Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 359: Just two Guangyao still want to deal with us?

A month passed quickly.

Song Jie's Divine Seal Praise has been stable, and finally stabilized at a 2.5 times increase, without falling at all!

All this is due to the bracelet.

However, because of this, the slave-level spirits in his bracelet space also shrank by more than half.

But Song Jie thinks it's worth it, because 2.5 times is a real increase!

His light system has a soul seed, which itself is a six-fold increase!


After Song Jie received 2.5 times the Divine Seal of Praise, the entire growth rate experienced a qualitative leap.

6x2.5! !

That’s a fifteen-fold increase in light system! !

It’s scary just thinking about it!

In addition to the enhancement of Song Jie's Divine Seal Praise, his light system is also ready to be promoted!

It’s not far away from reaching the third level of advanced level!

Because practicing here is faster than usual.

So as long as he practices here for one more month, he will definitely be able to advance to the third level of the advanced level!

Song Jie put aside his distracting thoughts and began to practice immersively again.

Another month passed.

The system beep sounded in Song Jie's ears.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for the second level of the high-level light system "Light Falling · Holy Wall" for the first time, which has transformed into a higher level "Light Falling · Holy Wall Cage" for the first time! 】

Although Song Jie got a new skill, he can't use it now.

feeling terrible.

At the same time, his light galaxy has grown a lot.

"Breakthrough!" Song Jie exclaimed in his heart.

Now his light system has reached the advanced third level!

Song Jie glanced around and found that only Ai Jiangtu, Mo Fan and others were left.

At this time, his cell phone suddenly rang.

After Song Jie took a look, she found that it was Jiang Shaoxu who called her.

Jiang Shaoxu smiled and said, "Today is the last day. Do you want to go have a meal together?"


Song Jie nodded.

Anyway, he has already reached the third level of advanced cultivation, and his goal has been achieved.

Song Jie left Lizan Mountain and came to this nearby town.

He looked at the location Jiang Shaoxu sent him and quickly found the other party.

"Song Jie!" Jiang Shaoxu saw Song Jie and waved to him happily.

Song Jie walked over with a smile.

The two hugged each other tightly.

"We haven't seen each other for two months, why is there such a storm at your place again?" Song Jie joked.

"You are bad!!"

Jiang Shaoxu said: "Will you return to China with me?"

"I don't want to go back yet."

"Oh well!"

"What's wrong?"

Song Jie saw Jiang Shaoxu a little disappointed.

Jiang Shaoxu said: "If you return to China, I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

"What's the deal?"

"My brother's matter."

Later, Jiang Shaoxu told Song Jie about his brother.

Her brother's name is Jiang Shaojun. He went missing after going looking for a totem.

From then on, Jiang Shaoxu never had any news about Jiang Shaojun.

She had planned to wait for the world school competition to end before going to find her brother.

Therefore, Jiang Shaoxu wanted to invite Song Jie to go with him. After all, one more person means more effort.

"Okay, but I have something to do now. After I finish handling it, I will accompany you to find your brother."

Song Jie reached out and hugged Jiang Shaoxu into his arms.


Song Jie scratched Jiang Shaoxu's nose and said with a smile: "Why are you being polite to me? Your brother is my brother."

Jiang Shaoxu nodded, feeling warm in his heart.

"Shall we go for a walk around the town? I heard the scenery here is pretty good."

Song Jie said: "I didn't expect you to like looking at the scenery."

"Besides watching the scenery, you can also do other things!" Jiang Shaoxu said meaningfully.

"The hotel can't satisfy you anymore, can it?"

Jiang Shaoxu grabbed Song Jie's arm and said, "Oh, are you going or not..."

Song Jie lifted Jiang Shaoxu's chin and said with a smile: "Since you have such a request, I must not satisfy you."

This town is also a scenic spot. As for monsters, Song Jie and the others are not afraid.

"The scenery here is really beautiful." Song Jie followed Jiang Shaoxu to the top of the mountain.

The feeling of seeing so many small mountains immediately comes over you.

"Is it the beautiful scenery or the beautiful person?" Jiang Shaoxu asked, turning his head.

Song Jie hugged Jiang Shaoxu and said close to him, "No one has a good view."

"Well..." Jiang Shaoxu noticed Song Jie's behavior, "How are you..."

Song Jie smiled and said, "Didn't you ask for it? Why do you say I'm bad?"

A lonely man and a widow.

Song Jie and Jiang Shaoxu were instantly ignited.

"There is a tree over there, shall we go there?" Jiang Shaoxu said softly.

"You can tell me that I'm bad. I think you're even worse."

"Let's go!"


Jiang Shaoxu lay on the tree with his hands, turned his head and revealed his seductive and meaningful eyes.

"come quickly!"

At night.

Song Jie sent Jiang Shaoxu to the airport.

Only then did he realize that this girl was so anxious because it turned out to be a night flight.

Later, Song Jie chose to live in Athens and waited for the Ye Xinxia incident to break out.

However, he knew that all this was Salan's conspiracy, but he couldn't stop it at all.


When Ye Xinxia and Pannijia were alone, Pannijia fell in a pool of blood.

Therefore, everyone suspected that Ye Xinxia killed Pan Nijia.

At the same time, I think Ye Xinxia is Salang! !

However, all kinds of evidence point to Ye Xinxia, ​​so everyone is doubting her! !

And she has a blood stone in her body that is unique to Salang, and she can also activate the blood stone!

Because of this, Ye Xinxia was identified as Salang!

Ye Xinxia was hit by the forgetfulness bug. She had no idea what was happening. At this time, she was very helpless.

At this time, the priests had already sentenced Ye Xinxia.

Du Lanke looked at them and said: "Ye Xinxia can activate the blood stone and kill Pan Nijia. There is no doubt about it. Do you still need to hesitate?"

Everyone looked at each other, it was hard for them to believe that Sa Long was actually a girl...

But all the evidence points to Ye Xinxia, ​​they have to believe it!

While they were sentencing Ye Xinxia, ​​Song Jie had already arrived at the foot of the Parthenon.

With an expressionless face, he summoned the Ice King Wind Eagle and flew towards the Parthenon.

Flying is prohibited in the Parthenon, so Song Jie was provoking by doing this! !

After seeing it, the people in the Parthenon were all shocked.

So many years!

No one dares to do this!


Song Jie arrived at the Xinghe Mountain Road leading to Goddess Peak.

However, his move completely angered many knights, and the Parthenon was their belief.

"How dare you act so arrogantly in the Parthenon, get down here!" A Silver Moon knight pointed at Song Jie and shouted angrily.

The knights below also stared angrily, and those who provoked them would not end well!

"Noisy!" As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he threw two Glory at the knight below.

Brilliant! ?

The knights were slightly startled. Two mere Guangyaos still wanted to deal with them?

"not good!!"

Suddenly someone noticed something, but it was too late now.

The glory explodes!

The powerful force immediately lifted the knights away, leaving them seriously injured.

...(End of chapter)

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