After the matter at the Core of the Earth was resolved, Song Jie took Bai Tingting and Lingling back to the Demon City.

Jiang Shaoxu did not follow them, but went to look for clues about his brother.

Arrive at Magic City.

Zhao Manyan personally sent a car to pick them up.

As soon as Song Jie and others came out of the airport, he excitedly waved his hand to indicate that he was here.

After they met Zhao Manyan, they headed straight for the Zhao family.

"Senior Song, thank you so much!!" Zhao Manyan said excitedly.

Song Jie said: "Your father is my father, this is how it should be."

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhao Manyan took out the bank card, "But one code will be the same, as long as you agreed before."

Song Jie nodded.

"The life crystals we found are incomplete, so they won't last long."

"How long will it take?" Zhao Manyan looked at them and asked.

"Judging from the energy contained inside, it should be able to last for four to five years." Lingling said.

"Four or five years? That's already pretty good!" Zhao Manyan nodded happily.

His father was already on the verge of dying. If he could live for another four or five years, he would be able to make up for his previous ignorance.


The commercial vehicle arrived at the Zhao family villa.

Under the leadership of Zhao Manyan, they arrived at a spacious room.

The head of the Zhao family was lying on the hospital bed.

"Dad." Zhao Manyan walked in and looked at his father on the hospital bed and called.

The head of the Zhao family slowly turned his head and looked at Zhao Manyan, Song Jie and others.

Although he is still alive, he can no longer get out of bed and move around and can only spend every day in bed.

It was very difficult for Song Jie to turn his head when he saw the head of the Zhao family, let alone speak.

"Dad, my senior has found something good for me, and you will be able to recover soon." Zhao Manyan said excitedly.

The vitality in the Zhao family's body is disappearing, so the current situation is very critical.

Who knows when he will die quietly.

"Lingling, how do you use that life crystal?" Zhao Manyan asked.

At this moment, another beautiful woman walked in from outside, and it was Zhao Manyan's mother.

"Mom, why are you here too?" Zhao Manyan immediately greeted her.

"I heard you said you found a way to save your father, so I came here." Zhao Manyan's mother Bai Miaoying said.

She didn't look well, obviously because she hadn't slept well for several days.

"Yes, we are about to save daddy!"

Zhao Manyan said while looking at Lingling.

And Lingling took out a box from her schoolbag, which contained the life crystal.

Song Jie took the box and came to the hospital bed of Mr. Zhao.

He took out the life crystal, which was about the size of his thumb, and then put it into the mouth of the Zhao family.

Zhao Manyan and Bai Miaoying are both looking forward to it, hoping that the head of the Zhao family can stand up again!

At this time, the Zhao family leader's originally gloomy eyes were suddenly startled, and then there seemed to be some starlight.

next moment!

Everyone saw the change in the face of the Zhao family leader, and even the other party's white hair was gradually turning black.

"It's amazing." Bai Tingting was very surprised.

Zhao Manyan and Bai Miaoying saw hope, and their faces showed joy.

Song Jie is also observing the changes of the Zhao family leader. He has to say that this life crystal is quite domineering!

A person who was once almost lifeless is now radiant.

"I..." Zhao Jia took the initiative to move his hands and said in disbelief.

After Zhao Manyan saw his father moving, he finally couldn't help but shed tears.

"Dad, you can move!"


The head of the Zhao family nodded.

He had half stepped into the gate of hell, but he didn't expect to be rescued.

"Thank you!" The head of the Zhao family looked at Song Jie and others and expressed his sincere thanks.

Zhao Manyan can also be considered Song Jie's brother, and he also collects money to do things.

After that, Song Jie and Lingling left.

Zhao Manyan's family of three reunited, and they didn't want to disturb them.

Song Jie and Lingling returned to Qingtian Hunting House, while Bai Tingting returned to the Bai family.

Because she wants to compete, she needs to go back and prepare well.

Song Jie took out his bank card, handed it to Lingling and said, "You transfer half of the money in the bank card to me, and you spend the remaining half."

"Aren't you going to build a city? Consider this my investment for you." Lingling said indifferently.

"Lingling is so sensible, thank you so much." Song Jie immediately moved his head towards her, but was pushed away by Lingling.

Lingling was not angry, "I will get married in the future!"

"You have seen such an outstanding man like me, how can you still like other people?"

"That's right..." Lingling immediately reacted, "What a good Song Jie!!"

"Look, you admitted it yourself."

"Give me the money back!"

"It's too late now." Song Jie waved his hand, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Lingling didn't hesitate and nodded.

She knew Song Jie would be very busy next, so she didn't pester him anymore.

Song Jie is indeed very busy. He wants to find Mu Ningxue to decide on a piece of land for Jingjuecheng.

These Niya people have been wandering for so long, and it’s time to rest in peace.

This is what he promised Vine Snake.

Song Jie quickly contacted Mu Ningxue, who happened to be supervising the work on that piece of land.

Then he took a taxi and arrived at the location of the land.

The land is close to the sea.

This is very good.

And the environment here is also very good, with mountains and water, it is a good place.

When Song Jie came here, he saw that construction was already underway.

With the help of an earth mage, a city can be easily built.

So as long as you have money, building a city or something is easy.

Mu Ningxue was wearing a white coat and stood upright with two long white legs.

She suddenly noticed the sound of footsteps, and when she turned her head, she saw Song Jie.


"Just arrived."

Song Jie nodded.

"I've already planned out the place you want, it's right there."

Mu Ningxue pointed in a direction. This was the position she had chosen for a long time.

"This place is not close to the noisy city, and I don't plan to develop the surrounding area. It is usually quite quiet."

Song Jie nodded, and Mu Ningxue felt at ease with her work.

He asked: "Has the Mu family been jumping around recently?"

Hearing this, Mu Ningxue hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

"They did come out and jump around a bit, but I was able to handle it."

"Leave this matter to me." Song Jie said, "By the way, I have the Core of the Earth, which can be used to cleanse the demons first."

"Do you have the core of the earth?" Mu Ningxue was stunned.

What is the core of the earth?

This is the foundation of a city! !

Song Jie smiled and said, "I didn't tell you before because I wanted to give you a surprise."

"It's really a surprise." Mu Ningxue didn't expect Song Jie to get an Earth Core.

"For my hard work, can you give me some reward or something?" Song Jie moved a little closer to Mu Ningxue.

...(End of chapter)

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