It's evening.

Song Jie and Chen Ying finally arrived at Pingdingshan.

"I didn't expect to be here in the evening." Chen Ying said with a smile.

"I just said yes!" As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he saw Chen Ying's mother Jiang Feng in the distance.

Song Jie saw Jiang Feng, smiled, and then summoned Little Flame Fairy.

After Little Flame Fairy appeared, she rushed towards Jiang Feng and immediately snuggled into her arms.

Jiang Feng originally looked at Song Jie with a bad expression, but after seeing Little Flame Fairy, a smile appeared on her face.

The two communicated for a while. Jiang Feng looked at Song Jie again and noticed something strange about Apasi.

"This is my person." Song Jie explained.

Jiang Feng nodded. After exchanging something with Apasi, she started talking.

Song Jie couldn't understand, but Apasi next to him helped translate.

"She said that she really shouldn't have handed over Little Flame Fairy to you."


Song Jie was silent, can't we just avoid this topic?

After Jiang Feng kept complaining for a while, he was finally relieved and returned to the topic.

"Ahem...can we talk about that great opportunity now?" Song Jie asked.

Chen Ying smiled and said: "Song Jie must have been caught up in important matters before and probably forgot about it. He rushed over immediately after receiving my news."

Jiang Feng felt a little better after hearing this.

Later, Apasi helped translate for them.

"There is a magma zone in the northern corner of the Burning Plains. It is full of lava. I have discovered the existence of living things there before, so I went to see it, but I didn't expect it to be there."

"That's why I asked Chen Ying to inform you to come over that time."

"It's just not long ago that the creature continued to improve and soon reached a terrifying level."

"Even I will soon be no match for it."

"Many people have discovered it before and wanted to encircle and suppress it, but the lava zone is its battlefield."

"Those people spent a lot of money and were no match for it. In the end, they could only run away cowardly."

"Its current level has reached an astonishing level, so you'd better not go there."

Apasi has already translated everything Jiang Feng wanted to say.

Song Jie asked: "How strong is it? Can you be more specific?"

Apasi translated: "The previous super mages who joined forces were no match for it."

"I do not know now."

Hearing this,

Song Jie pondered.

In this way, this guy has grown to the level of a monarch.

If several super mages can't do it right, then it is definitely a creature above the Great Monarch.

Song Jie asked: "If Little Flame Fairy devours it, can she also become a monarch?"

Jiang Feng nodded and said something at the same time.

Apasi translated: "Not only that, its flame is also very unique. After the little Flame Fairy swallows it, the flame will further transform, paving the way for the breakthrough of the divine fire!"

Divine fire!

Song Jie suddenly became interested.

After Little Flame Fairy grows to a certain level, she can refine the flame into heavenly fire!

But this is already its limit. If you want to go further, you need more external assistance.

If it is true as Jiang Feng said, then they must get this big opportunity.

"Leave this matter to me, and I will handle it properly for you." Song Jie said.

Jiang Feng persuaded again.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything without preparation." Song Jie said seriously.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng did not persuade him anymore, but told him to pay attention to safety.

"If I catch it then, can you know about the refining of Little Flame Fairy?" Song Jie asked.

Little Flame Fairy's current strength is still too low. It is obviously not possible to refine such a powerful creature.

Jiang Feng nodded.

"It's too late now, I'll leave tomorrow." Song Jie said.

Afterwards, Jiang Feng left with Xiao Yanji and Chen Ying, leaving only Song Jie and Apasi.

"I'm going back to sleep." Apasi yawned.

"Why are you sleeping? Didn't you awaken the plant magic? I will teach you magic now." Song Jie said.

"You don't have a plant system."

"Although I don't have a plant department, I can teach you how to practice. There is no conflict." Song Jie said very reasonably.


Apasi felt that Song Jie just didn't want to be so bored alone, so he took her with him.

"Am I right?"

"The posture is wrong and you will get tired easily if you practice like this."

"Why can't I get in?"

"It's wrong of you to do this. I told you I would help you, but you don't believe me."

Song Jie took Apasi to practice in Pingding Mountain for a whole night.

So the next day, Apasi finally couldn't bear it anymore and returned to the contract space.

After waking up, Song Jie took Xiao Yanji, Chen Ying, and Jiang Feng to the place she said.

A huge molten area.

Many hunters hesitated here.

In addition, there are military mages sent by the government, and the leading military magistrate is Nan Jue.

Nan Jue said angrily: "These guys are really desperate to provoke such a thing!"

They were assigned a task by the superiors to come over and observe what was going on here, and at the same time make an assessment to determine whether the other party would threaten the safety of the surrounding cities.

"Sir Nanjue, what should we do next?" someone asked.

"Our task is to make an assessment, and the life and death of other people has nothing to do with us." Nan Jue said.

It's not that she is ruthless, but the guys here are too powerful, and she doesn't want to risk her own life for them.

"If something unexpected happens, we will retreat immediately." Nan Jue continued.


Everyone nodded.

As for the hunter team, the people from the ancestral family were the leaders. In order to capture the Holy Spirit of Fire, they made a second sacrifice!

It was the Ancestor Family last time, and it’s the same this time. They don’t want to miss such a powerful creature!

This time they brought a dozen ultra-level mages, as well as three-series ultra-level beings.

Therefore, they are extremely confident and believe that they can capture this flaming Holy Spirit!

"When will we take action?" asked a master hunter.

"Don't worry, this guy hasn't come out yet. Let's wait until he comes out." said the leader of the family.

They have been observing this flame creature for a long time, so they already know its habits.

Therefore, they chose this time to take action against it.

After waiting for a long time, Song Jie, Chen Ying and others also came to the periphery and saw the situation not far away.

Song Jie said: "It seems that someone got there first."

"This creature is not so easy to catch." Chen Ying awakened the spiritual magic, so this time she helped Jiang Feng translate.

Song Jie said: "Then let's wait first. I want to see how powerful this creature is."

Jiang Feng didn't speak. They were both Flame Holy Spirits, so she knew how powerful the other party was.


The lava area on the opposite side suddenly experienced turmoil...

The flame creature is obviously coming out! !

...(End of chapter)

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