Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 156 Breaking through the high level, I’ll give you something back【2】

When Song Jie saw Ai Tutu's smile, he knew that this guy wanted to run away!

But he had nothing to do, after all, his brother was right in front of him.

He keeps it in mind and will punish him severely when the time comes! !

Song Jie brought Ai Tutu into the living room and chatted wordlessly.

"What state of cultivation have you reached now?" Ai Jiangtu suddenly asked.

"Both systems have reached the third level."

Ai Jiangtu nodded, and Song Jie's answer was in line with his guess.

Ai Tutu originally wanted to talk to Mu Nujiao, but he knew that she was too tired last night, so he didn't call her.

"Song Jie, come up and help me carry my luggage." Ai Tutu called to Song Jie on the sofa.

When Song Jie heard the voice, he couldn't help but complain. Before leaving, he didn't forget to use himself!

He went up to the second floor and entered Aitutu's room.

This was the first time he entered a girl's room, and a light fragrance filled the room.

"I have two luggages, and I'll leave them to you." Ai Tutu said with a smile.

"You can..." Song Jie originally wanted to mention the maid costume, but saw the other party's pretty face suddenly coming over to him!

Ai Tutu stood on tiptoes and held her head high. Her soft red lips immediately left a faint lip mark on Song Jie's face.

She didn't give Song Jie a chance to react. She immediately turned around and left and said, "I'm going down first!"

Another sneak attack!

Song Jie had no choice but to take the two suitcases down.

Arrived downstairs.

The car that picked them up was already parked on the side of the road.

Ai Tutu waved to Song Jie, "See you after school starts! Remember to tell Sister Mu for me!"

After a while, the car disappeared around the corner.

After Song Jie saw Ai Tutu and Ai Jiangtu away, he returned to the rental house alone.

As soon as he came back and sat down, he heard the sound of the door opening upstairs.

Mu Nujiao stood at the stairs on the second floor, "Has Tutu left already?"

Song Jie nodded: "I just left for a while."

Mu Nujiao just woke up, and when she saw the message on her phone, it was still a step too late.

She returned to the room, replied to Aitutu, and then walked out of the room with her bathrobe.

Song Jie saw the bathrobe in Mu Nujiao's hand, "Jiaojiao, are you going to take a bath?"

Mu Nujiao nodded: "I was too tired when I came back last night and didn't have time to take a shower."

"I just broke a sweat helping her carry her luggage, let's do it together!"

Song Jie didn't give Mu Nujiao a chance to close the door, so he walked out quickly and immediately got in.

A few days later.

Song Jie woke up from Mu Nujiao's bed and happened to receive the news from Tang Yue.

His money has arrived!

More than 120 million!

This was the first time he had seen so much money, and the hand holding the phone was trembling.

But when I think about spending it soon, my heart aches.

Song Jie pressed the screen, looked at his handsome and haggard face, and thought to himself: "You still have to be more restrained."

At this time, Mu Nujiao just woke up. She looked at Song Jie and asked, "Why did you wake up so early this time?"

"Happy today."

"Ah!?" Mu Nujiao didn't know why.

"Did you not wake up?"


"Then let me help you..." Song Jie got into bed...

Reader: You just said you should exercise moderation! !

In the afternoon, Song Jie contacted Mo Fan and asked him to ask Zhao Manyan for help with the Galaxy Veins.

Mo Fan was no longer in the Magic City, so he gave Zhao Manyan's contact information and asked Song Jie to find it on his own.

After the two met, Zhao Manyan was very polite to Song Jie.

Because he went to inquire about Song Jie before, he found out that this was Song Jie who had 250 people a day!

Zhao Manyan is the son of the head of the Zhao family. The Zhao family has the most money but not much.

Therefore, with Zhao Manyan's connections and contacts, Song Jie acquired the Meridian of the Galaxy for 90 million.

After saying goodbye to Zhao Manyan, he went to find Dean Xiao and needed help from the Three-step Tower.

He had reported it to Dean Xiao before, so Dean Xiao directly agreed.

Song Jie was also an old acquaintance with the students guarding the three-step tower. He said hello and gave the approval slip and went in.

He came to the third floor of the three-step tower and took a deep breath. Whether he could break through to the high level would depend on this!

Retreat! !

Another few days passed.

Mu Nujiao, Mo Fan and others are going to study at the Imperial Capital University as exchange students.

The teachers accompanying this time are Qiu Yuhua and Gu Han, who are waiting for others at this time.

Gu Han said with a smile: "You should work harder this time. Last year our Pearl Academy defeated the Imperial Capital Academy."

Although not many people know about this matter, there are still many people who know it.

"Teacher Gu, don't put so much pressure on them." Professor Qiu Yuhua said next to him.

"I heard that our Pearl Academy directly crushed the Imperial Capital Academy when we were exchange students!" said a boy.

"Luo Song, aren't you from the Imperial Capital? You must know about this! Tell us quickly!"

Everyone looked at them, and Luo Song said helplessly: "It seems that there is a senior named Song Jie. He is the one who can challenge 250 people at a time. He summoned three warrior-level summoned beasts and defeated everyone in the Imperial Capital Academy. I’m confused…”

"Damn it, three summoned beasts? Can't the Intermediate Summoning System only summon two?"

"You don't know, right? He has a talent for mutation. Both the light system and the summoning system have mutated!"

Everyone was talking and talking.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get in the car and we'll go to the airport right away." Gu Han said after counting the number of people.

Everyone got on the car one after another, and the car doors were closed at this time.

At this moment, Song Jie's figure appeared on the side of the bus, where Mu Nujiao was sitting.

However, sitting behind Mu Nujiao was Bai Tingting, the girl Song Jie rescued at the stadium.

Song Jie waved in Mu Nujiao's direction to say goodbye to her.

Mu Nujiao suddenly felt warm in her heart. She gently raised her hand and waved slightly in response to him opposite.

"The person outside is the one you just discussed, that is, Song Jie who led Pearl Academy to crush Imperial Capital Academy last time." Gu Han's voice sounded in the car.

Suddenly, everyone turned their heads, and some quickly stood up and looked at Song Jie outside the window!

Bai Tingting's beautiful eyes showed a little surprise. She didn't expect that the person who saved her was Song Jie!

The bus gradually drove away, and when Song Jie was about to turn around and leave the school gate, his cell phone rang.

It was Ding Yumian who called him.

After Ding Yumian came back, he was either practicing or on his way to the library.

And Song Jie was busy making money, so they had little contact during this time.

Ding Yumian's voice came from the phone: "Song Jie, come to the lake. I have something to give you back."

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