From this, Black Zetsu also controls White Zetsu and appears here.

"I stole this from Sunagakure Village. There is a Shukaku with one tail sealed inside."

"What?!!!" (Xiaonan)

"Oh?" (Puppet Nagato)

Looking at Xiaonan's reaction and sensing Hei Jue's thoughts, Nangong Yue felt that he was sure, so he continued,

“I prepared an identical thing in advance and put it back where it was.

Before Sunagakure Village notices it, we seal the One-Tailed Shukaku first to avoid long nights and nightmares. "

After the three people (?) agreed, Nagato first released the channeling of Six Paths Payne, and Nangong Yue continued to use Obito's method of casting. The space was twisted in a spiral, and the three people were sucked into a different space.

Looking at this familiar alien space setting, Xiaonan aside, Hei Zetsu felt a little strange. He even thought that Obito's previous murder was simply an illusion!

The reason is very simple. This area of ​​Nangong Yueyi's space was deliberately adjusted to look like the inside of Obitui's space...

There was no time for a few people to observe, and the four of them appeared in a hidden cave again.

.. . ........

Nangong Yue glanced at Nagato, who nodded and formed a seal with his hands,

"Psychic! Heretic Golem!!!"

Immediately, the heretic demon statue with its hands tied was channeled. Nangong Yue, Xiaonan, and Jue jumped on a finger respectively. Nagato summoned Pain, the Heavenly Dao, and also jumped on a finger. ..

"Fantasy Kowloon is banned!"

...Five days later...

"Okay, Yuyin Village is left to you.

Also, the next task is very heavy, we need to seal the tailed beasts one after another.

I am the one capturing the tailed beasts now, but after you stabilize the Hidden Rain Village, you will also join the tailed beast capturing mission. "

"This!!!" (Xiaonan)

"Isn't this... too rushed?" (Nagato)

"Hehehe... Just asking, do you think your reincarnation eye is just a decoration?" (Nangong)

"Hmm... Hehe hehe... Of course not, no one can resist the power of the Rinnegan, not even the tailed beasts!!!

give it to me.

Xiaonan, once things settle down, Yuyin Village will be left to you. "

"......give it to me."

Unable to defeat the two big bosses 'Madara' and Nagato, Konan, who was still only an elite Jonin, had no choice but to obey the arrangement. The main thing was to help his only remaining best friend, for his dream...

No matter what Xiaonan, a child who was kept in the dark, thought, Nangong Yue walked up to Jue's side and was directly sucked into the different space together with himself.

But this time, the place where the two appeared was no longer like a different space. Nangong Yue also took off the mask on his face and threw it into the storage space.

Before Hei Jue could speak, Nangong Yue teleported the two of them to the living room of the mansion, then walked to the main seat and sat down on his own.

"Can I ask, what role will you play in the organization in the future?"

Hei Jue randomly found a single sofa and sat down, testing it out.

But Nangong Yue was too lazy to argue with this loser who had been busy for thousands of years without success, so he went straight to the point.

“I am Kaguya’s collaborator, and I was attracted by her from another world.

In short, in exchange for leading the way, let me cooperate with her plan to break the blockade.


Chapter 221


“I am Kaguya’s collaborator, and I was attracted by her from another world.

In short, in exchange for leading the way, let me cooperate with her plan to break the blockade.

However, I later discovered that the original form of the Ten-Tails was of great benefit to me. I was originally waiting for the Ten-Tails to evolve into its complete form and then swallow it whole.

However, this is bound to conflict with her. "

Hearing this, Hei was by no means calm. Regardless of Nangong Yue's strength, just based on this tone and the information he knew, it was already a serious situation.

However, thinking of the way this monster used to kill Obito instantly, he resisted and did not take action.

"Are you going to stop mother..."

Nangong Yue, who knew what Hei Jue was thinking, took a sip of tea and said with a smile,


Ah ha ha ha! ! !

Who told you that swallowing the Ten-Tails would stop her?

You probably don’t know the specific situation of your mother!

You know, Kaguya Otsutsuki! But a real demigod! Compared to the Sage of Six Paths Otsutsuki Hagoromo, he is a whole level higher! ! !

That kind of existence would no longer need something like the Ten-Tails! ! !

All she needs is to use the power of the Ten-Tails to break the seal from the outside!

After all, breaking out is her fundamental goal! "


"Don't worry, I won't regret the deal we made, even if Kaguya in this life has nothing to do with me.

After I've devoured the Ten-Tails, it's up to me to break that seal. "

"But...why should I believe you?

Even if I trust you and your methods, I don’t..."

Halfway through Hei Jue's words, he swallowed the words stuck in his mouth, because now, a black energy ball appeared in the palm of Nangong Yue's right hand.

As for the seemingly ordinary energy ball, he was very impressed by the fluctuations on it! ! !

You know, when he was thrown out by Kaguya, Kaguya's seal had just begun, but he still remembered the energy fluctuations of this technique! ! !

"This is!!!'Six Paths Earth Explosion Star'?!!!

That bastard technique of Hagoromo? ! ! !

But! You clearly don’t have the samsara eye! ! ! "

Hei Jue's reaction was not beyond Nangong Yue's expectation. He helplessly dispersed the energy ball in his hand.

"Hey... I don't want to explain the nature of 'skill' anymore.

Isn't this natural?

I have the energy to activate the technique, and I also know how the technique works. Isn't it natural that I can successfully perform the technique?

Besides, I’m from a different world, so don’t look at me with your local mindset..."

Hearing this, Hei Jue was silent at first, thought about it carefully, and finally agreed to Nangong Yue's proposal.

There is no way, his energy body is very weak to Nangong Yue.

In addition, in terms of intelligence, he, a monster who has lived for a thousand years, may not have an advantage, so what else is there to do? Just obey the orders honestly~

However, thinking that his mother could successfully break the seal, Xiao Hei was inevitably excited, although it couldn't be seen from the paralyzed face...

"Okay, then, let's go to Yunyin Village.

It just so happens that the two tails and the eight tails are both here. Just catch them together. You can also see my strength. "

After a quick negotiation (?), Nangong Yue opened the space door and walked out first. Hei Jue was stunned for a moment, but hurriedly followed.

...over the Hidden Cloud Village...

"Speaking of which, Sir Nangong, isn't it a bit inappropriate to let this plant of mine float in the sky like this?

Also, we have been floating here for most of the day, what are we waiting for? "

Glancing at Bai Jue who was playing tricks,

"There's no need for you to fight anyway, just watch."

As he said that, Nangong Yue raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Very good, it's finally here..."

Hei Jue followed Nangong Yue's line of sight and looked up, only to see his pupils shrink!

"Can't this be it?!"

“It’s the ‘Tianzhen Zhenxing’, and it’s also the version of the Nine Stars Link~

I spent a lot of time looking for these meteorites in space~

Of course, it's just the first one now. The others are neatly arranged and floating in the outer orbit as backup ammunition for the future.

For this, I spent a lot of energy~"


(You haven’t shed a drop of sweat. How do you look like you’ve lost all your strength?!!!)

Don't we need to avoid it? "

Nangong Yue did not answer, but patted Jue on the shoulder, then took out a stone, raised it above his head, and then let it fall down.

As a result, Hei Jue discovered that the stone actually passed through his body!

"This is the development of the 'virtualization' technique. It can not only affect oneself, just look at it..."

...Inside Cloud Hidden Village...

"Hey...look up, what is that in the sky?"

"Oh oh oh!!! Look! Shooting stars in the day!!!"

"But why is it getting bigger and bigger?"


"No way......"


Haha... Cloud Hidden Village began to be in chaos. Just when the Fourth Raikage came out of the Raikage Building, the first meteorite had already arrived a hundred meters above Kumo Hidden Village! ! !

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Before the fourth-generation Ai could rush forward to destroy the meteorite, which was over a kilometer in diameter, it accelerated instantly and hit the ground hard...

...five minutes later...

“Well...gravity is on top, stone is on the bottom.

It’s true that I applied a hundred times gravity acceleration to it in the end, it’s quite powerful~”

'This monster is more cruel than Hagoromo...

Hagororo summoned the meteorite into the atmosphere and then fell freely, and this guy...

This guy actually guided the meteorite to fall naturally? ! ! !

Isn't it just about catching tailed beasts? Are you ignoring the entire ecosystem? ! ! ! ’

After the smoke and dust dissipated, what they saw was a huge crater with a diameter of more than ten kilometers and a depth of more than two thousand meters!

As for the Hidden Cloud Village...where is the Hidden Cloud Village? !

Ignoring the destruction in front of him, Nangong Yue looked up at the many rubbles that were thrown into the sky, then quickly looked at the situation in the ninja world, and turned to look at Hei Jue with some embarrassment...

"That... seems to be a bit too harsh...

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