After some instructions from the Flame Witch, Song Jie got the little Flame Fairy as he wished.

At the same time, before they left, the Flame Witch gave Song Jie a lot of fire spirit seed fragments.

There are also three spiritual seeds and one soul type! !

These were obviously found by the Flame Witch herself and kept until now.

Song Jie knew that these were prepared by the Flame Witch for Little Flame Fairy, so he would not be greedy for these things at all.

Moreover, the fire spirit seed fragments on his body were originally intended for Little Flame Fairy, but I didn't expect that the dowry would be quite large.

Especially that soul seed. They had been searching for so long in the northern corner of Zhuoyuan but still couldn't find a fire soul seed.

This is the biggest regret!

The value of a soul seed is much greater than that of a spirit seed, starting from 100 million units!

There was nothing to find in the northern corner of Zhuohara, so the group of them started to go back.

My return went smoothly and I didn't encounter any monsters.

But the Sand Roaring Tiger came back to find them. Song Jie felt that this tiger was pretty good and gave it a lot of benefits.

After that, they left the northern corner of Zhuoyuan and returned to Dunhuang City.

After they visited Dunhuang City for a few days, Jiang Shaoxu left early.

Song Jie sat on the sofa and fed the little Flame Fairy spirit seed fragments. The little guy was extremely happy.

At the same time, he also received news from Tang Yue.

He went to Zhuoyuan North Point without telling Tang Yue, so that the other party didn't know where he went.

Song Jie immediately called Tang Yue. After the call was connected, he smiled and said, "Sister Yue, do you miss me?"

"Where have you been? Why haven't you replied to my message for so many days?" Tang Yue asked quickly.

She thought the people from the Black Church had done something to Song Jie.

"I haven't gone anywhere. I just went to the North Point of Zhuoyuan. Now I'm going back." Song Jie said.

"That's good."

Tang Yue nodded, feeling relieved, "We recently opened a Black Vatican nest and need your help."

"Okay! Sister Yue is awesome. I'll reward you well when I go there!" Song Jie said.

"You little rascal!" Tang Yue spat, recalling what happened before, her pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Wait for me, I'll go find you right away." Song Jie chatted with Tang Yue for a while, and the latter went to work all night again.

After hanging up the phone, there was a knock on the door. Song Jie walked to the door and opened it.

Standing outside was Bai Tingting. She was wearing a white dress, billowy and very beautiful!

Among the girls he knew, everyone was different. Some were aloof, some were charming, and some were silly!

Bai Tingting is the plump and reserved type, especially suitable for teasing.

"What's wrong?" Song Jie asked.

"I'm bored alone, I want to chat with you." Bai Tingting said softly.

"Then come in!"

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he made way for Bai Tingting and closed the door.

Suddenly, he hugged Bai Tingting from behind and smelled the fragrance emanating from her body.

"Song Jie..." Bai Tingting also felt the heat as Song Jie held her like this.

Song Jie picked him up and the two looked at each other. He lowered his head and Bai Tingting closed her eyes.


Like a river bank erupting!

Song Jie kissed and hugged her towards the sofa.

He likes skirts the most, they can almost be lifted up...

"Well, Song Jie..."

"Click up a little..."

A speechless night!

the next day.

Song Jie got up first, while Bai Tingting was so tired that she still fell asleep on the bed.

He went downstairs to buy breakfast and happened to meet Li Rui.

"Did you receive the money I gave you?" Song Jie asked.

Li Rui nodded immediately after hearing this.

Song Jie continued: "It's not easy for you to control the vampire clan. You will definitely need financial help. Take the money. If you still need it, you can come to me and we will find a solution together."

Li Rui nodded.

She used to be just grateful to Song Jie, but now she feels that Song Jie is mysterious.

It was as if nothing was impossible and nothing could stump him.

And such boys are the most attractive to girls!

Song Jie asked: "Is this for Lingling?"


"She eats so little? Give her more. She needs to keep up with her nutrition at a young age, otherwise she will regret it when she grows up." Song Jie warned.

Li Rui was puzzled, but she nodded and went back to get more.

Back in the room, Bai Tingting had woken up and was brushing her teeth and washing her face.

Song Jie said: "Are you awake? Come over and eat quickly. I also bought you breakfast."


Bai Tingting came over, and Song Jie left a trace of saliva on her face.

After brushing, her cheeks turned red again, "Hurry up and brush your teeth too."

"Oh, you were submissive last night, now you're going to teach me a lesson." Song Jie smiled slightly.

"How can I teach you a lesson?"

Bai Tingting suddenly didn't dare to speak.

"Really?" Song Jie showed a wicked smile and decided to teach her a lesson after breakfast.

After a simple dinner, the two of them prepared to take a shower.

Not long after, an intriguing sound of "pop, pop, pop" came from the bathroom.

They were on a plane heading to Magic City in the afternoon.

It was around evening that we arrived at the Magic City.

Little Flame Fairy Song Jie didn't take it with her, so she temporarily left it with Lingling.

Zhao Yulin also contacted him and said that the materials had been prepared for him.

Song Jie said goodbye to Bai Tingting, Lingling and others, and then went to get the training auxiliary materials given by Zhao Yulin.

After getting it, he couldn't wait to reward Xiao Lu. After the latter absorbed it, he entered the dimensional space for refining.

If Dean Xiao hadn't said that he had something to do with him, he could have gone directly to Lin'an to find Tang Yue.

Dean Xiao asked him to come back because of the nomination for the World University Competition.

This nomination contest is about to begin. As long as you win this contest, you will get a chance to be nominated.

"Okay, I will try my best when the time comes!" Song Jie nodded.

"As long as you take it seriously."

Dean Xiao explained some more things to Song Jie before finally letting him go.

Song Jie returned to the rental house and happened to see Ai Tutu.

"Where's Jiaojiao?"

"Sister Mu hasn't come back yet!" Ai Tutu said.

"I feel like I'm feeling very out of sorts lately. Can you come in and give me a massage?" Song Jie hammered his arm and said with a smile.

"Bad guy!!" How could Ai Tutu not know what Song Jie wanted to do.

"Forget it if you don't come, it turns out that someone is a coward." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the bedroom.

"Coward? I'm afraid you can't do it!!" Ai Tutu immediately stood up and rushed to Song Jie's bedroom angrily.

After a massage, Song Jie felt his body relaxed a lot, and the fatigue on his body disappeared in an instant.

"You have already massaged me, now let me massage you!"

"Bad guy!!"

"I am a serious massager, not like some people..."

"Song Jie!!" Ai Tutu blushed furiously when she remembered what happened before.

After a long time...

"Who did you say couldn't do it before?"

"I was wrong……"

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