In the magma area, the magma jumped more than ten meters high, then fell from mid-air, hitting the surface of the magma, and then little bits of magma splashed around.

Seeing this, the ancestral family showed excitement on their faces and raised an arm at the same time.

Everyone was on alert, waiting for orders from the Zu family at any time.

The next moment, a little flame man suddenly flew out of the lava area, and his eyes suddenly fell on the Zu family and others.

When the ancestors saw this, their arms that were still in mid-air suddenly fell down.

Seeing this, others immediately united and launched a large formation to deal with the flaming creatures!

They are so confident, of course they have made sufficient preparations, and this time they must return with a full load.

In an instant, the water flood formation was activated, and a layer of light blue water surrounded the flame creature.

Immediately afterwards, countless water chains continued to attack it, as if they wanted to catch it.

"Water array!"

Chen Ying also didn't expect that the Zu family had prepared a formation, "They don't really want to get there first, do they?"

Jiang Feng shook his head.

Afterwards, Chen Ying immediately helped her translate.

"No, this flame creature is very strong, and this formation cannot trap it at all."

As soon as these words were spoken, all the water chains close to the flame creatures evaporated in an instant! !

A terrifying flame suddenly erupted from the body of the flame creature, swallowing up the entire formation in an instant!

"Hold it all to me!!"

The Zu family looked at the mage maintaining the formation next to them and said.

only! !

This flame creature was so powerful that they only resisted it for a few seconds, but in the end they could not defeat it.

The entire formation was broken, and the flame creatures looked down at them, seemingly provoking.

The person in charge of the Zu family did not expect this formation to be able to capture it, but at least it would consume the opponent.

However, what he didn't expect was that the formation did not last for more than a minute before it shattered.

The person in charge of the ancestral family frowned. He didn't expect this creature to be much stronger! !

It is several times more powerful than what we encountered before! !

"Go together!!"

But he brought many super mages with him this time, so he didn't think he would die! !

In the blink of an eye, dozens of super-level magics came, but a fiery red shield appeared around the flame creature, firmly protecting it within it.

Chen Ying helped Jiang Feng translate: "This is the enchantment of fire. I didn't expect it to realize this ability!"

"Fire Barrier?" Song Jie looked at the flame creature, "If Little Flame Fairy refines it, can she also gain its abilities?"

Jiang Feng nodded.

Song Jie became interested. This fire barrier was obviously related to defense, and so many super-level magics could not break it.

One can imagine how huge this barrier is.

In an instant, the barrier of the flame creatures seemed to be expanding, and soon it was heading towards the ancestor family.

"No!" He turned around and ran away without even thinking.

When others saw this, they also knew that the situation was not good. Their defenses could not be broken by so many super-level magics!

If they were trapped inside, they would obviously die.

Everyone kept running back, but the flame creatures didn't seem to want to let them go.

The moment the fire barrier touched them, those people instantly turned into a ball of flame, burning down to ashes.


Out of more than twenty people, only a few were left alive after being struck by the flame creature!

When Nanjue and others saw the Zu family running towards them, they dared to stay any longer.


She immediately ordered the military mage behind her to leave.

But the person in charge of the Zu family seemed to have found a life-saving straw and went straight to them.

Seeing this, Nan Jue knew that this guy wanted to use them to attract the attention of the flame creatures.

It's just that the other party is an experienced super mage, and now she is no match for him at all.

"Just stay here and help us delay!!" As soon as the Zu family finished speaking, they immediately took control of the area over Nanjue.

"Damn it!!" Nan Jue was blocked in front, "Blast it away with magic!!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately released their magic, trying to break the space blockade in front of them.

It's just that this blockade is too strong, and their magic can't shake it at all.

When the ancestors saw this, their faces showed joy. With these people helping them to resist for some time, they could at least buy more time to escape!

After you go back, you must ask the elders in the family to take action. After all, this flame creature is too powerful!

But if he is captured, his strength will definitely increase dramatically! !

Nan Jue looked at the flame creatures killing him behind him, and was anxious, but the surroundings were blocked, so there was nothing he could do! !

"what to do!"

Just as she was thinking, a figure suddenly appeared, hanging in front of them.

Nan Jue looked familiar at this figure, and quickly thought of who it was!

"Song Jie!!"

Song Jie turned around, smiled, and then looked at the flame creature opposite.

The flame creatures came to kill, but they only stopped halfway.

"Stop?" Song Jie felt that the other party was not afraid of him, because he didn't reveal anything.

The flame creatures looked at them and did not attack, but flew back.

"Flying back?" Song Jie was surprised. Did he just go back like this?

Nan Jue analyzed: "It should have a certain distance limit, otherwise it would not stop at this time."

"That makes sense." Song Jie nodded, and he shouted to the returning flame creature:

"Come here and fight!"

As soon as these words came out, the flame creature stopped and suddenly turned around.

The military mages standing behind Song Jie were in a mess. They left as soon as they left. Why did you ask them to come back?

"Hey buddy, if you're looking for death, don't take us with you!!"

"Brother, I'm still a virgin. Isn't it unethical for you to do this?"

"We're finished!!"

Who would have thought that this person would actually call the flame creature back.

They're all numb! !

Nan Jue looked at the resentful military mages behind her, twitching her lips. She looked at Song Jie and asked, "Are you sure?"

Song Jie smiled and responded to her.

"Do you need my help?" Nan Jue asked.

Song Jie smiled and said, "If you need it, you can kiss me and give me love and encouragement."

Nan Jue's face turned cold.

"Hahaha..." Song Jie smiled and said nothing more, continuing to look at the flame creatures coming straight towards him.


As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, the surroundings of the flame creature were suddenly squeezed by a force of space, making it difficult for it to move.

"Shrink!" Song Jie released the power of space again, squeezing and shrinking the fire barrier of the flame creature! !


"How did this guy do it?"

"This is too strong!"

They saw with their own eyes that those super mages were beaten until their butts were wet with urine.

But Song Jie was able to deal with this flaming creature on his own, which gave them an incredible feeling!

"This man looks familiar...! I remembered, he seems to be Song Jie of the national team!!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

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