What did I do? Wasting a magatama for no reason? ! "

That's right, Obito suffered an unparalleled disaster today.

He was originally hiding in the different space to watch the battle, but was suddenly startled by a light cannon brought in by Kakashi, and had to quickly withdraw from the different space.

However, he was still hit by the first final shot, and was injured by the chakra of thunder and fire attributes, which is how the explosive head came about.

Obito waited for half a minute and entered the different space to watch the battle again. Not long after, another light cannon was transferred in!

This time, Obito cursed with thousands of vicious words and was instantly shattered by the light cannon! ! !

Just two minutes later, due to the effect of the pupil technique 'Izanagi', Obito was resurrected again. As soon as he appeared in a different space, the sight in front of him made Obito uncomfortable.

Because, in his eyes, his alien space was already riddled with holes.

Those white cubes are nothing, the point is, what are the dense spatial cracks in the space? !

These space cracks are more than two meters long and only a few centimeters small, but this amount is too much! ! !

In other words, if these cracks are not repaired on their own, as long as he uses his divine power to go out, his body will definitely be shattered by irregular space debris!

The only good news is that the repair speed of these space cracks is not bad. He can afford to wait for five minutes.

After his own alien space was completely repaired, Obito appeared here.

Just as Obito installed the Sharingan, put on the mask again, and put on a new uniform, a huge pitcher plant appeared on the ground next to him.

After the deployment, Black and White Jue reported the battle situation immediately,

"Madara, Kakuzu has been replaced, using the White Zetsu clone.

Also, Kyuubi has also lost his mobility, should we..."


Very good, with Zetsu's ability, it doesn't matter even if it is left to Konoha. "

"By the way, there are many Konoha ANBU ambushing near the Kyuubi." (Zetsu)

"Is this so...

Hehehehe... Even if Kakuzu dies, it won't matter. You can still use the 'Old Earth Reincarnation' to channel him afterwards.

As for Hidan... Zetsu buried in the soil, dig him out and take him away.

As for me..."

Before he finished speaking, Obito was sucked into a spiral and disappeared here.

Seeing Obito disappear, Zetsu immediately sank to the ground and began to deal with Hidan's affairs...

...Yamato's side...


After confirming that Kakuzu(?) was dead, Yamato pulled out the wooden thorn that penetrated Kakuzu's last heart.

Then, Yamato jumped up and joined Kakashi and the others.

Yamato walked back to a wooden chair next to Kakashi and sat down, wiping the sweat from his forehead with one hand.

"Now, the mission is completed~"

"No...your mission has not been completed..."

Suddenly, a strange voice came to Yamato's ears! ! !

Phew! ! !

In an instant, a kunai pierced the left side of Yamato's chest! ! !

"Yamato-sensei!!!" (Ino, Naruto, Choji)

"Oh? Did you respond quickly..."

I saw that Yamato, who was penetrated by Obito, quickly turned into a wooden man, apparently successfully using the wooden double.

At the same time, Yamato's body pulled Kakashi, who had woken up, away from Obito, and retreated in front of Naruto and the other three.

Naruto, who had received preliminary treatment, also stood up tremblingly, but it seemed that it was difficult to circulate chakra.

After all, Naruto is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and has also lost part of his mobility. This is the key target of protection nowadays!

As for Obito, he needs to take Naruto away as much as possible before reinforcements arrive!

"With such a powerless Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Before he finished speaking, Obito fell to the ground beneath his feet as if he suddenly lost weight.


The next moment, Obito emerged from the ground behind Naruto and reached out to grab Naruto's head!

At this moment, Choji and Ino were performing beyond their abilities. Choji's fist instantly grew bigger, and Ino quickly pulled out a kunai and smashed (stabbed) Obito on the head, hoping to make him throw a rat weapon!

And just when the two attacks hit!


I saw Choji's fist and Ino's kunai passing through Obito's body one after another! It's like walking through a holographic image! ! !

However, they did succeed in temporarily stopping Obito's actions, because the palm that Obito shot also passed through Naruto's head, and then further, the whole person passed through Naruto's body! ! !

The moment Obito passed through Naruto's body and arrived in front of him! Obito instantly spun around in the air, and whipped his leg hard with Naruto's crossed arms! ! !

Bang! ! ! ! !


Naruto's hands, which had been injured by his own technique, were kicked by Obito again, and Naruto immediately felt severe pain!

Because of the pain and negative emotions, Kyuubi's chakra surged out again!

boom! ! ! ! !

Just when Naruto hit a big tree, creating a large crater with a diameter of more than five meters, Naruto's eyes had changed from blue human eyes to scarlet beast pupils! ! !

At the same time, there were already three chakra tails growing out of Naruto's back!

Obito, who was in mid-air, faced the large number of wooden thorns created by Yamato and entered the virtual state again.

"The attack... passed through?!!!"

Obito, who escaped Yamato's jutsu and fell to the ground, sank into the ground again and moved towards Naruto's position.

"Hmm?! There is no chakra fluctuation of Earth Release?!!! How did he do it?!!!"

The three of them had no time to think about it. Yamato led Choji and quickly rushed to Naruto's position, leaving Ino to guard Kakashi, who had woken up but was still in a severely weak state.

Because the opponent's target was the Jinchuuriki, it was right to charge at Naruto first, but Kakashi, who had basically lost his combat effectiveness, could not be left alone.

Sure enough, just when Yamato and Choji were about to arrive in front of Naruto, a hand came out from the tree behind Naruto, still ready to grab Naruto's head!

However, due to the enhancement of Nine-Tails chakra, Naruto temporarily regained his mobility.

And he himself knew that the opponent was likely to attack from the blind spot of his vision, starting from behind him.

This time, Naruto reacted. Just before Obito's hand was about to touch him, the three energy tails behind him swept directly towards Obito behind him! ! !


This time, Obito still failed. The three energy tails still penetrated his body. Obito himself also passed through Naruto's body, rushed directly into the ground, and temporarily disappeared in Konoha. Within the sight of the ninja.

"Naruto!!!" (Chouji)

"Hokage style ear smoothing technique! Kakuan enters the palm of the hand!!!"


Chapter 208


"Hokage style ear smoothing technique! Kakuan enters the palm of the hand!!!"

At the same time that Obito disappeared temporarily, Choji and Yamato rushed to Naruto in the three-tailed state.

At the same time, in order to prevent Naruto from going berserk further, Yamato quickly sealed Naruto's Nine-Tails Chakra!

Just when Yamato imposed a seal on Naruto, Obito came out from behind Yamato again. This time his target was no longer Naruto, but the Wooden Ninja!

"Your Wood Release is too much of an eyesore! Go to hell!!!"

With Obito's low roar, Obito put a hand on Yamato's shoulder, and at the same time, with the opening of the whirlpool mask as the center, the space was distorted at an extremely fast speed!

At this time, Yamato was unable to fight back because he was sealing the Nine-Tails, and Choji was still in front of Yamato, and was also out of reach of Obito who was standing behind Yamato!

"Time and Space Ninjutsu?!!!"

Not far away, Kakashi, who barely woke up, recognized the opponent's technique at a glance! He is too familiar with this kind of spatial fluctuation!

Just when Obito and Yamato were only half swallowed by the space!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! ! !

'Have reinforcements arrived...'

A large number of kunai were shot at Obito behind Yamato. In order to avoid these kunai, Obito had to give up sucking Yamato into the different space. The originally distorted space was restored instantly.

Then, dozens or hundreds of kunai and shurikens penetrated Obito's body directly!

At the moment of escaping, Yamato temporarily broke off the sealing technique, teleported behind Naruto, and then started sealing again.

This time, under Choji's care, he quickly suppressed the Nine-Tails Chakra in Naruto before he completely transformed into the Four-Tails.

As for Naruto, his body had been backfired by his own technique, and his meridians had been extensively damaged, and now he was almost transformed into a four-tailed man!

Therefore, after the Nine-Tails Chakra was sealed, Naruto could no longer hold on and fainted.

On Obito's side, after dodging a wave of blade shots, he turned sideways and temporarily distanced himself from Yamato and the others.

Looking at these silent ANBU, Obito, who was full of confidence in his abilities, completely ignored these fully armed ANBU ninjas and still looked leisurely in the direction of Naruto.

"The Jinchuuriki is in such a weak state, I really don't want to give up this opportunity!"

After Kakashi took a military ration pill, he recovered some chakra and regained his mobility.

Just before Obito landed in mid-air, dozens of Konoha Anbu sprang out from around him. Just as Obito landed, he was surrounded by these ninjas!

Just when Obito was surrounded, Kakashi flashed to Naruto and others and looked at the members of the Akatsuki organization who were surrounded.

“He’s a new member again, and this guy’s ability is very weird.

Just now, that was obviously a time and space ninjutsu... huh? ! ! ! "

At this moment, Kakashi and Obito's eyes met! ! !

"That's!!! Sharingan!! ¨"!"

Not only Kakashi, but also many ANBU ninjas noticed the eyes under the hole in the spiral mask!

"Earth Release! The art of beheading in the heart!!!"

Just when Obito looked in the direction of Naruto, a pair of hands stabbed out from under his feet, ready to hold his legs and ankles and pull him into the ground!

However, the ANBU who took action... no... none of the ANBU present had seen Obito's previous battle, otherwise they would not have taken action so rashly.

No... among these ANBU, there was still a ninja from the Hyuga clan, but before they could share the information, that ninja took action!

Sure enough, the hands of the ninja underground grabbed the air directly and passed through Obito's body, which made him very strange.

Obito, who was passively operating the technique, naturally felt the attack from under his feet. Just after his hands crossed Obito's legs, Obito picked up a kunai and pierced it into the ground! ! !

Phew! ! !

ANBU Chuunin, minus one!

Just when Obito killed an ANBU, he jumped up high and activated the pupil technique at the same time, sucking himself in quickly!

The moment they saw Obito take off, the ninjas surrounding him immediately threw a large number of blades at him!

However, if Obito only absorbs himself, it only takes half a second to successfully enter the different space before the blade hits him!

Obito disappeared, and the Konoha ANBU present were not slow to respond. They immediately adjusted their positions and moved closer to Naruto and others.

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