Song Jie captured many monarch-level spirits in the Qinling Mountains. After he killed a monarch-level enemy, he also killed this monarch-level enemy.

This will not destroy the balance between monsters.

Just when Song Jie was almost done killing, Song Jie returned with Lingling, Jiang Shaoxu and others.

Yu Shishi did not come with him. She stayed with Yue Ehuang to deal with the matter here.

On his way back, Song Jie received a message from Chen Ying.

He took a look, and after seeing what the other party sent, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Song Jie finally remembered what he had promised Chen Ying before, which seemed to be a trip to Zhuoyuan North Point.

But there are too many things going on recently, and then I forget...

Chen Ying: "Did you forget something?"

Song Jie: "I'm going to Zhuoyuan North Point right now!!"

Chen Ying: "My mother said that I shouldn't have given Little Flame Fairy to you in the first place."

Song Jie: "..."

I actually forgot about it before, so I just remembered it now.

Song Jie called directly to show his sincerity.

"Is there still another chance?"

Several months have passed since then, and Song Jie doesn't know if the opportunity is still there.

"The opportunity is still there."

Chen Ying said: "A lot of things happened over there. The opportunity is still there, but if you want to get it, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"How to say?"

"My mother tried to get close, but even she couldn't do anything," Chen Ying said.

"more specific."

"That's a kind of flame. This kind of flame is very scary. My mother wanted you to bring Flame Fairy over to devour this kind of flame, but something unexpected happened during the process."

Chen Ying explained: "This flame opened up the spiritual intelligence, swallowed up the surrounding flames and became the overlord of the party. My mother fought against it, but she lost."

"So my mother saw that you didn't come and didn't rush you. But you haven't come after so long. She is very dissatisfied with you now."


Song Jie was silent again.

He really forgot.

Song Jie said: "I am in Qinling Mountains now. I will rush back immediately and then go straight to the north corner of Zhuoyuan!"

Chen Ying didn't say much, and then the two hung up the phone.


Jiang Shaoxu asked curiously.

"Chen Ying, didn't I get Little Flame Fairy before? I agreed to take Little Flame Fairy back after a while, but then I forgot..." Song Jie explained.

Jiang Shaoxu covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I really have you."

"There are too many things, I really forgot." Song Jie said.

At the same time, he was also looking forward to seeing something over at the northern corner of Zhuoyuan.

Song Jie felt that as long as there was no existence that surpassed the orthodox emperor, he could still fight!

Moreover, he felt that there would definitely not be one at the northern corner of Zhuoyuan. If there was one, it would not have just come out, and it would have been discovered by humans long ago.

Therefore, this terrifying guy should be in the ranks of monarchs, and may be the best among monarchs.

"I'll take you back to the city first, and then I'll go to Zhuoyuan North Point." Song Jie said.

Jiang Shaoxu nodded. She still wanted to find news about her brother, so she couldn't go with him.

Song Jie closed his eyes and meditated on the back of Ice Emperor Wind Eagle, and at the same time he had arrived in the dimensional plane.

After being nourished by the holy waterfall, the lowest level of the summoned beast in his hand is the warrior level, and the highest level is the sub-monarch!

Little Flame Fairy and Little Green, as well as Ice Emperor Wind Eagle and Little Black, have all advanced to the rank of Sub-Monarch.

It's only one step away from the monarch level! !

Most of the others have reached the level of commander, and the majority are commanders.

"I don't know if so many summoned beasts can be combined into a supreme monarch." Song Jie thought to himself.

Apasi has also gained a lot, and she is now only one step away from the monarch level.

Later, Song Jie sent Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu back to the city.

Before leaving, Lingling looked at Apasi and said, "How can she go with us?"

"Brother Song Jie is willing to take me there, are you in charge?" Apasi said, puffing up her chest.

"You!!" Ling Ling looked at Song Jie angrily, saying that if you don't give me an explanation, you will be finished!

"Her abilities can be used to burn the North Point of the Plains." Song Jie said casually.

Hearing this, Lingling nodded and didn't care anymore.

Apasi looked at Song Jie, this guy was always lying.

After Song Jie and Apasi said goodbye to them, they also asked Lingling to help collect information about Tianshan, especially Tianshan Snow Lotus.

If he gets the Tianshan Snow Lotus and the Oath Tree Fruit, the Light Soul Seed can be promoted to the Heaven Seed!

When the time comes, the power of his light system will explode! !

"Then will you take me with you then?" Lingling asked.


"That's pretty much it." Lingling nodded and agreed.

Song Jie and Apasi left and headed to the airport, preparing to go to Zhuoyuan North Point.

Apasi asked: "What are we going to do there?"

"This is an opportunity for little Flame Fairy. Maybe it can grow quickly and become a monarch!" Song Jie said.

"If I had the chance, would you do the same thing?" Apasi asked.

Song Jie nodded, "You are all my contracted beasts. Of course I will help you if I have the opportunity."

Apasi nodded with satisfaction, thinking this was pretty much it.

The plane headed straight for Dunhuang. When Chen Ying sent a message to Song Jie, she was already waiting in Dunhuang.

By the time Song Jie and Apasi arrived, it was already afternoon and Chen Ying was waiting for them in the hotel.

"You're quite fast." Chen Ying said angrily.

"Hahaha..." Song Jie could only smile, not knowing what to say.

"Should we go directly now, or wait until the next day?" Chen Ying asked.


Song Jie didn't want to wait any longer. If it were another day, Chen Ying's mother might tear him apart.

And he also wanted to know what opportunity the other party was talking about.

"You're in a hurry now." Chen Ying teased with a smile.

Song Jie solemnly said: "It's not that your mother is impatient. We can't keep her waiting any longer."

Chen Ying smiled and said, "Then let's set off now!"


The three of them arrived outside the safety barrier of Dunhuang.

"It takes a few days to arrive from here." Chen Ying said.

"In just a few days, we can reach Pingdingshan in the evening," Song Jie said.

"Can we arrive in the evening?" Chen Ying looked at Song Jie in surprise.

"I said you can get there if you can." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he summoned the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle.

Chen Ying then remembered that Song Jie had a flying summoned beast.

"But when we fly in the sky, we will definitely be targeted by demons."

"It doesn't matter, I will kill as many monsters as you want." Song Jie vowed.

Since Song Jie said so, Chen Ying didn't say anything else.

After the three of them got on the back of Ice Emperor Wind Eagle, they started to head straight towards Pingding Mountain.

At the same time, Song Jie was also enhancing the strength of the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle, immediately increasing its speed several times.

This is why he is so confident that he can reach Pingdingshan in the evening!

...(End of chapter)

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