuga blood extracted from the 'caged bird' will flow back into the clan's body.

After analyzing this, Nangong Yue had to admire the methods of the Hyuga ancestors.

Although this curse seal distinguished the main family and the branch family, it also limited the strength of the branch ninjas and formed an inevitable gap.

However, in the long run, the choice made by the Hyuga ancestors was obviously successful.

Because, until now, even if the Hyuga clan has repeatedly intermarried with foreign races for hundreds of thousands of years, the blood of the Hyuga clan is still pure.

What's even more terrifying is that according to Nangong Yue's detection, this generation of clans has even returned to their ancestors! ! !

After comparing the bloodline information of Toneri Otsutsuki and Princess Kaguya, Nangong Yue discovered that Hinata Hinata and Hanabi Hinata already possess a considerable part of the bloodline factor of Otsutsuki? !

Precisely because these two people were rare and should not be transformed prematurely, Nangong Yue did not take them back at the first time, but just took away a dozen Hyuga branch ninjas at random.

Nangong Yue wanted to see what would happen to the bodies of these two children after the death of some more separated ninjas.


...The center of heaven, the lava space...

At this time, three first-born humanoid creatures with double horns and snow-white skin and eyes were standing on the ground formed by the cooling of magma.

Among them, a short boy (?) standing in the middle took out a tree seed the size of a fist. A shock wave blasted out a large pit and buried the tree seed in his hand.

"Although Kaguya has been sealed, she is still trying her best to recycle those energy creatures. It seems that she also wants to plant sacred trees and harvest high-quality chakra fruits again.

It’s a lot easier for us, and it’s enough to just pick the fruits when the time comes.

However, we cannot just make first-hand preparations. These tree species are our backup. "

Otsutsuki Momoshiki narrated plainly, but from his slightly frowning brow, we could tell that this guy didn't have much confidence.

"Oh? It's a bit difficult to snatch something from that woman's hand~

You know, even if she was sealed, she still swallowed a very high-quality chakra fruit, and it seems that she successfully advanced~

To be honest, I'm not sure~

Of course, if you are peach-like and devour this big man that is used as a fruit cultivation container, you should have some chances. "

Just to Momoshiki's left, Otsutsuki, who was tall and frivolous, was holding a fishing rod made of red energy in one hand and turned to comment to Momoshiki.

At the same time, a burly man with a height of more than two meters on the right side of Momoshik bowed to Momoshiki and said,

"Lord Momoshiki, when the time comes, please devour me decisively without any hesitation."

Momoshiki sneered at Otsutsuki Kane's suggestion.

"Hmph... Of course I won't hesitate. You originally created the container to cultivate an immature chakra fruit.

Sooner or later you will be swallowed up by me, there is no need for you to remind me. "

Taking a few steps forward, Momoshi used earth escape to bury the seeds of the sacred tree deeply, then turned around to look at Jin and Urashi.

"That woman Kaguya, even if she is a princess, she should not betray the family and swallow that fruit for herself!

But there is nothing we can do now. The current situation is that she is far stronger than the rest of us.

Even though most of the chakra in her body had been extracted by her son, the evolution that had been completed was irreversible.

If you want to punish her, you can only swallow new fruits. At the very least, you have to reach the same realm as her.

The only good news is that the woman is now sealed in the moon by her son, and we still have time to prepare. "

As he said this, Momoshiki took out another seed and opened a dark space door at the same time.

"Let's go to the next space."

Then, he walked in first, and the next moment, the three of them came to Kaguya's ice space.

As soon as he arrived, the somewhat jumpy Urashiki asked,

"In other words, we are waiting for the 200 organizations of the Akatsuki group to collect the tailed beasts and summon the sacred tree?

I feel that there is the chakra of Kaguya on that vegetative person."

As soon as Urashiki finished speaking, Jin followed up,

"Also, the newcomer who recently joined the organization, for some reason, is very close to the vegetative person.

And, that guy's chakra is very huge, in my perception, even not inferior to Lord Momoshiki!"

Hearing this, Momoshiki and Urashiki's eyes widened for a moment, and then immediately regained their calm.

"Humph! So what?

We who can devour the ‘pill’ to increase our combat power are not comparable to those inferior creatures.

Not to mention, as long as we devour the fruit, no matter who it is, we can’t defeat me! ”

While talking, Momoshiki buried another tree seed and prepared to go to the palace in the ice space to make some repairs first.

“Now, it’s time to wait.

These tree seeds can help us seize the sovereignty of these spaces.

With this, we can more or less borrow the power of the rules of these spaces.

If we fight with Kaguya, the overwhelming attack from the entire space will be difficult for us to bear. ”

Just as the three of them walked slowly towards the distant palace...

“Oh? Those tree seeds have these effects~

Then you are really unlucky. The seeds have just been planted, and it is impossible for them to take effect immediately~”

“Who? !!! !” "

The sudden spatial fluctuations and the strange voice that seemed to be right next to their ears made the people present instantly explode, and they instinctively dodged and distanced themselves!

Just after the three of them stood still, they looked at the figure walking out of the space door, and everyone's face looked bad.

"It's you? !"

That's right, the person who caught the eyes of the Otsutsuki trio was Nangong Yue wearing the uniform of the Akatsuki organization, the unprecedentedly powerful target of prevention in their mouths.


Chapter 199

"It's you? !"

"Why? In places like this, as long as you have mastered the spatial spell to a certain extent, aren't they all the back gardens of sorcerers? "

After seeing who was coming, Momoshiki withdrew his posture to fight, leaving the other two behind.

"Is that so... what? Are you showing your value and then surrendering to us?

You lowly creature! "

Nangong Yue did not get angry at Otsutsuki Momoshiki's rebellious remarks, but could not help laughing.

After all, Nangong Yue was quite tolerant of his future tools or experimental subjects, and he could not bite back~

"Well~ It is understandable that the naughty child speaks without restraint~

However, how should I put it... I don't want to control you right away~"

"Oh? Do you know what you are talking about? "

Nangong Yue's words have put Momoshiki on the verge of explosion, and the faces of Kinshiki and Urashiki also darkened.

Ignoring the implicit threats from Momoshiki and the others, Nangong Yue raised his left hand and pointed his palm at the three people opposite!

"(Energy release, explosive force, tendons and bones springing, air compression, impact reversal, human body strengthening, target locking, squeezing out air, shock wave, hundredfold amplification)

Then, let me play with you first~"


Facing the shock wave released by Nangong Yue, Momoshiki thought it was some kind of wind escape secret, and took a step forward calmly, raised his right hand, and faced the shock wave with the red palm of the Samsara Eye...

"Hehehe... After all, you are an inferior creature, no matter how strong your ninjutsu is?"

Nangong Yue, looking at Momoshiki's confident face and the two people behind him who suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, Nangong Yue couldn't help but hold his forehead with his left hand, and couldn't bear to watch it anymore...

Sure enough, at the moment when the shock wave hit Momoshiki! Momoshiki's expression instantly twisted!

"Actually! ! ! "


Urashiki, who didn't have time to perform the space spell, was blown away along with Momoshiki!

"Lord Momoshiki!!!"

Although Jinshiki, who maintained the virtual state, was not affected, he obviously didn't have time to save Momoshiki.

The snow dust dissipated, and a large canyon with a width of 100 meters, a few hundred meters deep, and a length of 10 kilometers stretched out from 20 meters in front of Nangong Yue, starting from the original location of Momoshiki!!!

Jinshiki stared at Nangong Yue for a few seconds, locked the coordinates of Momoshiki and the others, and teleported over.

Nangong Yue, sensing that Jinshiki was in place, split into four space clones.

After the four clones were teleported to the edge of the space, they worked together to completely block this icy space!

"Well~ In this way, although it will be a bit troublesome to use the space spell.

However, these three... or two little white mice, can't run away¨「~"

Then, Nangong Yue walked slowly along the canyon towards the Otsutsuki trio, one step per second, one step a hundred meters...

The scene shifted to Momoshiki's side...

At this time, Momo Shiki's previous feeling of ecstasy no longer existed, and Ura Shiki could no longer be unrestrained.

Their clothes were in tatters with only strips of cloth remaining, and their bodies were seriously injured. Their ribs were basically all broken, and all the broken ribs penetrated their lungs.

Not only that, Momoshiki was even more unlucky, as her abdomen was penetrated by a naturally broken ice spike as thick as a fist...

Now these two people are breathing like a bellows. If it weren't for the strong vitality of the Otsutsuki clan, they would have died long ago!

However, this was not allowed by Nangong Yue, so Nangong Yue also controlled his strength. He would not allow these people to be summoned by the old man Yuyi to cause trouble in the future.

“Cough cough cough!!!

puff! ! ! (vomiting blood)

What kind of monster is this? ! What caused this level of damage was actually a purely physical attack? ! ! ! "

Taoshi stood up with difficulty holding on to the ice wall, turned around and sat down against the ice wall.

The next second, Kinshiki teleported to Momoshi and consumed a lot of his own chakra to make several pills for Momoshi.

"Lord Momoshiki..."

After Taoshi took the chakra elixir, her body's injuries recovered quickly.

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