Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 380 Being fucked into silence!

"Are you willing to sacrifice yourselves for the sake of our future inheritance?"

Shi Qianshou shouted in a low voice.


The military mages, Zheng Tong and others responded one after another.

"Very good." Shi Qianshou nodded with satisfaction, "Then use your lives to help me achieve my great cause!"

As soon as he said this, Shi Qianshou released poisonous bees, seemingly wanting to kill everyone here.

Both Lin Feili and others suddenly panicked.

Shi Qianshou went crazy!

He even wanted to kill his own people!

In an instant, several military mages standing in front were instantly killed by poisonous bees.

Ge Ming and others lost the control of the military mage and continued to retreat.


Ge Ming was slightly startled, not knowing when Song Jie came to his side.

And in his impression, this person looked a bit if he had seen it somewhere...

"The person who saved you."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he used his space force to throw Ge Ye and others into the painting wall.

Others can't take care of themselves, so why should they care about Ge Ming and others.

The appearance of Song Jie immediately disrupted all Shi Qianshou's plans.

"court death!!"

After Shi Qianshou finished speaking, he controlled the poisonous bee to fly towards Song Jie.

Countless poisonous bees attacked instantly, but Song Jie looked calm and composed, not afraid of the opponent's methods at all.

The holy shield enveloped him, and he then came to Lin Feili's side.

Shi Qianshou frowned, anger showing on his face.

Even if the energy of the core of the earth is exhausted, someone actually bullies him!

"You guys go to hell!" Shi Qianshou shouted again, wanting to kill Song Jie and Lin Feili.

But the poisonous bees couldn't break Song Jie's holy shield and couldn't move them at all.

If it weren't for Song Jie, Lin Feili and the members of the Jin Zhan Hunter Group would probably be dead.

Song Jie grabbed Lin Feili, and they disappeared into the cave the next moment.

Shi Qianshou clenched his fists loudly, "Want to escape? There are dust hoppers outside, where can you escape to!"

He looked at the other people in the cave. Zheng Tong and Tong Li begged for mercy:

"Military Commander, we are loyal to you, you can't kill us!!"

Shi Qianshou smiled and said, "Weren't you willing to die for me just now?"

With that said, he didn't hesitate at all and killed Zheng Tong, Tong Li and others!

Sacrifice their energy to the Core of the Earth!

At this time, Jiang Shaoxu and Lingling had rescued the rest of the Jinzhan Hunter Group.

"Are you Lingling from Qingtian Hunting Center!?" Someone immediately recognized Lingling.

Lingling nodded slightly.

The members of the Jinzhan Hunter Group breathed a sigh of relief. They thought they were going to die, but they didn't expect to be rescued in the end.

Lingling asked: "What's going on inside?"

"I don't know either." The man shook his head, "After we are released, the captain and the others should go find the Core of the Earth."

The next moment, Jiang Shaoxu noticed movement on the wall painting left by Song Jie.

"Look there!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she led Lingling and others towards the direction of the painting wall.


I saw Ge Ming and others appearing at the place where they had just painted the wall.

"team leader!!"

The rest of the Jinzhan Hunter Group suddenly smiled when they saw Ge Ming.

"Where's the painting on the wall! Why is it missing? Where's Song Jie? Have you seen Song Jie?" Jiang Shaoxu asked quickly.

Song Jie...?

Ge Ming felt that the name sounded familiar, and suddenly remembered who this person was! !

Ge Ming said: "After he sent us out, I didn't know what was going on inside."

Jiang Shaoxu was worried when he saw something strange happening around him.

"There are so many monsters, they are dust devils!!" Artur immediately exclaimed.

Ge Ming stood up. He was still in a poisoned state and could not use magic at all.

"A group is coming towards us!" Bai Tingting said as she looked at the Dust Demon Grasshoppers flying not far away.

Lingling said: "Deal with them first, Song Jie should be able to solve them."

Jiang Shaoxu and Bai Tingting nodded.

the other side.

Song Jie teleported Lin Feili to the inn.

"Who are you?" Lin Feili looked at Song Jie in surprise.

Song Jie said: "I just passed by here, but I heard all your previous conversations."

Lin Feili sighed, there was no use worrying about it now.

"Shi Qianshou is a super mage, and he can also control the Dust Demon Grasshopper."

He looked at Song Jie and said, "You should leave quickly and tell people outside what's going on here."

"Others may not believe what I said, but they may not believe what you said." Song Jie said.

Lin Feili shook his head, "But Shi Qianshou will not let us go. If no one escapes, this matter will be buried here forever!"


Song Jie said firmly: "I will bring Shi Qianshou to justice and let everyone know his crimes."

Lin Feili turned his head and wanted to say something, but it was too late now.

The Stormhopper is here!

"None of us can leave now." Lin Feili shook his head and sighed.

Song Jie didn't want to leave. He just didn't want to fight in the cave.

After all, the core of the earth is still there, and he doesn't want to lose the core of the earth because of this.

At this time, Shi Qianshou also came to Song Jie and Lin Feili.

The Core of the Earth is absorbing energy in the cave, but he must deal with Song Jie and others.

And Ge Ming and the others!

Therefore, Shi Qianshou will never let them leave here, otherwise it will ruin his plan!

"Kill them."

Shi Qianshou controlled the surrounding dust demon grasshoppers and rushed toward them overwhelmingly.

Lin Feili looked at the dust devils rushing around him and murmured: "Old captain, I'm here to accompany you!"

Song Jie's expression remained unchanged, these dust-storming worms were all sending their souls to him!

Of course he will accept it!

Song Jie put a holy shield on the two of them, and then released a brilliant golden rain!


A large swath of Dust Demon Grasshoppers died instantly, and the ground was suddenly covered with a layer of corpses.

Lin Feili opened his eyes. He was originally waiting for death, but he was suddenly stunned.

Song Jie unleashed his brilliance with ease, and those dust-storming worms couldn't get close to them.

"How could..." Shi Qianshou frowned, not expecting it to be like this at all.

He continued: "Let's see how long you can block it!"

Shi Qianshou once again controlled the Dust Demon Grasshopper to continue the attack.

Song Jie was almost grinning from ear to ear, seeing so much residual soul and essence poured into his bracelet.

He was even happier than when he killed the Sand Scorpion Demon before.

Song Jie would kill as many Dust Demon Grasshoppers as Shi Qianshou controlled.

Lin Feili next to him was silenced.

He had many questions in his mind, but he was afraid of disturbing Song Jie.

This young man...

So fierce! !

Maybe, he is his life-saving straw!

"Damn it! Damn it!" Shi Qianshou became furious when he saw that Song Jie had killed so many Dust Demon Grasshoppers.

He originally didn't take Song Jie seriously, but now he can't delay any longer.

"You all go to hell!"

...(End of chapter)

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