"They have been following you for so long. You don't want them to be unable to rest in peace after they die, right?" Song Jie said.

Vine Snake seemed to have heard it, and was silent for a long time without answering.

Song Jie is not in a hurry. They have found the Vine Snake. As for what happens next, they can only do it step by step.

Mu Ningxue has already taken a look at the land, and it will be okay to take out a piece of it when the time comes.

After all, a small area is nothing if you can be protected by a totem beast.

Suddenly, Vine Snake did not answer Song Jie's words, but fell into the huge black pit.

"Song Jie..." Jiang Shaoxu said anxiously.

Song Jie nodded and patted Jiang Shaoxu on the shoulder, "I will help you ask for clues about your brother later."

Jiang Shaoxu nodded slightly. Although she knew it was slim, she didn't want to miss any opportunity.

"Song Jie, was that Vine Snake just now, the patron saint of the Niya people?" Bai Tingting asked.

Song Jie nodded.

Bai Tingting has heard that the patron saint of Hangzhou is also a snake.

time flies.

Lingling doesn't have much useful information anymore.

At the same time, she is also paying attention to the situation here.

But Vine Snake never responded, so Song Jie and others could only wait.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The huge head of the vine snake suddenly appeared.

Song Jie, Jiang Shaoxu and others all looked over.

The vine snake let out a "cooling" sound.

Song Jie immediately got a reply from the other party, and he suddenly smiled!

Done! !

Jiang Shaoxu saw the smile on Song Jie's face and already guessed the result.

Song Jie continued: "Big guy, are you familiar with this aura?"

He took out a jade pendant, which was often worn by Jiang Shaojun before, but was later given to Jiang Shaoxu.

Vine Snake lowered his head and smelled it, and finally shook his head.

Jiang Shaoxu couldn't help but be a little disappointed when he heard this, but it was reasonable.

After all, Vine Snake often led Jing Jueguo around, so he might not have encountered Jiang Shaojun at that time.

"Big guy, when my place is stable, I will come back and take you there!" Song Jie said.

Vine Snake nodded.

After Song Jie and Teng She agreed on a time, they prepared to meet Lingling.

Times of Day.

They arrived at the city they came from before and found Lingling and Artur at the same time.

"Song Jie, do you have any arrangements for the place?" Lingling asked.

"If not, I can ask my grandpa to arrange it."

"Yes, Mu Ningxue and I are planning to build a city, and we can free up some space at that time." Song Jie replied.

"I see."

Lingling nodded.

Jiang Shaoxu suddenly realized: "So Ning Xue wants to build a city? No wonder she said she has no time recently. It turns out she is busy with this kind of thing."

But she also knew that the Mu family had removed Mu Ningxue, so she had no choice but to start her own business.

Jiang Shaoxu admired Mu Ningxue in his heart. After going through so many things, he could still achieve this.

"Do you want my help?" Jiang Shaoxu asked.

"If it comes in handy, I'll definitely do it!" Of course Song Jie would not be polite to her.

The totem matter has come to an end, and the life crystal that continues Zhao Manyan's father has been found.

The next step is for them to return to the Magic City and prepare for the next thing.

Return to the room.

Song Jie told Zhao Manyan about the life crystal.

When Zhao Manyan heard this, he was very excited, hoping that Song Jie and the others would come back soon.

Song Jie asked: "How is the situation over there?"

"The business matters have been taken care of. Those old men are watching the battle. After I win these orders, they won't dare to bark anymore." Zhao Manyan said with a smile.

If Song Jie hadn't given him so many connections, he might not have been able to handle so much business.

Especially the British side, who gave him the green light without any hindrance at all.

"Are you asking someone to follow Mu Ningxue?" Song Jie asked again.

He didn't want the Mu family to take the opportunity to do something evil, which would disgust not only Mu Ningxue but him as well.

"I have people watching over Mu Ningxue, and everything is going smoothly." Zhao Manyan said.

This is something Song Jie has assigned to him, and of course he will do his best to complete it.

"That's good."

Song Jie nodded and said: "We will go back in two days, and then we will pay and deliver the goods."


Zhao Manyan nodded.

Song Jie hung up the phone, and he was going to have a showdown with the people here.

I have to tell you about the Core of the Earth. After all, if you want to use it, you can't hide anything.

And this is just a pistil of the earth that is about to be exhausted.

Not only did he redress the grievances of the people eleven years ago, but he also captured Shi Qianshou.

At the same time, he rescued people in Shangwananjiao Town.

With these two achievements, it’s okay for him to get a withered core of the earth, right?

What's more, he also found the totem, and I believe the higher-ups won't make it difficult for him.

the next day.

The senior officials of the Western Military Region also found him.

Shi Qianshou's matter has been investigated clearly, and what happened eleven years ago was all done by him.

Therefore, Shi Qianshou will bear the responsibility and be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

Song Jie led Ge Ming and others to rescue tens of thousands of people, and they won praise and appreciation from the senior officials of the Western Military Region.

The General Secretary of the Western Military Region smiled and said: "Song Jie, you have done us a big favor! Now even I don't know how to reward you."

"Actually, I have a good proposal." Song Jie said.

"What proposal?" asked the Western Military Secretary.

"I'm going to build a city recently, and I may need to go to the core of the earth." Song Jie said bluntly.

He originally wanted to mention the Core of the Earth, but he didn't expect Song Jie to bring it up first.

The Chief of Military Affairs said: "But I heard Lin Feili say that the core of the earth seems to have withered."

"It is indeed withered." Song Jie nodded, "But I can find a way to save it."

The Chief of Army was silent, and then he was very confused:

"It's really difficult for me to do things like the Core of the Earth... Maybe I can't even make the decision."

Difficult to do?

That means there are not enough chips.

Song Jie said: "I have been looking for a totem beast recently, and I have some ideas. If I can succeed, we will have one more totem beast in China."

As soon as these words came out, the Western Army Division's eyes lit up, but he still looked very embarrassed.

"I'll discuss this with the others."

Totem beast!

They are no strangers to these senior leaders.

And he also knew that Song Jie had one in his hand.

Song Jie left the conference room, and Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu were waiting outside.

"how's it going?"

"There is room for negotiation."

Jiang Shaoxu said: "I have already told my grandfather, and he said he would help."

Song Jie nodded.

As for thanking you, it goes without saying. He just needs to work harder at night.

Song Jie said: "Let's go back and wait for news. I believe it won't be long before the other side agrees."

He believed in his offer, and it was difficult for them to refuse. After all, they had all heard of the power of the totem beast.

Two more days passed.

News came from the Western Military Division.

The condition is that in addition to the totem Song Jie is looking for, Ba Xia who appeared in the Parthenon before must also be recalled.

After all, these are the totem beasts of China, and of course they should be allowed to go home.

They won't control it either.

They just thought that if China was in danger, they could help!

Song Jie didn't care, he was returning to his own territory anyway.

Simply agree.

The military department will also give a batch of energy to help the Earth Core recover some energy, but then Song Jie may need to work hard on his own.

...(End of chapter)

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