Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 360 Do you think the sacred mountain can stop me?

This is fifteen times the brilliance of the explosion, its power can be imagined!

Song Jie's move immediately alarmed the Knights Hall.

But he didn't care.

Anyway, when the time comes to start a fight with the Parthenon, these knights will also take action against him.

Not as good as that!

Do it now!

There are more and more knights!

High-level wind knights were flying in the air, but they didn't want Song Jie to step into the Goddess Peak!

A Jin Yao knight led people to block Song Jie's way.

"Anyone who dares to act recklessly in the Parthenon will be killed!" Knight Jin Yao took out his sword and pointed it at Song Jie not far away.

"Explosion... golden rain!" Song Jie ignored it and threw a ray of light into the sky!

next moment! !

The golden rain arrows suddenly fell from the sky like a downpour.

Knight Jin Yao looked at the rain of arrows coming from above his head and shouted in a low voice: "Defense!!"

However, they released defensive magic one after another, but it didn't work at all! !




Those magic defenses were directly broken by the rain arrows, and the knights were shot down instantly.

Knight Jinyao watched the knights fall one after another, and finally couldn't hold it any longer!

Falling from mid-air!

Song Jie's magic was like it was free of charge, and he didn't give the other party a chance to take action.

In an instant!

The knight team, which originally consisted of dozens of people, was wiped out by Song Jie in the blink of an eye.

Goddess Peak.

A knight said: "Mother of the Palace, it's not good! Someone breaks into our sacred mountain!"

"Breaking into the sacred mountain?" The palace mother frowned.

Afterwards, the knight explained the whole story to the palace mother.

The palace mother only felt a little headache. Ye Xinxia's matter has not settled yet, and now someone is trying to break into the sacred mountain! ?

The knight said: "The Knight Palace has gone to stop him. The deputy palace master asked me to ask you, what should I do if I catch him?"

"Make it public and declare to the world that this is the fate of breaking into the Parthenon!" the temple mother said.

If they were just rushing to the sacred mountain, they wouldn't say anything, but the other party was flying in the air!

This is forbidden by the Parthenon! !

This is a provocation!

Naked provocation! !

At the foot of the Parthenon, Mo Fan, Pang Lai and others also came here.

"What's going on up there? There seems to be a fight?" Pang Lai said.

Others were also surprised.

Someone is obviously fighting up there!

"Is it Brother Jie?" The only person Mo Fan could think of was Song Jie.

After all, he and Xinxia...

To say too much is to cry!

"Song Jie? Why did he break into the sacred mountain!?" Han Ji also looked surprised.

The practice is over.

Everyone went their separate ways.

Because no one knows where Song Jie is going.

Who would have thought!

Song Jie actually came to the sacred mountain without telling them!

"Brother Jie may be here for Xinxia!" Mo Fan said while looking at the top of the mountain.

After Han Ji, Pang Lai and others told Mo Fan about this, Mo Fan insisted on coming!

Xinxia is his sister!

He can't be Salan!

Therefore, he must rescue Xinxia no matter what!

However, what he didn't expect was that Song Jie was one step ahead of him.

Han Ji frowned and said, "What should we do now? There is no news from Song Qiming."

They also know Song Jie's details, and the next situation is really chaotic!

"Go up first!"

As soon as Pang Lai finished speaking, others nodded.

at this point!

They have no chance of turning back!


Mo Fan, Pang Lai and others arrived at the entrance to the Galaxy Mountain Road!

"It's really Song Jie!" Han Ji said suddenly.

Zhu Meng was surprised and said: "Since this guy came to the sacred mountain alone!!"

None of them expected that Song Jie would actually dare to come to the sacred mountain, and he was alone! !

Pang Lai analyzed, "Song Jie is in danger. He may have come up on the Ice King Wind Eagle!"

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many knights stopping him!

"In this way, he is provoking the Parthenon, and the Knights Palace will not let him go." Han Ji also said.

Mo Fan said firmly: "Brother Jie is here for Xinxia. Even if he becomes a demon, I will destroy the Parthenon with him!"


Han Ji looked at them and couldn't help but sigh.

These two people were both heroes of the ancient capital, and to be honest, he wanted to help them.


If he takes action, it will be on behalf of Longzhou! !


"You must have a measure, otherwise it will be difficult for us to save you when the time comes." Pang Lai said.

Mo Fan nodded.

Then he headed in the direction of Song Jie.

Mountains of swords and seas of fire!

Ye Xinxia is his sister!

And she can't be Salang! !

Mo Fan only has two relatives, and he doesn’t want to lose anyone else! !

Song Jie looked at the knights coming one after another, but he had no intention of stopping.


Song Jie threw out the glory, and the defenses of those knights couldn't stop it!


"That guy's attack is too strong!!"

"No, hurry up and inform the palace master to take action!!"

The Cavaliers kept retreating, they were no match at all.

At this time, four people were sitting in the Knights Hall, namely the master of the knights hall and three deputy masters.

"Everyone, what do you think we should do next?" Hailong asked.

One of them said: "The palace mother has given an order to teach this guy a lesson."

"I think it's okay."

"This guy seems to be from the Longzhou National Team, right? Do we still need to take action to deal with this kid?"

Hailong shook his head, "This guy's magic is very weird. Even two Jinyao Knights were defeated by him."

Although those two are not top-notch Jinyao Knights, they are both super mages!


Still can't withstand Song Jie's glorious bombardment!

"The sacred mountain will suppress the cultivation of those who enter, so it is natural that they are not opponents." One of them said.

Song Jie showed amazing strength in the World University Competition.

In addition, this guy has received the divine seal praise from the palace mother, and his strength must have improved by leaps and bounds!

those knights,

There's no way to stop him.

"No matter what, if this guy provokes us, we must take him down!!" A deputy palace master immediately expressed his stance.

Another person said: "How about letting him break through the sacred mountain first? If he breaks through, he may be exhausted. By then, we old guys don't need to take action."

If they take action against a junior, it will be a bit unexplainable.

"That's good!" Another deputy palace master nodded in agreement.

Hailong thought for a while and finally nodded.

Their sacred mountain is not so easy to break into, and it will be easy to capture the opponent when the time comes.

On the sacred mountain, just when Mo Fan wanted to take action, the knights retreated one after another.

"what happened?"

Mo Fan was surprised.

However, Song Jie knew that the other party was not giving up, but letting him break into the sacred mountain.

"You think this sacred mountain can stop me, right?"

Song Jie smiled and ordered the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle to continue flying.

He is Song Jie today!

Meet God and Kill God!

Kill the Buddha when you meet him!

No one can stop him!


Song Jiechao came to the first statue!

——Greek copper beast!

All the way up, there are four statues in total!

This is the first one!

It is also a very ancient creature, guarding the Parthenon for generations!

After the Greek copper beast woke up, his eyes immediately locked on Song Jie!

...(End of chapter)

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