Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 381 Taking the Core of the Earth

Shi Qianshou did not expect that the Dust Demon Grasshopper did not affect Song Jie.

After all, the trembling attack power of the Dust Demon Grasshopper is extremely powerful, and ordinary people cannot release magic at all if they are caught in it.

But Song Jie had no impact at all, and even killed many Stormhoppers on him.

"So what if you can release magic, I am a super poison mage!"

Shi Qianshou sneered, "If I want you to die, you will all die!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two cross seals suddenly appeared on Song Jie's head opposite! !

"That's... the rubbing seal!!" Shi Qianshou recognized the magic.

Golden light exploded in mid-air, golden rain fell, and the oncoming Stormhopper was instantly killed.

"This guy!!" Shi Qianshou gritted his teeth. If Song Jie was not dealt with, he felt that this matter would be exposed sooner or later.

"Die you all!"

Shi Qianshou is a super-level mage who majors in the poison system.

Therefore, he can poison the opponent without them being prepared.

And now!

The poisonous gas he released just now has arrived around Song Jie and Lin Feili.

The poison gas released by Shi Qianshou is colorless and odorless. Unless you are of the poison type like him, it is impossible to detect it.

However, when he tried to control the poisonous gas to spread to Song Jie's body, the poisonous gas could not break through his holy shield at all.

"How could...!" Shi Qianshou used poison gas to kill many people, but he never encountered this situation.

A little holy shield!

It was actually able to block his poisonous energy that was victorious in every battle.

The reason why Song Jie didn't kill Shi Qianshou was because this guy could control the Dust Demon Grasshopper to kill him.

This is the spirit!

He won't let it go.

"On this point, the Dust Demon Grasshopper still wants to kill us?" Song Jie spoke sarcastically.

Shi Qianshou clenched his fists. He didn't expect this guy to be so fierce! !

Be someone else!

It might have been eaten up by the dust worm long ago!

But this guy was still standing in front of him, safe and sound.

"Give them all to me!" Shi Qianshou was so angry that he didn't believe that this guy's magic power could last for so long.

But what he didn't know was that Song Jie's release of magic only consumed primary magic energy.

And he is a high-level third-level mage. For him, the consumption of basic magic energy is just a drop in the bucket.

Song Jie looked at the stormhoppers rushing from all directions, his face slightly raised.

He thought to himself: "Then let's solve it once and for all!"

Three Tuozhi seals!

The reappearance of brilliance and unnecessary magic energy!

In an instant!

The entire inn was filled with a golden rain inside and outside!

All the Dust Demon Grasshoppers kept coming, but they were all killed before they even got close to Song Jie.

Shi Qianshou looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was bleeding. This was his last trump card.

However, it was of no use to Song Jie.

All the controlled Stormhoppers were killed. Song Jie looked at him not far away and showed a faint smile.

Make a lot of money!

Although the essence he received this time cannot make up for all of it, it can at least make up for 80%!

"It's your turn now." Song Jie looked at him.

"How dare a high-level mage talk to me like that."

Shi Qianshou didn't know where Song Jie got the courage, and this guy had consumed so much magic energy just now.

Song Jie smiled, and then the power of space immediately locked onto Shi Qianshou...

Shi Qianshou was surprised, but as soon as he reacted, the spiritual power around him became more dense! !

It was like they were all coming towards him!

"how come……!"

At this moment, he couldn't move at all, and his mental state was obviously not good enough to resist the mental attacks around him!

Song Jie used the ancient king's space ability and also used the penetrating formation!

The penetrating formation is comparable to super spiritual magic, not to mention Song Jie's mental power is so abnormal!

Although Shi Qianshou is a super mage, his mental level may not be higher than Song Jie's.

Under double pressure!

Shi Qianshou suddenly let out a painful scream, as if his soul was being torn apart.

Song Jie felt that this guy's crime was unforgivable, but it would be too easy for him to let him die like this.

He didn't just want to torture him.

Let him be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

Lin Feili was a little confused when he saw this sudden turn of events.

Is that the solution?

He remembered that Shi Qianshou seemed to be a super mage, right?

However, after thinking about the situation where Song Jie killed all the Dust Demon Grasshoppers just now, Lin Feili had a new understanding of Song Jie.

This guy……

Ridiculously strong! !

It seemed like he was still trash when he was this age...

"You look at him, I'll go check out the place just now." Song Jie said.

Lin Feili nodded.

Shi Qianshou was tortured until he could only breathe half a breath and could no longer make any trouble.

Song Jie returned to the cave and saw many skeletons at the same time.

These are all Shi Qianshou's methods. The people who came just now are probably dead.

He walked towards the end and saw the core of the earth.

Shi Qianshou didn't take it away because he was not in a hurry. The other party must have wanted to deal with them, take away the core of the earth, and then help replenish its energy.


But he didn't know what kind of existence he had offended!

Song Jie looked at the Earth's Core, whose tawny halo was a little more obvious than before.

He knew this was because Shi Qianshou replenished his energy.

Song Jie raised his arm and looked at the bracelet and asked, "Can you replenish the energy from the core of the earth?"

However, the bracelet suddenly vibrated, as if responding to him.


Song Jie's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect it to be possible.

"What to do?" Song Jie asked.

However, the bracelet responded to him immediately.

If you want to restore the core of the earth to its original state, you must replenish it with energy.

The solution given by the bracelet is to use the essence to replenish energy.

"Do I have enough energy to completely replenish the energy of the Earth Core?" Song Jie asked.

At this time, the bronze bracelet vibrated again.

Song Jie was startled, "You want a monarch-level soul?"

He does still have two monarch-level spirits in his hand.

One is the Dark Sword Master.

The other is the spirit of the Poison Valley Lord.

Song Jie asked: "If we use other essences, how many more are needed?"

The monarch-level essence really made him feel a little bit pained.


The bracelet gave the answer.

"I wiped it, and it even doubled again!" Song Jie exclaimed.

He looked at the servant-level and warrior-level spirits he now owned, and they were about three hundred or so.

"What if we add commander-level spirits?" Song Jie asked again.

The bracelet vibrated again, giving the answer.

Song Jie nodded and decided to fight in this desert.

Sovereign level essences were too rare, so Song Jie chose to use essences below the monarch level to make up for it.

Anyway, they now have clues to the totem and are in no hurry to leave the Taklimakan Desert.

Just in time to help humans severely punish the monsters here.

"System, can you take away the Core of the Earth?" Song Jie asked.

After a while, the system will collect the core of the earth into the system space.

Song Jie was deep in thought, thinking about his next plan.

After all, the matter about the Earth's Core will definitely be known to everyone.

He needs to plan carefully to capture this core of the earth.

...(End of chapter)

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