Xu Fang likes to check the girl's body very much.

The young Medusa is barely a girl.

For high-end ingredients, you only need to use the magic of music to analyze every inch carefully to find the most sensitive point.

A slight tremor of sound stimulated her, and a pocket of slightly turbid water flowed out of the girl Medusa's eyes.

A set of small company moves flowed smoothly, and the eyes of Zhao Manyan next to him changed, and he looked at Xu Fang with a look that shocked everyone.

If he had this trick, wouldn't those little goblins cling to him like an octopus?

"It's done, hurry up." Xu Fang said

Mo Fan hurriedly came over, not wanting to waste a drop. He wanted to drop the container and lick it.

This is their life-saving magic weapon!

And they are definitely not the only ones cursed by Medusa. The reward for Medusa’s tears from the Hunter Alliance is as high as 3.7 billion!

"What should I do about little Medusa?" Mu Bai asked.

"Stop talking, let's make soup."

Xu Fang said matter-of-factly, the skates flying and jumping in his hand in a fancy way, his eyes sizing up the girl Medusa to find the place to strike.

The girl Medusa's entire mood collapsed from the moment she shed tears. Looking at the approaching Xu Fang, she kept retreating in fear.

"Why do I feel that Huang Mao is the villain?" Mo Fan murmured after looking at it for a while.

at the same time.

Cairo is a military center.

"You mean, when you passed by, the girl Medusa had disappeared?"

Commander Ethan took a puff from his cigarette, and the choking gray-blue smoke coiled in the sky.

Major General Gangma's throat felt dry and itchy for a while, but he didn't even dare to cough. He winced and said, "Yes, and the scene is very messy. Here is a photo for you to take a look at."

Ethan took the photo and his brows gradually furrowed.

In the photo, there is a large clean snake bone.

Those who eat these snakes must be very good at eating snakes. There is no trace of meat on these snake bones, and they are so clean.

Ethan has been a military mage for so many years, but he has never seen such a clean specimen-level snake bone!

"Is this a poisonous insect?"

Ordinary bugs can't do it. Only poisonous bugs can corrupt the body and make the muscles flow from the snake's body like water.

"The fighting at the scene was very fierce. We judged that at least two super mages or commander-level demons were fighting."

Major General Gangma reported.

"No matter who it is, touching Medusa will lead to death!"

Ethan's eyes were cold and cold: "Gangma, I'll give you three days. If you can't find it, you know the consequences best!"

"Yes Yes···"

Gangma retreated in fear, turned around and called a military commander: "...I only give you two days, and you can't handle military law!"

"Yes, I only have one day, can't find it? If I can't find it, go feed the snake!"

"Think about your charitable mother, virtuous wife and lovely children. You don't want anything to happen to them, right? So, be sure to complete the task within six hours!"

"You are...forget it, come with me!"

In the end, the task fell to a large group of low-level officers and military mages, searching aimlessly.

"How can we find it? How can we find it!?"

A military mage said angrily: "Even if we find him, are we really able to deal with a guy of that level?"

Seeing time passing by and watching the sunset, a group of people were still at a loss.

"Desert Spirit bless me, I found a clue!" At this moment, a military mage shouted and ran this way like crazy.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, he looked like a naked angel with wings on his back and a golden halo on his head.


"Medusa's tears?" Ethan looked at the information in his hand.

"This is a bounty from the Hunter Alliance, with an amount of up to 3.7 billion." Major General Gangma said: "Just two hours ago, someone took away the bounty."

"who is it?"

"It's Fan Mo, the six-star hunter master from China. Judging from the information, this person once participated in solving the drowning curse..."


Army leader Ethan interrupted impatiently: "Just a hunter, let alone a master, what can an elder do?"

No matter how powerful the Hunter Alliance is, they are just desperadoes with a higher price at best. In the eyes of the military bosses, they are just pebbles and tools.

Real power is the kingly way!


Everyone had swallowed Medusa's tears, and Xu Fang pulled out the light left in their bodies.

"Try it." Xu Fang said.


Several people took a deep breath and closed their eyes at the same time to enter a meditative state.

In the past, at this time, a pair of extremely terrifying snake eyes would appear in their spiritual world, almost causing them to suffer from schizophrenia.

But not this time!

Everywhere you look, there are familiar nebulae and galaxies!

"It's done!" Zhao Manyan laughed, and those damn snake eyes finally disappeared!

Mo Fan said: "This time is really a blessing in disguise. I just went to the Hunter Alliance to collect the bounty, which is a total of 3.7 billion!"

3.7 billion. Even if Huang Mao splits the majority, each of them can get 5.6 billion, which is enough to buy an ordinary soul seed!

"Huang Mao, this mission is basically done by you, but the hunter points are all assigned to me. This..."

Before Mo Fan finished speaking, Xu Fang interrupted: "I'm just talking about foreign things, we are brothers!"

Mo Fan was a little moved: "Huang Mao, you..."

"I'll take an extra 100 million and transfer it from your account."


Mo Fan felt that he was probably crazy because he actually believed in Huang Mao's character for a moment!

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"This is our room, you have no right to come in... Damn my luggage!"

"I want to report you! Are military mages great? Can military mages do whatever they want?"

There was a noise outside the door, accompanied by shouts and curses from passengers, cries and screams from women, and various sounds of rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

"What's going on?" Heidi frowned and asked, "Is Egypt's public security so bad?"


The door to the room was violently pushed open, and a group of uniformed military mages broke in.


A silver light flashed in Heidi's eyes, and the gravity at the door of the room suddenly increased. Several military mages who had originally wanted to force their way in were pinned to the ground.

"We are under the command of Army Chief Ethan! Do you dare to touch us?"

The leading soldier couldn't even lift his head, his cervical vertebrae creaked and made a tooth-piercing sound, and his mouth was still unforgiving.

"Ethan is an egg, I don't know him!" Zhao Manyan was in a good mood but was disturbed by these Qiu Ba, and he cursed unhappily.

“Even if I’m making up lies, I don’t know how to make up something more resembling!” Mo Fan also said.

He didn't believe a word of what Qiu Ba said.

When talking about military leaders, Hua Zhanhong naturally comes to mind.

After all, whether from the perspective of strength or status, the gold content of a country's military leader is terrifying, and even the Holy City does not dare to sanction him lightly.

"You, how dare you!"

The eyes of these military mages widened. Who in this city of Cairo, and even in the whole of Egypt, did not know the name of Army Chief Ethan?

"You actually dare to humiliate the army leader. You are finished. You are waiting to die... Poof!"

It turned out that it was Zhao Manyan who kicked him: "You are the only one who talks too much!"

"Da da da!"

Outside the door, there was a sound of neat footsteps, and several more people walked in.

On the shoulders of the leader, there is a military rank!

"Which one of you is Fan Mo!"

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