Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 208 Do you believe it? If you don’t believe me, I still have it!

There were four people in total, two women and two men, and the girl with glasses was obviously the captain.

The five of them walked towards the city wall. The girl with glasses looked at Song Jie and smiled:

"Your name is Song Jie, right? You can call me Yu'er."

She then asked: "By the way, which school are you from? Are you also from Gudu University?"

"He is a student at Pearl Academy. He should be one year older than us now." Zhou Min said.

"Zhou Min, you know a lot. Do you have a crush on someone else?" Yu'er said with a smile.

Zhou Min's cheeks were slightly red and she pushed Yu'er, "Yu'er, what are you talking about!!"

"Oh, look at yourself, your face is red, and you still say no?" Yu'er continued to joke.

"Don't talk nonsense, we are just classmates!" Zhou Min glanced at Song Jie and explained.

Back in Tianlan Magic High School, Song Jie was really outstanding among them.

No one else has seen the demon, but Song Jie has already participated in killing the demon!

They participated in the training, and Song Jie directly participated in the higher-level training!

They also studied hard for a year, but Song Jie entered university before them, and it was an institution like Pearl Academy!

In short, among them, Song Jie is the best one!

No matter in high school or now, they are the ones they can't compare to!

As a girl, who doesn’t like boys who are better than themselves?

Zhou Min,

Nature is no exception!

"Okay, okay, what is your classmate's major?" Yu'er asked.

"Light system."

Yu'er nodded. The light system was also good, just enough to restrain these undead.

But compared to other departments, the light system is still a bit inferior.

"Song Jie, you need to wear a mage badge here. Have you brought it?" Yu'er asked.

"Mage badge?" Song Jie was slightly startled, and then thought of what it was.

The mage badge is used to identify the level of the mage. For example, a junior mage has a junior badge, and a high-level mage has a high-level badge.

Yu'er, Zhou Min and the other four are wearing the badges of mid-level mage!

"I'll look for it, I don't usually need this thing." Song Jie said with a wry smile.

"It's okay, we can wait for you to find it slowly." Yu'er said with a smile.

At this time, several more people came not far away. The man leading them scanned them, and finally his eyes fell on Song Jie.

"Where is your badge?" Jiang Li asked in a bad tone.

"Senior Jiang, he is looking for you, please wait." Zhou Min explained.

Jiang Li is responsible for the control of this area, so people without badges cannot come to the city wall.

"How's it going? Haven't you found it yet?" Yu'er asked in confusion.

"Looks like I found it."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he took out a badge, which was the primary badge of the Chaos system.

"Badge of the third level of elementary school?" Jiang Li frowned and glanced at Yu'er.

The requirement of the city wall is that you cannot go up to the city wall to kill the undead unless you are a mid-level mage.

"Senior Jiang, he is my classmate and a student of Pearl Academy. He majors in the light department. This should be his other magic class." Zhou Min explained to Song Jie.

"I have no way to confirm what you said, but there are rules here. Anyone who has not reached the intermediate level cannot come up, so please ask your classmate to come down immediately!" Jiang Li made no sense at all.

Zhou Min and Yu'er looked at each other and then looked at Song Jie, only to see the other party suddenly take out one...

"High-level badge!!"

The fish's eyes widened and he exclaimed!

At this moment, others were also attracted by her voice, and the high-level badge immediately fell into Song Jie's hand!

"Hey, it's not easy to find a badge." Song Jie took out a high-level badge of the light system.

"How is that possible!!" Jiang Li looked at the high-level badge in Song Jie's hand in disbelief.

At the same age, this guy is a high-level mage? !

"Don't believe it?" Song Jie took out another high-level summoning badge.

"Look, this is another department of mine. I can't steal it, right?" Song Jie asked.

Two high-level badges were spread out in Song Jie's palm, and everyone around him fell silent! !

This guy!

He actually has two high-level badges!

That means……

He is... a high-level mage who has reached high levels in both systems! !

Song Jie looked at Jiang Li and continued to ask: "Do you believe it? I still have a hunter badge here. You can take him to confirm."

Jiang Li was speechless and felt his face burning.

"No need." Jiang Li said the last two words with difficulty.

Who knew that the young man in front of me was actually a high-level mage! !

Not only did he not know, Zhou Min didn't know either.

"Zhou Min, your classmate is a bit strong!" Yu'er's big eyes had not been closed since just now.

"I just didn't know he was so..." Zhou Min didn't know what to say for a moment, only thinking that Song Jie was really a pervert.

In their generation, except for Song Jie, probably no one has reached the high level, right?

Even if you practice to the second level, you are already very good!

"Zhou Min, see if you can talk to your classmates and help me get some credits." Yu'er grabbed Zhou Min's arm and said.

"Actually, I'm not very familiar with him..." Zhou Min said softly.

Yu'er smiled and said: "You're a liar when it comes to women. Don't worry, as a sister, I won't compete with you!"

"It's not about grabbing or not, he and I are just classmates..." Zhou Min continued to explain.

"Let's go! Let's go! There's room over there!" Yu'er didn't say anything and urged them over.

Song Jie followed them, someone opened the way for them, and they quickly went out of the city.

The undead outside let out a piercing wail, and as soon as they appeared, the undead were staring at them.

"Song Jie, how about you become the captain?" Yu'er felt that he was suddenly not qualified.

"It's okay, I'm just here to make soy sauce. You guys are busy with your work." Song Jie said with a smile.

"Then let's get started!" Yu'er finished his words and directed them to enter a fighting state.

They come outside the city to kill the undead because the school has designated credit tasks, so if they want to complete the credit tasks, they must come out and participate in killing the undead.

"They are coming, everyone, get ready!!" Yu'er finished his words and alerted everyone.

Several slaves were rushing toward him, but fortunately they were not very fast.

"Fire Fist!"

"Boom to the sky!!"

Zhou Min was the first to complete the fire star map, and the six-pointed star pattern under his feet was extremely red!

The flame fist flew out and instantly destroyed the oncoming slave-level undead!

They don't have only one team here, so they only need to face the undead directly in front.

"Here we go again!" Fish said again.

Immediately afterwards, undead souls suddenly appeared on the ground in front of them, and their pupils were filled with a breathtaking green light! !

One, two, three or four...this time there were more than a dozen undead! !

"How come there are so many undead people suddenly?!" someone in the team wondered.

Fish ordered: "Don't worry, release the magic immediately, don't let them come over!"

Everyone nodded, and flames, thunder and lightning, vines, and ice chains swept away the undead in front of them!

At this moment, an exclamation came from the side...

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