But forget it, someone will solve it anyway, even the more powerful ninjas will not die~"


(Damn!!! This is not your world, of course you don’t feel bad!!!)” (Hei Jue)

Nangong Yue felt it carefully and found that the result was similar to his calculation. With the impact point as the center and a radius of 500 kilometers, there were no living creatures. 0.

"Well...that is to say, the country of thunder was destroyed...

And that’s not all, the huge tsunami caused by the meteorite impact... the Kingdom of Water will also suffer, and even the Kingdom of Fire will also suffer a catastrophe~

In other words, it’s not a lot of time~

Um? ! ! ! "

Suddenly, Nangong Yue slowly condensed a ball of blue and black energy from the bottom of the pit into a two-tailed cat demon that was only five meters long. However, the eyes looked a little dull and lacked energy. ..

"Hey! The energy body is so willful! Did you survive this?

Definition, the human body is on top and the heat radiation is on the bottom. "

Nangong Yue quickly ducked to the cat demon's side and looked at it carefully. As for the kitten's playful (?) attacks, they all penetrated Nangong Yue's body and had no effect...

"The moment the seal was broken, you gave up most of your body just to survive..."

Sorry, you still have to die~"

Saying that, Nangong Yue first used a large number of hardened ground thorns to penetrate the cute (?) cat, and held it in the air with the ground thorns. Then he took out the jar (?) that sealed Shukaku, and sealed it smoothly. stand up.

Nangong Yue's skillful technique made Hei Jue's head full of black lines... no... white lines. God knows how many times this guy has practiced it.

Also, if it weren't for the 'virtual' state given to him by Nangong Yue, with the current temperature here, his white body would have been burned out long ago! ! !

After Nangong Yue put away the altar, he looked in the direction of Yunlei Gorge in the distance, where there was the only living creature nearby, the eight-tailed bull ghost.

However, this big octopus, which originally hated high temperatures, was in a dying state under the high temperature. This also made Nangong Yue lose his energy and completely lost his playful mood.

So, he opened the space door and swallowed himself and Hei Jue in an instant. The next second, he appeared next to this big octopus about fifty meters high, and then...

‘Space modeling, enchantment, soul-destroying. ’

At random, a sharp spatial thorn penetrated the forehead of the cow's head!

"Roar!!!!! "

Nangong Yue just floated in the air, quietly watching Niu Gui's soul being torn apart and shattered, going crazy with unspeakable pain, and smashing the hot rocks around him with all his strength, as if this could alleviate the pain a little bit. of.

After a few minutes, the Eight-Tails' riot went from being violent at the beginning to now, with only a few tentacles lifting and lowering from time to time to prove that the vitality of its soul still exists.

After another minute or so, the eight tails were completely motionless, and no expression could be seen from the two eyes on the cow's face that were larger than humans.

Because the Eight-Tails showed no resistance, the sealing process was completed in less than ten seconds.

To be on the safe side, Nangong Yue specially brought an empty container to seal the eight tails. God knows what would happen if the two tailed beasts were sealed together.

After the seal was completed, Nangong Yue quickly pulled Hei Jue and left this high-temperature hell. Instead of returning to Yuyin Village, he came to the Kingdom of Water, targeting the Six-Tails and Three-Tails.

Of course, before leaving, Nangong Yue did not forget to collect all the spirit crystals of the entire Kingdom of Thunder. This is a lot of souls!

Also, Nangong Yue will certainly not forget all the information about the magic techniques of the Kingdom of Thunder.

This time, Nangong Yue has something big to do...


Chapter 222


After the two of them had a leisurely lunch in a different space with Hei Jue, Nangong Yue sent Hei Jue back to the vicinity of Yuyin Village, and then he came to the Kingdom of Water where the natural disaster had passed...

"Well...if you put it that way, this meteorite helped a lot~

Who has time to take care of me at this time?

But, before that...

Definition, the air is on top and the spirit is on the bottom.

Enchanting, destroying souls and restoring souls.

Finally, the spirit child crystallized..."

At this time, the Kingdom of Water, swept by the 'EX-level water escape secret', was in a mess.

In short, all that remains intact is the rock.

As for living things, except for aquatic products, no ninja with any level of skill can survive, let alone civilians.

Of course, the Kingdom of Water is not as thorough as the Kingdom of Thunder, but the Daimyo is still protected by powerful guardian ninjas and is able to survive.

However, there are not many people left in the entire Water Kingdom, and his name, to be honest, has no practical significance~

Back to Nangong Yue here...

After waiting slowly for more than an hour, Nangong Yue finally collected all the souls in the current Kingdom of Water, and also read all the spells in the Kingdom of Water.

I believe that through the flow of spirit crystals, many people have locked onto Nangong Yue's location, but none of these people have time to pay attention to the changes here.

"Well... with so many souls suddenly missing, will there be any big problems with the reincarnation system in this world?

Forget it, this world has been decided to be used as a sacrifice anyway~


Nangong Yue floated into the space crack that opened behind him, and the next second, Nangong Yue appeared above the chaotic Wuyin Village.

In the current Kirigakure Village, because Payne has just avenged Yahiko, Obito is dead, and the Fourth Mizukage Yagura has not yet been attacked by Obito and Payne, so he is not controlled by genjutsu.

Therefore, Kirigakure Village is not as cruel as the "Blood Mist Village" in the future. The ninjas and villagers are still united, and the situation of evil hands is not serious.

From Nangong Yue's perspective, Yagura is leading many water escape elites, desperately trying to interfere with wave after wave of tsunamis, so that these huge waves can avoid the main island where Kirigakure Village is located.

As for the other small islands in the Kingdom of Water, I'm sorry, the level of these ninjas is limited. Just to protect the main island of Kirigakure Village, they have already exceeded their own limits.

Seeing this, Nangong Yue felt relaxed. He only needed to wait until today's tsunami passed.

You know, tsunamis come and go quickly. The trouble is the strong earthquakes that affect the world and the sudden volcanic eruptions in various places!

Apart from these, the most terrible thing is the large explosion of the meteorite hitting the ground, which produces a large amount of high-temperature smoke and dust.

This smoke and dust carries a lot of things, including high temperatures of hundreds of degrees Celsius, nuclear radiation, and a large amount of toxic gases.

If it is not solved as soon as possible, as long as the smoke and dust are allowed to exist for more than a week, it will be enough to heat the exposed water around the world to boiling, and basically all marine life will die. Except for those near deep-sea volcanoes, those creatures that have long evolved high temperature resistance .

If it is not resolved within a month, without sunlight, plants will begin to die on a large scale, causing important links in the food chain to break and the entire ecosystem to be in chaos.

Therefore, those wind escape ninjas are very busy now, as are the ice escape ninjas and water escape ninjas.

"Well...because of a single technique, all the creatures around the world are working hard to fill the hole for me. It's really hard work~

Fortunately, not all nine meteorites fell down...

In my fairy mode, I use the planet's own energy to destroy the planet. I'm afraid I will be cursed by the planet itself...

Hmm... let's wait until they calm down. It's just a good time to digest the spells of the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Thunder. "

After making the decision, Nangong Yue entered his own alien space, activated his thinking a thousand times every day, and studied spells in the mental space.


By that night, everyone who survived knew what happened. God knows what, but the earth was suddenly hit by a meteorite.

Of course, except for Nagato who had some doubts, no one thought about the 'technique' aspect at all. After all, it was too unbelievable, just like they always regarded 'Six Paths Sage created the moon' as a fictional story.

These people didn't even think about why the meteorite hit the Kingdom of Thunder, and it seemed to hit the center of Yunyin Village.

No... these people probably don't dare to think about it. They don't want to encounter this big devil who seems to only exist in nightmares. They just think it is Yunyin Village's bad luck...

After understanding the cause of the incident, ninjas all over the world, although the war had just ended, now had to unite to resist the natural disaster (?).

At this point, all the ninjas from the ninja village gathered in Konoha, and the unprecedented ninja alliance was formed in such a hasty way? !

However, once the Kingdom of Thunder is removed from the list, there will inevitably be another large-scale fight, although now there is nothing left in the entire Kingdom of Thunder...

On the morning of the fifth day, the Fourth Kazekage, the Third Hokage, the Third Tsuchikage, the Fourth Mizukage, and Nagato looked at the huge hollow above their village and felt the sunlight shining on their faces that they were accustomed to. , everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief...

So much so that Nagato, in the following days, asked Tendo Pain to be dispatched to cooperate with the Kage of the major ninja villages to work together to solve the high-temperature smoke and dust that enveloped the sky.

There is no way. Although the world is indeed peaceful after everyone is dead, this kind of peace is not what Nagato pursues!

In other words, in the program set by Nangong Yue, there is no "extermination of life". Nagato, who has basic intelligence, naturally knows what to do.

However, Nagato at least did not reveal his Rinnegan Eyes. When negotiating with others, he still wore contact lenses. Of course, he did not foolishly wear the red cloud and black robe of the Akatsuki organization.

In the impression of these Kages, Payne is just a powerful wind and water ninja. Although Jiraiya was a little confused when he recognized Yahiko, he didn't say much, but was very proud of it...

Well...if Jiraiya knew that a few decades later in normal history, he might die at the hands of this disciple...

The reason for this is that Nagato was smart. When using the Shinra Tensei and flying with the help of gravity, he also entangled the wind-type chakra around Tendo Payne.

It just so happened that this was also used to let the ninja world know that in the Land of Rain, after the demigod Hanzo, an extremely powerful shadow-level expert had once again emerged.


These troublesome smoke and dust are really deadly. By the seventh day, all marine life is almost dead.

It is estimated that these ninjas will be responsible for raising fish next, especially in the Kingdom of Water, a place close to the sea and eating from the sea.

However, fortunately, the Kingdom of Water had the foresight to save a lot of fish fry on the first day of the disaster, hoping that they would be able to make a fortune after the fish see the light of day again.

Then came the planting of trees. The third generation of Hokage all wanted to use the dirt to reincarnate and summoned the first generation. And then, the third generation did so.

As for the reason, after the smoke and dust blocked the sun for more than a month, a large number of vegetation had died in the Fire Country.

Not only for the sake of the ecological environment, but also for the future status of the Fire Nation, this large forest cannot be lost.

Without the rich vegetation and fertile soil, what would be the difference between the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Earth, and the Kingdom of Wind?

As for the summoned Senju Hashirama, because the technique has not been perfected yet, he only has the strength of an ordinary Kage level.

Fortunately, the reincarnation of the dirty soil can restore mana infinitely, and the first generation himself is also hard-working and the speed of reforestation is quite acceptable, which makes the third generation smile from ear to ear all day long.

But the Shodaime still had to do his best to provide for him, and even the overall command of the village was temporarily returned to the Shodai.


Finally, more than three months later, with the full cooperation of many ninjas, the originally deadly high-temperature and poisonous radiation smoke was finally suppressed to a tolerable level, and ninjas from various countries returned to their respective homes.

However, Five... That's right, the new Five Shadows have no intention of disbanding the 'United Army'. After all, they finally ushered in a period of peace, and then suddenly encountered a natural disaster. Now they are going through a lot of hard work to bring the 'World' The rescue is back...

As for the fifth Kage, of course it was Yahiko (Tendō Pain) who showed extraordinary combat power. Nagato simply took the opportunity to unite (annex) Grass, River, Bird, Bear, Snow, Oni, You, and Taki. These are in the All the small countries bordering the three kingdoms of Earth, Fire and Wind.

The daimyo of the three kingdoms of Fire, Wind, and Earth simply acquiesced when they saw the terrain of this new so-called big country. They didn't have time to care about these things now anyway. They were all places with poor resources anyway, so they could just take it. Bar.

Besides, suddenly annexing so many countries will definitely cause chaos internally.

You know, now that the world has been hit by disasters, we can't even take care of our own country's affairs, let alone foreign countries.

It is estimated that with the current situation of the planet, it will be impossible to start another war in seventy or eighty years. It is better for all countries to simply unite, which is equivalent to the United Nations.

Just when all the countries were in dire straits, Nangong Yue, the culprit who almost destroyed the world, finally came out of seclusion after four months.

At the first moment, Nangong Yue locked the position of the puppet Nagato. Then, Nangong Yue used the 'sky movement' to reach the sky above the central tower of Yuyin Village.


Chapter 223


Nangong Yue, who appeared above the Hidden Rain Village, once again disguised himself as 'Madara Uchiha' and flashed directly to the top-floor office of the central tower.

And now, Yahiko (Tiandao) and Xiaonan are staying here. Among them, Xiaonan is doing his best to review and approve the copy just like in the previous world. The same is true for Yahiko. It seems that it has become a habit in the past few months.

The moment he saw Nangong Yue appear, Yahiko stared at him.

"Madara, the meteorite four months ago was probably your fault.

Just to capture two tailed beasts? "

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