When everyone heard Song Jie's name, they immediately thought of Song Jie who was competing for the world's top universities! !

When they recalled the scene just now, they were already sure that this person was Song Jie!

But Song Jie didn't have time to respond to them, because the flame creatures were already coming towards him! !

The other party still wants to use the same method to deal with Song Jie, but it still knows who is the hunter and who is the prey now!

It wants to break through space barriers.

Song Jie controlled the power of space and immediately isolated the space on its side. The flame creatures were unable to do anything about it.

“Keep compressing!!”

Song Jie's mastery of the power of space has reached its peak, so every step is just right, so that the flame creatures cannot take advantage of it.

The flame creature was furious because it couldn't touch Song Jie at all and could only look at him from afar, but could do nothing.

Now Song Jie can't do anything to it, and it can't do anything to Song Jie either.

At this time, Jiang Feng, Apasi and others had returned, holding on to the ancestors who had taken action before.

"came back."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he looked at the ancestral family.

"What do you want to do? I am a member of the ancestral family, let me go quickly, or the ancestral family will not let you go!"

The Zu family did not expect that they would be captured by these two guys, and they would be crushed.

"Ancestral family?"

Song Jie smiled and said, "So you are from the ancestral family."

"You know I'm from the Zu family, why don't you let me go!" the Zu family said, raising their heads.

Song Jie chuckled again. He remembered that the matter of digging out the children's hearts in the original novel was also related to their ancestral family.

Therefore, this ancestral family is not a good thing!

"Are you done? You can go and die now."

After Song Jie said that, he threw it into the range of the flame creatures.

Immediately afterwards, he released the control of the flame creature and let it deal with this ancestral family.

"You...!!" Before the Zu family could say anything, they were suddenly engulfed in a ball of flames.

Song Jie could clearly sense from the side that the flames of the Flame Holy Spirit were really terrifying.

Even he may not be able to block such a terrifying flame.

so. This guy must not be allowed to get close, he must crush the opponent in terms of strength.

Therefore, if you want to absolutely control the flame creatures, Apasi needs to take action.

After all, Apasi is suitable for spiritual attacks on the enemy. As long as she is strong enough, the opponent will definitely not be able to withstand her spiritual attacks.

Apasi's strength was improved. She looked at the flame creature and then carried out a mental strategy on it.

The fire creature already has its own intelligence, so it also has its own soul.

But Apasi has been improved and is obviously much stronger than it, so it can't resist Apasi at all.

Apasi was using her mind to control the flame creature, but the other party was really controlled.

"nailed it."

As soon as Apasi finished speaking, it was already clear that the flame creature had become a target.

Song Jie nodded, looked at Jiang Feng and asked, "What should we do next?"

"It's very simple. You just need to peel it off step by step, and then use its energy to be refined by Little Flame Fairy." Chen Ying translated beside her.

"I see, let's start now!" Song Jie also wanted to see this process.

Jiang Feng nodded, and then drew out the flame power of the flame creature and transferred it into Little Flame Fairy's body.

This is just a small amount of energy, but it is extremely difficult for Little Flame Fairy to refine.

Song Jie said: "Take your time, we are not in a hurry."

Little Flame Fairy responded, and then accelerated the refining speed. She also wanted to become stronger and protect her father!

Nan Jue looked at the scene in front of him and finally understood why Song Jie appeared here. It turned out that they were also here for the flame creatures.

"Why are you looking at me all the time? Could it be that you are reluctant to leave me after the school battle is over?" Song Jie said with a smile.

"You are still so pretty." After Nan Jue said that, he continued: "I don't know anything about that person."

Song Jie nodded, "It doesn't matter. As long as the Zu family dares to come to me for trouble, I will teach them a painful lesson."

Nan Jue was startled. When he wanted to say something, he didn't.

Because they had been together for a long time, she knew that Song Jie would not do anything that he was not sure about.

"It's not bad that you took care of this flame creature. It no longer posed a threat to our city." Nan Jue said sincerely.

Song Jie smiled and said: "It seems that I also did a good thing."

"If there's nothing going on here, I'll leave first. I have to go back to recover!" Nan Jue said.

"Leaving so soon? Don't you want to stay and reminisce about the past?" Song Jie said.

Nan Jue shook his head, and then left with the military mage.

Song Jie didn't say anything. Little Flame Fairy needs to absorb flames to improve her cultivation and refine the flames!

So he may need to stay here for a while.

Song Jie asked: "How long will it take to get better?"

Jiang Feng replied: "It could be as little as a month, or as much as two or three months."

Song Jie nodded, he owed this all, so he had to stay here for how many months.

Little Flame Fairy is his summoned beast. If he leaves, Little Flame Fairy will definitely return to the contract space.

Therefore, he could only stay here to accompany Little Flame Fairy to continue refining.

When Song Jie had nothing to do, he often took Chen Ying to practice.

He is not practicing, but just to collect essence and some fire attribute materials, which he can give to his summoned beasts when the time comes!

"Time flies so fast, you have become so powerful." Chen Ying said as she walked.

She has been promoted to a high level and is already outstanding among her peers.

But to geniuses like Song Jie, when she reaches a high level, she seems average.

"You are also very good." Song Jie said sincerely.

Chen Ying nodded, "Do you have a girlfriend now?"

Song Jie shook his head, they are not girlfriends, they are all my wives!

So he really didn't!

Chen Ying said: "Logically speaking, you are so good, there is no way you don't have a girlfriend."

"Not really."

Song Jie said like a veteran driver.

"I do not believe."

Chen Ying shook her head, a man's mouth is a liar.

"How did I hear that Ning Xuecheng was founded by you and Mu Ningxue?"

"She is my wife, not my girlfriend." Song Jie said.


Chen Ying smiled angrily.

"But thank you for what happened before, otherwise I might still be kept in the dark." Chen Ying said.

Song Jie waved his hand, "These are all things of the past."

However, at this time, Chen Ying stopped and looked at Song Jie, and suddenly I came over.

She stood on tiptoes and pressed her pink lips on Song Jie's face.

"That's my thank you."

After Chen Ying finished the kiss, she turned around and walked quickly not far away.

Song Jie said intoxicatedly: "It's all my fault that I am so good that I have attracted countless beauties to bow down to me! My fault! My fault!"

...(End of chapter)

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