Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 516: The Super Strong Perverted Uncle

Apas wanted to escape, but couldn't.

Not only could she not escape, she had to force a smile while listening to the yellow-haired man talking about all kinds of heavy-handed methods.

"I ate snake soup once in the Magic City before, and it tasted amazing."

Xu Fang said excitedly: "Kill the snake, remove the head and tail, remove the internal organs, cook it to remove the bones, peel the meat into strips, stir-fry it with cooked lard, and cook it with cooking wine...

Apas, when the little Medusa is found, big brother will make it into snake soup for you, okay?"

Apas smiled reluctantly: "Okay..."

Mu Bai reminded weakly: "Medusa's upper body is human."

"What are you afraid of?" Xu Fang smiled kindly: "Just cut off its lower body, keep the upper body, and cut it off when a new snake tail grows."

Apas's already pale face became even paler.

"Apas, are you okay?" Heidi felt Apas's trembling and said with concern.

"No, it's okay." Apas forced a smile.

"That's right, doesn't little Medusa like to eat girls' hearts? I'll take out its heart and make sashimi for you." Xu Fang said.

"Don't scare the child!" Heidi said without curiosity.

The child was so scared that he trembled and hid behind Mo Fan in hunger!

"Damn, is it exposed?"

Apas acted with his acting skills, and his brain was working fast again.

This yellow-haired man was too suspicious. He opened his mouth and ate a male dragon Fiji cup and closed his mouth. Snake soup was a big tonic soup, and he slapped his face with malice.

Do you want to resist?

This is not realistic at all. Apas is now in the molting stage, which is her weakest time.

Even the supreme monarch-level existence of the Totem Black Snake is only equivalent to Zhu Meng's strength when she molts.

Not to mention that Apas is only a great monarch, and he has just experienced the pursuit of his two sisters. Now that he can exert the strength of a sub-monarch, it is even the spirit of the desert!

"Damn... I have to find a way to get out." Apas's brain was working fast.

If you want to escape the pursuit, you must rely on the power of these humans.

Xu Fang is definitely not an option. This man looks gentle and refined, but he is actually a super perverted uncle!

Zhao Manyan is not an option either. He looks lecherous. If you are with him, you will definitely be taken advantage of!

Mu Bai is not an option either. He has the ice aura that he hates the most.

Although Heidi is simple and easy to fool, she has a terrifyingly high spiritual level after just checking. If you are not careful, you may easily fall.

In summary, the guy who looks rustic and is called "Mo Fan" is still worth using.

The only thing that worries Apas is that the yellow-haired guy will suddenly attack. Fortunately, although the yellow-haired guy is a bit chatterbox, he did not recognize his true identity.

"Apas, do you know where Little Medusa is?" Mo Fan asked.

Apas leaned towards him and said pitifully: "Big brother, Apas remember, go in this direction."

Everyone followed his instructions and came to a small swamp lake.

Around the swamp lake, weeds grew in different heights, which looked messy and desolate.

The withered reeds swayed in the cold wind, making a rustling sound, and there was no other sound, and it was horribly silent.

"Under the lake." Heidi whispered, "Come up!"

She was very sensitive -- here it refers to the sound magic perception, and she could easily determine the location of Medusa.

Splash! ! !

The water surface broke open, accompanied by the sound of a snake sticking out its tongue.

A black shadow came out of the water and lay on a rock to bask in the moonlight.

Moonlight color, female fragrance.

The upper body of this figure is very graceful and beautiful, but the lower body is a snake tail inlaid with scales!

Girl Medusa!

"Do it! Side by side!"

Xu Fang was the first to jump up, and the huge purple thorn hand held the girl Medusa tightly from both sides.

The purple thorn hand was covered with greedy vines, eager to suck Medusa's blood.

Mo Fan used his own dark matter to turn the entire weed lake into his own dark domain.

Mu Bai used the frozen coffin, and for the sake of safety, he also conjured countless ice and snow chains, cooperating with Zhao Manyan's water control cycle to block every escape route.

"Telekinetic heavy artillery!"

Heidi opened her hands and was about to use her powerful telekinesis to blast the young Medusa girl.

"Stop, auntie, catch her alive!" Xu Fang hurriedly stopped her.

Heidi's telekinetic heavy artillery gathered the power of three-dimensional magic, and its power was enough to kill the commander-in-chief with one shot, not to mention the delicate young Medusa girl.

"Isolate the sound, be alert!" Xu Fang shouted.

Although Heidi was naive, she was obedient enough to immediately follow Xu Fang's instructions. Her one-minded three-mindedness was powerful enough to capture enemies from every angle.

The young Medusa girl was guarded by silver snake fighters outside. When they realized that their master had been abducted, it was already ten minutes later.

Xu Fang and the others had already fled, leaving countless poisonous insects along the way.

The angry silver snake fighters were no different from a self-service buffet in the eyes of poisonous insects such as the dust storm grasshoppers and the blue locusts.


A silver snake leader who was about to advance to the sub-monarch roared. Its body was more than 30 meters long, and its six arms held two extremely heavy bone hammers!

Every time it swung the bone hammer, the strong wind would roll up a bunch of poisonous insects and bury them alive in the wind.


The swarm of insects that had just been advancing one after another stopped and automatically dispersed to both sides to make a path.

The silver snake leader held a giant bone hammer and watched a bright yellow poisonous insect that looked like a cartoon drawing come to a dozen meters away.

The insect king raised his body like a cobra and stared at the silver snake leader with a provocative look.

It's been a long time since I saw such a nutritious prey... Today I deserve to have a taste of meat!


Everyone returned to Cairo City, and Xu Fang also sensed the Zerg gang that returned to the poison space.

The insect king seemed to have eaten too much, his stomach was bloated and he lazily occupied a large area and didn't want to move.

He opened a room and threw the tied-up girl Medusa on the ground, and then let her cry.

"Cry!" Zhao Manyan said with a nasty face: "If you don't cooperate, hehehe..."

"Zhao Manyan, you are so rude." Mo Fan said: "In my opinion, it's better to beat her up."

"Mo Fan, you are so rude." Xu Fang said: "It's inhumane to beat her up, or cut two pounds of meat to make soup."

He looked up and down at the young girl Medusa, and his eyes made Apas, who was watching on the side, a little creepy.

"The heart of all living things is wrapped in hot blood, and demons are no exception."

"In my opinion, pour a basin of cold water on her heart first, so that it will be crispy and delicious."

"This is the agreement between Apas and me, Apas, don't you think it's right?"

"Ah, right..."

Apas looked at the young girl Medusa, who was tied up like a dumpling by the magic tool and fixed in a very inhumane and awkward posture, and felt a little bit of grief in her heart.

But this yellow-haired man had a wrong idea. Our Medusa clan is famous for its iron bones.

How could she lose her dignity and even cry in front of humans because of such a trivial matter as having her heart gouged out?

Xu Fang condensed an ice knife in his hand and walked over step by step.

The young girl Medusa was still unruly at first, and she was not afraid even when facing the ice knife.

Apas was relieved, that's right, this is the good of the Medusa clan...

"Woo woo woo!"

The young girl Medusa suddenly burst into tears, and Apas was at a loss!

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