It was not enough to finish the battle. Under the terrifying combination of the Third Hokage and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, the already declining Iwagakure front was shattered in an instant.

The same thing this time, the nine tails, combined with Kushina's sealing technique, easily beat the four and five tails.

At the same time, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had not weakened much, used his powerful Five Elements Escape Technique to completely suppress the Third Tsuchikage.

As for the Tsuchikage, looking at the aftermath of the battle between the tailed beasts and the battle between himself and the two Kage-level Third Hokages, the death toll on his side was already unacceptable, so he had no choice but to surrender.

The course of the war that followed was no different from the original world line. The Third Raikage was still surrounded and suppressed by 10,000 rock ninjas, and eventually died of exhaustion.

Soon, the three wars in the ninja world came to an end. The Sandaime Hokage, a conservative man, did not ask for too much war compensation, and the war ended smoothly. After all, they were all tired from fighting.

As for the heroic figure Uzumaki Kushina, after the war, she stared in Loulan's direction all day long, wondering what she was thinking.

However, she probably didn't know that since Minato had turned into ashes, the fate of her Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki would probably not be much better.

Of course, the source of this misfortune is not Konoha.

There has never been a Nine-Tails Rebellion in Konoha now. The villagers don't have much "hatred" towards the Nine-Tails. Instead, they regard her as a great hero who ended the war.

Even if it weren't for Danzo's interference, she might have become a 'kage' as a jinchuriki like Kirigakure's Yagura! ! !


At this time, Nangong Yue, who was three thousand meters underground, finally came out of seclusion and instantly flashed to a thousand meters in the sky in the desert here.

Of course, there is still no change in appearance, but the skin is more delicate. If you magnify it hundreds of times, you can still see a layer of energy film attached to the surface of Nangong Yue's body and circulating.

This has also been Nangong Yue's long-standing habit. The energy that naturally disperses outside the body is wrapped around the body and circulates back and forth, thereby sealing all the energy in the body and trying not to waste any of it.

To say the least, it is somewhat similar to the 'nian' in a certain hunter's world. This should be the 'entanglement' technique.

Of course, in addition to the most basic 'Tang', Nangong Yue also used the energy in his body to develop 'Jue', 'Zhou', 'Liu', 'Hard', ' The applications of 'jian', 'yin', and 'condensation' also include 'yuan', which Nangong Yue does not need.

Let's just say that the spell Nangong Yue cast when he came out of seclusion was a 'transformation' in the 'hidden' state.

In this case, although space fluctuations will still be sensed by beings who are proficient in space magic, it is difficult to detect Nangong Yue's energy fluctuations.

Now, even under the perception of the most elite sentient ninja of the Uzumaki clan, Nangong Yue is like an ordinary person. Even Naruto's 'malicious perception' in the future will be ineffective against Nangong Yue! ! !

Even if you close your eyes, even if Nangong Yue is already standing in front of the opponent, the sensing ninja will not be able to sense Nangong Yue's existence at all, no matter what means of perception he relies on!

To achieve this level, it is obvious that Nangong Yue has learned the 'immortal technique' of this world, the kind that he developed himself and is permanently activated!

As for the reason... Because he has absorbed energy of 'natural' attributes all year round, Nangong Yue naturally learned the immortal mode of the Naruto world.

To be honest... For Nangong Yue, who can use the 'chaos' attribute energy to cast spells, the 'immortal mode' does not have any increase in spell power.

Rather than using the so-called 'immortal chakra' to cast spells, Nangong Yue might as well directly use the 'chaos' energy before refining the differentiated attributes to cast spells, which would be more effective!

But, how can I put it...better than nothing.

At the very least, you can absorb energy from nature and cast spells. Even if the power of the spell cannot reach the upper limit of Nangong Yue's ability, you can save a lot of energy.

It has to be said that in terms of protracted combat, the so-called immortal skills in this world have indeed brought huge gains to Nangong Yue.

Of course, if you still want to use this 'immortal technique' in other worlds, I'm sorry, Nangong Yue still needs to analyze the 'natural' attributes of that world.

As for the specific improvement... Nangong Yue's body has slowly improved from the peak in the early stage of the country's destruction to the basic state in the late stage of the country's destruction, which is considered a big improvement.

Of course, the basic realm of the spirit body is still stuck at the peak of national destruction. Although it has improved a little, it is still far away from breaking through to the demigod level...

" seems that we still need the complete chakra fruit. This is probably the safest way.

When the last resort comes, you can only be completely exposed to the chaos of the void and accept the erosion of the tide of the void. If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent~"

Thinking of this, Nangong Yue had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and then looked at the huge energy group closest to him that was in the seal.

" the way...if you want to get the Ten-Tails, isn't there a ready-made one here?

There is no need to fight with that Princess Kaguya..."

After realizing this, Nangong Yue dodged towards the Shayin Village...

Chapter 220


Using the space technique, Nangong Yue easily took away the container that sealed Shukaku, and used the technique to 'create' to create an identical large jar.

Nangong Yue even specially sealed some Shukaku chakra and put the fakes back to their original places. Nangong Yue left directly.

At this time, Nangong Yue was in the sky behind a masked man wearing a black robe.~..

'Hmm... Is the inertia so big... Obito was still rescued by Zetsu, Nohara Rin still died, did Obito witness the death of Nohara Rin, or did he have a kaleidoscope? -!

It's a pity that I didn't encounter the kaleidoscope's eye opening, otherwise I would have had to carefully understand how the pupil technique of this eye was formed.

No matter how you think about it, it has the nature of "making a wish", "the emotions when awakening will produce corresponding spells" and so on...

Forget it, it's enough to go back and observe Sasuke's eyesight.

As for blockade...'

Suddenly, Nangong Yue flashed behind Obito and stabbed him through the heart with one hand! ! !

Phew! ! !


How can it be......"

Just when Obito's vitality was completely lost, the body hanging on Nangong Yue's hand quickly turned into a ghost and disappeared!

''s indeed Izanagi, but I don't know if he has any spare eyes...'

Then, Obito, who seemed to be intact, flashed behind Nangong Yue, punched a wooden thorn out of his palm, and stabbed Nangong Yue directly in the heart, but...

choke! ! !


Seeing that his wooden thorn did not penetrate the opponent's body, Obito was shocked at first, but he immediately reacted and the wooden thorn began to grow violently and wrapped around Nangong Yue's body!

However, Obito's attack still failed to work this time, and these vines passed directly through Nangong Yue's body!

Seeing this familiar scene, Obito's remaining eye suddenly widened!

Just when he was about to activate his 'divine power', he was stunned!

At this time, Nangong Yue, who was wearing the uniform of the Akatsuki organization, slowly turned around and faced Obito who looked in disbelief.

"Is it weird? The space ninjutsu can't be used?"

The technique failed to work, so Obito calmed down forcibly. The single eye exposed by the mask stared at Nangong Yue, who was not far in front of him.

"Who are you? We don't have anyone like you in the Akatsuki organization!"

"Hehehe... Just a reminder, Dragon Vein."


People from the future...what..."

Nangong Yue slowly walked towards Obito, slowly raised his left hand,

"To be precise, they are people from a parallel world where time has progressed to the future!

Definition, gravity is on top, energy is in the middle, and the human body is on the bottom. "

boom! ! ! ! ! !


In an instant, Nangong Yue blessed Obito with more than a hundred times the gravity!

This time, even if half of this kid's body was made up of Senju Hashirama's Yang Dunxian human cells, he still wouldn't be able to withstand such heavy pressure.

What's more, by blocking his use of chakra, he can't even use the most basic substitute techniques, let alone 'Kamui' and Izanagi!

Obito was half-kneeling on the ground, his thigh bone had pierced his knee, and half of it was pierced below the ground. His head was lowered, his eyes were raised, and he stared at Nangong Yue's leisurely and frivolous face, as if he wanted to remember this picture completely. About to kill his own face.

Nangong Yue ignored Obito's resentment, walked slowly in front of him, and put his right hand on his head.


Phew! ! ! ! !

In an instant, Obito's whole body exploded, and then his Mangekyo Sharingan was embedded in the palm of Nangong Yue's hand.

Next, Nangong Yue used the Mangekyō Sharingan as a medium to sense the different space.

Just in time, Nangong Yue shattered this slightly fragile alien space and integrated it into his own alien space as nourishment.

After doing this, Nangong Yue started the 'renovation' again, took out the Sharingan, put it into a small bottle containing a special nutrient solution, and threw it into the storage space.

Finally, he glanced at the ground beneath Obito, opened a space door, and stepped in casually.

Just after Nangong Yue left, Black and White Jue slowly rose from the ground.

“It’s trouble this time, Madara’s heir was killed like this?!

Also, the sealed space, and the incomprehensible art...I can't even move at all? !

Wait...gravity is on top, energy is in the middle, human body is on the bottom...

Something big happened this time! ! ! "

Suddenly thinking of something, Black and White Zetsu quickly got into the ground and rushed in one direction.


In a cave near the Hidden Rain Village, Konan, who was wearing a new uniform of the Akatsuki organization, and Uzumaki Nagato, who was in a strange device, looked at the figure of Rokudo in front of them, wearing a red cloud and black robe, with mixed emotions.

"Xonan, the time has come to kill Hanzo and avenge Yahiko.

At the same time, it is also the beginning of true peace in this world. "(Nagato)

"what can I do?"

"You go and stop the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village, so that Six Paths Pain can deal with Hanzo with peace of mind."

"...Then I'll go first."

After saying that, Xiaonan's entire body exploded into a pile of paper butterflies, flying out of the cave and heading towards Yuyin Village.


In Yuyin Village, Tiandao Payne looked at the twisted, non-human body not far away in front of him, but he didn't feel any emotion in his heart.

“From here on, let the world feel the pain.

Demi god? After all, we cannot defeat the real God! "

It was still in that cave. Suddenly, a voice came from Nagato's ears!

"Congratulations, you have made great progress in realizing peace~"



'Destroying the soul, mechanizing the mind...'

Five minutes later, Nagato's brain and soul were modified, and Nangong Yue himself, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, changed himself into Madara...that is, Obito's appearance.

Later, Nangong Yue used Obito's magic method to bring Nagato to the location of Six Paths Payne and reunited with Xiaonan.

The moment she saw Madara, Xiaonan frowned.

"What are you here for?"

At the same time, in Nangong Yue's perception, Black and White Jue also arrived here.

Obviously, he knew that it was already too late.

However, he wanted to see what this terrifying visitor from the parallel world wanted to do.

Under everyone's gaze, the space beside Nangong Yue was distorted, and a sealed jar appeared on the ground.

And Zetsu, who recognized what this was, already knew in his heart that this guy was also going to collect tailed beasts~

If that's the case, it wouldn't be easy. Anyway, Kaguya only needs to be able to break the seal. It doesn't matter who executes the plan!

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