They also knew that the main target of the Akatsuki organization was the Jinchuuriki. Now that Naruto's condition was extremely poor, he was naturally the enemy's main target!

Not only Naruto, whether it is Kakashi or Yamato who can use Wood Release, they are all threats to the Akatsuki organization and will naturally be targeted.

However, Kakashi's condition is not much better than Naruto's.

After being at the scene for so long, they also understood Kakashi's state, used a large amount of chakra, and forcibly used the high-energy space-time pupil technique twice!

This burden is indeed too serious for Kakashi, who does not have much chakra reserves.

To be honest, they were really impressed that Kakashi was still able to move!

Just before the protective circle was formed, Obito came out from the top of the big tree behind Naruto. At the same time, the exposed Sharingan stared at the people below,

"Dancing in the storm!!!"

In an instant, the space in front of Obito was rapidly distorted, triggering a powerful tornado! Sweeping towards the ninjas below! ! !

"Earth Escape! Earth Current Wall!!!"

"Wood Release! Tree Boundary Wall!!!"

Facing Obito's large-scale attack, the ninjas below reflexively used their own defensive ninjutsu!

'Haha... it blocks the view...'

Just as the defensive ninjutsu of the Konoha ninjas were arranged, Obito sank into the trees again and disappeared in this space!

The next second, behind a ninja at the rear of the ninja army, a hole in space opened. Obito held Kunai's hand, twisted it, and stabbed it out from the hole! ! !


At this time, a Hinata ninja turned around to remind, but it was already over!

Phew! ! !

The moment the kunai penetrated the chuunin's neck, several ninjas around him reacted to the Hinata Anbu's reminder, pulled out their ninja swords, and slashed at the twisted hand!

However, their speed was still not fast enough. Because of the reaction time of a few tenths of a second, Obito had already completed the attack and retreated!

"It's time and space ninjutsu again?! What's the relationship between him and that Nangong Yue?"

Kakashi did not have any psychological fluctuations due to the death of his companions, or in other words, he had long been accustomed to it.

It took less than two seconds for Obito to kill a chuunin. Behind the Hyuga ninja, Obito came out of the ground and put a hand on his shoulder!

"Hinata, as a sentient ninja, I have to exclude you first~"

For the first time, the style of Obito's Sharingan changed from the three magatama to the Mangekyo Sharingan, and for the first time, it launched full space absorption!

In the end, at the cost of being shot in the leg with a kunai, he and the Hyuga ninja were sucked into a different space in just half a second!

In a different space...

"`.Wood Escape! Tree Binding Kill!!!"

"Wood Release?!!!"

The first time this Hyuga Chuunin entered the different space, he was tightly restrained by Obito's Wood Release!

At the same time, due to the loss of his mind, and the fact that Obito is not using the ordinary Sharingan, but a higher level Mangekyō! He was easily controlled by Obito's genjutsu.

After capturing a Hyuga ninja in less than five seconds, Obito opened a space hole again to observe the enemy's situation.

Finding a place with the largest gap, Obito once again appeared in front of the Konoha ninja in a twisted spiral.

"over there!!!"


After solving the enemy's 'eyes', Obito can now be appropriately bold!

This time when he appeared, Obito didn't even have a fighting posture, but walked slowly towards Naruto!

Before he had even taken two steps, Konoha ANBU's attack arrived. Shots from various blades, plus a large number of long-range ninjutsu, hit Obito head-on!


"Damn it!!! It happens again!!!"

"This guy! What kind of ability does he have?!!!"

"Calm down!!! Look for his weak points!!!"

So, under this 'rain of bullets', Obito slowly walked towards Naruto's direction, to be precise, Yamato's direction.

"Wooden Ninja (Zhao), why do you want to seal the Nine-Tails? If you just let him go berserk, wouldn't it be more beneficial to you in terms of combat?"

boom! ! ! ! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! !

"What's going on? Why did the attack pass through that guy's body?!!"

"Is this guy really a human?"

"This...this is simply invincible!!!"

Once again, a large number of attacks penetrated Obito's body. As time went by, the confidence of these ninjas was slowly losing!

"Art fire escape ho fireball!!!"

"Wind escape! Wind cutter technique!!!"

"Thunder Escape! Earth Walk!!!"

"Wind Escape! Big breakthrough!!!"


Without exception, penetration, penetration, all attacks, whether they are blades, ninjutsu, or even close body attacks with taijutsu, all pass through Obito's body! ! !

Until now! The Akatsuki uniform worn by Obito is still brand new! ! !

The instructions were transferred. At this time, Kakashi and Yamato were guarding Naruto who was unable to move!


Finally, ignoring all the attacks, Obito walked up to Yamato! ! !

"Answer me...the experimental subject named Yamato, Azuma!"


Chapter 209


"Answer me...the test subject named Yamato!"

Facing Obito who was very close at hand, Yamato held a kunai tightly in his hand.

Because it has never been possible to figure out the opponent's ability, and in addition, until now, it has not caused an effective attack on the opponent!

In fact, only the ninjas he killed were considered to have truly touched each other! ! !

"Akatsuki organization, please make it clear, that is not the Kyuubi! It is the Konoha ninja, Uzumaki Naruto!!!


“No...Kyuubi is Kyuubi.

For us, no matter who the jinchuriki is, what his strength is, or his identity, we just need to know that he is a jinchuriki.

From beginning to end, they were nothing more than vessels for the tailed beasts.

Just like the bowl people eat from, there is no need for a name at all.

Anyway, once the jinchūriki is stripped of its tailed beast, it will definitely die.

There is no need to remember dead people. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Naruto!

Facing Obito's sudden charge, the first reaction of the two jounin was to retreat and stop in front of Naruto!


but! Obito passed directly through the bodies of the two men and rushed straight towards Naruto who was leaning against a tree and unable to move!

And the next line of defense is Choji and Ino!

"Heart-body-changing art!"


Due to her impatience, Ino didn't even think about the consequences of failing to cast the spell, and just hit Obito with a secret technique!

However, Ino's mental power also penetrated Obito's shadow! What's more, it directly penetrated into Kakashi's mind behind Obito!

Because their bodies were swapped in an instant, both Kakashi and Ino were stunned on the spot!

In Obito's eyes, although he didn't know what the yellow-haired girl in front of him had done, it was obvious that the opponent's technique had failed!

In other words, only the fat man next to him who is obviously from the Akimichi clan is left!

So, Obito turned directly to look at Choji, whose fist grew bigger and smashed down on him!

"Magic! The art of shackles!!!"

Using the illusion released by the Mangekyou Sharingan, Choji can be immobilized easily!

At this point, Obito believed that Kyuubi was already within reach! ! !

However, just when Obito had put a hand on Naruto's shoulder and was about to be sucked into the alien space, suddenly, a kunai was stabbed from the side of his temple!

Without exception, this kunai penetrated Obito's head directly, but part of Obito's hand also penetrated Naruto's body.

However, this time, the kunai did not cut through Obito's body, but remained pierced through Obito's head!


"When you are immune to attacks, you can't attack others either.

There have been many times~ Just when you can obviously succeed...

Those few times, although our attacks did pass through your body, your own body also passed through the target you wanted to attack.

So, isn't it obvious? The state of your technique can only affect the whole body at the same time! ! !

Also, any ninjutsu, of course, must consume chakra.

Although I don't know the consumption of your spell, long can your body's weakened state last? "

Obito reacted and immediately jumped back, while Ino followed suit, always keeping the kunai in his hand 'submerged in his head'! ! !

Obito and 'Ino' jumped up and down for nearly ten seconds, but Obito still couldn't get rid of the kunai that pierced his head!

There is no other way, Obito can only fall into the ground to get out of this predicament.

Obito disappeared again, the real Ino released the secret technique, and the bodies of Kakashi and Ino were also exchanged.

Just when Obito appeared again!

“Everyone, throw the blade as hard as you can! Don’t stop!!!

besides! Earth escape ninja! If you continue to release ninjutsu, the opponent may also use earth escape techniques!

You must ensure that the other party maintains the technique of 'deforming the body' as much as possible! ! ! "

The moment he saw Obito appear, the most authoritative Kakashi immediately gave orders to the ANBU present! ! !

And these ANBU ninjas were not stupid, and after Kakashi's analysis, they calmed down.

Before, because all the attacks were ineffective, in panic, they actually ignored the most basic point that "chara is consumed to perform ninjutsu"!

As for Obito, who had just appeared, faced with this overwhelming array of blades, he had no time to suck himself into a different space and could only enter a virtual state.

Immediately, all the ninja tools penetrated Obito's body together.

Although Obito is still in an invincible posture and no one can attack him, the face under Obito's mask is extremely gloomy at this time.

Because he knew that there was probably no chance of capturing Kyuubi today.

Faced with such high frequency and intensive attacks that never stopped, he had no time to take away the unconscious Jinchuriki.

Moreover, the opponent has a large number of ninjas who can use earth escape, and they are constantly disrupting the structure under the ground, making it impossible for him to use earth escape to sneak into the ground, and can only maintain a virtual state!

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