Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 157 A lifetime of fame was ruined in the hands of a hunter badge [3]

Give something back to yourself?

Song Jie's eyes were full of doubts, but seeing that the other party hung up the phone, he could only go there and ask what it was.

At the same time, he has been practicing in the Three-Step Tower for the past few days, and the summoning system has broken through to a high level!

That is to say!

He is now a high-level mage!

Song Jie not only has magical training tools like bracelets, but also the training resources he obtained before!

Even the children of a big family would definitely not be able to match the resources he received!

In addition, the first place in the light system and the summoning system belongs to him.

Because of this, he has a steady stream of resources coming into his account every month or every week.

But some resources still need to be obtained by himself, such as the veins of the galaxy this time.

Song Jie felt a little more reluctant because of Mu Nujiao's departure.

But after breaking through to the high level, my mood improved a lot.

Song Jie walked towards the pool of Pearl Academy and took out his mobile phone at the same time.

[Song Jie: Mo Fan, Mu Nujiao is your sister-in-law. Please keep an eye on her. If anyone dares to bully her, come back and tell me and I will break his legs. 】

Mo Fan trembled when he saw the message from Song Jie.

[Mo Fan: Brother Jie, don’t worry, I will definitely keep an eye on it for you! 】

[Song Jie: Mo Fan, I treat you as a buddy. You should still remember how good I am to you, right? 】

[Mo Fan: Brother Jie, please don’t worry. If Mu Nujiao is in danger, I will definitely be the first to rush to help! 】

Song Jie had brought him out of Bo City before, and he was extremely grateful to him.

The previous ones, such as the fire spirit seeds, and the recent essences and bounties!

He will always remember Song Jie's kindness to him! !

Therefore, if anyone dares to have thoughts about Mu Nujiao or be disrespectful, he will be the first to disagree!

[Song Jie: With your words, I feel relieved. I believe in you! ! 】

[Mo Fan: Brother Jie, please rest assured that even if I am in danger, Mu Nujiao will not be in danger. 】


Song Jie came to the lake and saw a beautiful figure sitting on a bench reading a book.

He walked over and covered Ding Yumian's eyes, and said in a rough voice:

"Guess who I am?"

However, Ding Yumian did not answer Song Jie's words, but raised his hand...

Song Jie looked around and soon saw what was in Ding Yumian's hand! !

Isn't this the badge he has been looking for! ?

"Why is my badge at your place?" Song Jie asked with some confusion.

"I picked it up on the ground downstairs." Ding Yumian said calmly.

downstairs! ?

Song Jie slowly thought about it, and suddenly thought of what happened that day!

That night, after he became a demon, he saw that the window in their bathroom was not closed!

And his hunter badge obviously fell off when he entered! !

In the end, the badge was picked up by Ding Yumian, and now he took it out and gave it back to him! !

"Maybe..." Song Jie wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Ding Yumian:

"The dark shadow that night was you, right?"

As soon as these words came out!

Song Jie's heart suddenly "thumped". He had been caught!

Since Ding Yumian had already guessed it, he could only admit it.

Song Jie explained: "That night I was blowing air on the roof and saw that your bathroom window was not closed, so I..."

However, Ding Yumian just listened and didn't give him any reply.

But the hand he used to cover Ding Yumian's eyes felt a little hot. When she let go and walked to the side to look at her, the other person's cheeks were already stained with a layer of crimson.

She blushed because when she found Song Jie that night, she was taking off her clothes...!

If she said that, she would definitely be looked at by Song Jie...

"I noticed that you've been a little frivolous lately." Song Jie changed the subject directly.


Ding Yumian didn't dare to look into Song Jie's eyes. She didn't know how to face him next.

"Look if you don't believe me."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he reached out and pinched the flesh on Ding Yumian's face.

"Look, it's a little meatier than before. It seems like I've been eating well recently."

Ding Yumian's cheek was pinched just now, and the roots of his ears suddenly turned red and hot.

She had heard Song Jie say that she was thin, so she had made some changes in her diet after returning from the training.

So much so that now her face is really a little fleshy!

But after being pinched by Song Jie just now, Ding Yumian felt that he could no longer stay here.

"I'll leave now after I return the things to you!" As soon as Ding Yumian finished speaking, he stood up and left here directly.

"He ran really fast." Song Jie said with a smile.

He didn't expect that his lifelong reputation would be ruined by the hunter's badge.

Now that it’s exposed!

Then he should take on another responsibility!

After all, he has looked down on everyone, so he should give himself to the other person to make up for it!

As soon as Song Jie returned home, Tang Yue called him.

"Song Jie, are you on vacation now?" Tang Yue asked.


Tang Yue said: "If you want to make money, come to the Lingyin Temple Trial Conference immediately."

"Does the superior agree?"


"Okay, I'll go there tomorrow!"

Song Jie told Tang Yue about this matter before, and the other party also reported it.

He immediately summoned Xiao Hei, reached out and rubbed its little head.

"Xiao Hei, we are going to make a lot of money next!"

There must be a lot of prisoners in the trial, and they can get bonuses for interrogating every prisoner!

One can imagine!

You will definitely make a lot of money this time!

However, Xiao Hei looked at him with a look of resentment.

Song Jie explained: "Oh, actually I also want Ai Tutu to take you to eat delicious food. Isn't he gone now? I don't have time."

Xiao Hei ignored him.

"Xiao Hei, the place we are going to this time is Lin'an. There are a lot of delicious food there."

Song Jie continued: "For example, Xiao Long Bao, Braised Green Onion Buns, and West Lake Vinegar Fish. I remember you like fish the most!"

Xiao Hei almost drooled when he heard it! !

It slowly raised its head and said "meow", as if to say this is the last chance I give you!

Please cherish it!

Song Jie smiled slightly, showing a capitalist smile.

the next day.

Song Jie arrived in Lin'an in the afternoon.

As soon as he arrived at the airport, Tang Yue was already waiting for him outside in his car.

"Teacher Tangyue."

"Get in the car!"

After Tang Yue saw Song Jie get into the car, she drove towards her residence.

"You should have bought the Galaxy Vein Breakthrough, right?" Tang Yue asked.

"I bought it. I just broke through to the high level not long ago."

Song Jie replied.

However, he is still practicing Xingzi control.

Because high-level players need to control 343 stars, he was a little overwhelmed just now.

But after adapting, his control speed became much faster.

In addition, he still has extra money to buy auxiliary items for controlling the stars, and it won't take long to release and combine them to form a brilliant constellation!

Hearing this, Tang Yue was also a little surprised and said: "It seems that you are almost catching up with me."

Song Jie smiled and said: "So, Tang Yue, teacher, you have to seize the opportunity. Take action when it's time to take action before I'm fully grown up!"

ps: Lin'an is the ancient name of Hangzhou. Real-life place names cannot appear in novels. Anyone who knows about it will understand.

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