Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 207 Use something else

Chapter 207 Use something else to...

Song Jie has nothing to do during this period, and the nomination contest is still far away, so there is no rush for this moment.

Tang Yue saw Song Jie's hand suddenly grabbing it, "It's work time now...!"

"Then come back after get off work!"

"You're still here...!" Tang Yue looked at Song Jie with a pitiful expression.

"Then I'll let you go for now!"

Song Jie said and asked Tang Yue where the little black cat was.

"It's eating in the lounge."

"What a foodie!"

Song Jie laughed and cursed.

Soon, he and Tang Yue arrived at the lounge.

Xiao Hei is eating, and his mouth is full of oil.

"Have you enjoyed eating?" Song Jie stared at it and asked.

Xiao Hei ignored him, this evil capitalist!

"Do you want to know a secret?" Song Jie looked at Tang Yue and smiled.

"What secret?"

"You watch."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, a white six-pointed star appeared on the sole of his foot.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hei was suddenly branded with a mark.

Tang Yue looked at the scene in front of her in confusion, and the next second she felt that Xiao Hei's aura suddenly became strange! !

"How could...!" Tang Yue sensed something was wrong, because she felt that Xiao Hei had become more powerful!

Song Jie was experimenting, but when he reached the peak of the warrior's advanced stage, he stopped.

"How is it?" Song Jie looked at Tang Yue and asked.

Tang Yue asked: "What method did you use? It can actually improve Xiao Hei's strength!"



"Then I can only keep this secret deep in my heart!"

"I can do something else..."

"Why do I feel like you have more fun than me?"

"You do not want?"

"I want it!"

"Why don't you tell me quickly!" Tang Yue glanced at him.

"This is a new skill of my summoning system. It may temporarily increase the strength of summoned beasts!" Song Jie said.

After all, this new skill was so unbelievable that he didn't introduce it in detail.

"It's so amazing that you can actually be promoted from the battle general to the warrior general advanced stage!" Tang Yue has never seen such a skill before!

"By the way, when are we going to the ancient capital?" Song Jie asked.

Tang Yue replied, "We'll be there in two days."

Song Jie nodded.

Although he revealed the identity of Archdeacon Hujin, there were too many people in the ancient capital who were trying to confuse the Holy See.

Even Salang is there.

In fact, he was also hesitating whether to kill Salan!

For him who knows the plot, he knows which one of those people is Salang!

However, if you fail to kill it this time, the other party is likely to take revenge on you!

And he needs to figure out how to point out Salan.

This is a difficult question.

And he also knew that Salan was just a title.

When one Salan falls, another Salan will stand up.

Song Jie felt that he was still not strong enough. If he was invincible now, why would he care so much!

He followed him to the ancient capital for another purpose, which was to collect spirits!

There are so many undead in the ancient capital, and it is also a light system, so it is a good place to collect spirits!


Song Jie enjoyed a very unique treatment.

Two days later.

Song Jie and Tang Yue came to the ancient capital.

This season is when the undead riot in the ancient capital, so what the ancient capital fears most is darkness.

As soon as it gets dark, the sleeping undead will wake up and attack the ancient capital continuously.

Because of this, the current mages in the ancient capital are very nervous, but for the mages, it is also an opportunity to make money!

"Are you two booking one room or two rooms?" the front desk asked.

"One room!"

"Two rooms!"

Song Jie and Tang Yue both gave different answers.

He smiled and asked the front desk to book two rooms.

"What are you laughing at!" Tang Yue asked looking at Song Jie who kept laughing.

"It turns out that Sister Yue sometimes has troubles."

"It's you..." Tang Yue hesitated, unable to say such shameful words.

"I know, we are here to work, not for honeymoon." Song Jie smiled.

"Hmph! It's good to know!"

They arrived at the third floor. As soon as Tang Yue opened the door, she was hugged by Song Jie.

"You've just……!!"

At night.

Song Jie and Tang Yue came to the place where Mu He lived.

Tang Yue nodded, "Mu He currently lives here."

"We monitor him like this every day?" Song Jie couldn't bear the thought of such a boring thing.

"That's it for now." Tang Yue nodded. Apart from them, not many other people knew about this mission.

"That's really boring."

"If you are bored, you can leave this place to me, and you can go to the city wall, which is the paradise of your light system." Tang Yue said with a smile.

She had said before that Song Jie was free, so just leave the surveillance task to her.

Song Jie nodded. He was indeed a little curious about the undead in the ancient capital.

"If the Black Holy See does something in the ancient capital, it will definitely be carefully planned. Be careful when you are monitoring it. If you have any questions, call me directly." Song Jie warned.

"Don't worry! I have dealt with the Black Church for so many years, so I know the importance." Tang Yue nodded in reply.

The identity of Archdeacon Hujin is so attractive that she feels like she is on a trance now, wanting to find out the mastermind behind the scenes!

"Then I'll go take a look and try to come back as soon as possible."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he left here.

In the ancient capital, not to mention the great deacon Hujin, even Salang is here!

Obviously, there must be a lot of Black Church members here!

How could those crazy perverts miss witnessing this grand ceremony of apotheosis of gods!

However, the Black Church in the ancient capital has not yet started to take action, so they will be more restrained and will not take the initiative to attack them.

The people from the Tribunal failed to capture the members of the Black Vatican in the ancient capital. Otherwise, with his little black ability, he would have been able to uncover half of the members of the Black Vatican!

By analogy, I'm afraid none of them can escape!

The trial will give Xiao Hei training materials, and Song Jie refines them every day. Now it is only one step away from the warrior advancement stage.

It should take more than ten days for Xiao Hei to truly enter the warrior level advancement stage.


Song Jie came under the city wall of the ancient capital, and at this time, the wails of the undead could be heard outside.

"It's quite disturbing to hear this sound at night." Song Jie said with a wry smile.

"Classmate, are you here to practice too? There is just one person missing from our side. Do you want to come with us?" A girl suddenly asked.

Song Jie turned his head and looked at the girl wearing glasses.

Then, he saw a familiar face.

"Song Jie!"

Zhou Min saw Song Jie and said his name.

"it's me."

Song Jie smiled, he didn't expect them to meet each other by such a coincidence.

The girl asked: "Zhou Min, do you know each other?"

"Oh, he is my classmate in high school." Zhou Min quickly explained.

"It turns out he's an old classmate, that's the best!" the girl wearing glasses said with a smile.

"Classmate, do you want to join us?"

Song Jie thought for a while. He was not familiar with this place, so he could join them.

Then he nodded.

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