Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 515 Traces of Tianshan Mountain

After receiving Song Jie's advice, Li Rui was very efficient and quickly found a channel for him.

After Song Jie got the news, he rushed to Egypt immediately and at the same time came to the Magic Association in Cairo.

"The undead system is a popular magic system in Egypt, so they can assist in awakening here."

Li Rui continued: "But that person also said that there is no guarantee of 100% awakening, but the chance is very high."

Song Jie nodded.

They took the elevator and soon reached the 24th floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, a thin man with a charcoal complexion was waiting for him at the door.

"This is Master Bird who is responsible for awakening you." Li Rui introduced from the side.

Song Jie said hello and followed him in.

Bird's job is to be responsible for awakening, and he is the most prestigious awakening master, but he is so polite to Song Jie simply because the other party gives too much.

"Although I can't guarantee that you will be reminded 100% of the time, the probability is more than 80%." Master Bird said.

Song Jie nodded, "Thank you."

Master Bird brought Song Jie into a room, which was the awakening room.

"That's the Awakening Stone over there, just put your hand on it."

Master Bird has made all preparations. Whether he can awaken next depends on Song Jie's luck.

Song Jie responded, then put his hand on the awakening stone, waiting for changes in the spiritual world.

Time passed bit by bit.

Li Rui was also worried about Song Jie outside.

After about a few minutes, Song Jie walked out with a smile on his face.

"Awakening successful?"

Song Jie nodded, his first department has become the undead system he thought of!

Next, he only needs to find Zhan Kong and ask about how to undead.

"Congratulations!" Master Bird said with a smile.

Song Jie nodded, "Then let's leave first."

"Walk slowly!"

Song Jie and Li Rui left the Magic Association, and then he told Li Rui not to follow him.

After he made a safe barrier and summoned the Ice King Wind Eagle, he headed straight for Khufu's pyramid.

The Chinese undead army is stationed outside the Pyramid of Khufu, and they will have big battles from time to time.

However, after Khufu was severely wounded in Zhenguan Mountain last time, he simply did not dare to confront the Chinese undead army head-on.

Therefore, they only come out to fight from time to time, just to avoid talking about it, thinking that Khufu is afraid of him.

It was almost evening when Song Jie found Zhan Kong. Both of them stood under the moonlight, looking in the direction of Khufu's Pyramid.

Zhan Kong asked: "You must have something to do with me, right?"

"I do need your help. My fourth element has awakened the undead element. I need a skeleton that still has breath under my hand, so I want to know how to make it my own undead!" Song Jie said.

"have a look."

After Zhan Kong finished speaking, Song Jie took out the skeleton in an instant.

In an instant!

A huge skeleton suddenly appeared in the desert!

At the same time, invisible pressure continued to come from the skeleton, as if Song Jie was extremely angry because he put it away! !

Very true! !

A series of low roars echoed in the air, seeming to warn Song Jie and Zhan Kong.

However, Zhan Kong stepped forward violently, and the pressure on his body was stronger than his skeleton, and the opponent immediately fell silent.

Zhankong said: "There is something special about your skeleton. You were at the emperor level before."

"If it becomes an undead, it will be even stronger than before!"

"Because this skeleton has been immersed in it for hundreds of thousands of years, and it has devoured the souls of many living beings."

Song Jie was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this dragon bone could have such means.

Zhankong smiled and said: "You have just obtained the undead system now, and you can't establish a contract with it yet, so you improve your cultivation first, and this thing will be placed with me first."

Song Jie could see that Zhan Kong seemed interested in the dragon bone, but he didn't say anything.

This keel is of the imperial level. If Zhan Kong is used properly, it will definitely be the trump card in the undead army!

By the time!

The ancient king has a headache!

"Okay." Song Jie nodded, since he doesn't need it now.

"Do you need help here?"

"No need, I will return to China after I finish my last battle." Zhan Kong said confidently.

Song Jie nodded.

After that, he stayed with Li Ruiwen in Egypt for two days before returning to the Magic City of China!

After Song Jie came back, he immediately went to find Dean Xiao.

He is still in the initial stage of the undead system, so he wants to use the three-step tower to quickly improve his level.

Last time, Song Jie earned enough face for Pearl Academy at Alpine Academy.

Therefore, Dean Xiao did not bother Soso and directly gave Song Jie seven days to practice in the Three-Step Pagoda.

Seven days are enough for Song Jie to upgrade the undead system to the intermediate level! !

Because Song Jie's bronze bracelet has received a lot of nourishment, his current cultivation speed, coupled with the superposition of the three-step tower, is very impressive!

In addition, the cultivation speed in the three-step tower can be doubled, which is enough for him to improve his undead cultivation level in a short time!

After entering the three-step tower, Song Jie's mental state is no longer comparable to before.

Therefore, he kept walking higher up the Three-Step Tower, wanting to see how many floors he could climb!

During this period, Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu were extremely bored.

Although they were searching for the whereabouts of the totem every day, they still felt a little bored staying in the city.

Jiang Shaoxu held his chin with one hand and said, "Why hasn't Song Jie come out yet?"

Lingling closed the computer and felt extremely bored.

She has almost completed her investigation into the Tianshan Trace matter, and has collected useful information.

Now it’s up to Song Jie!

"Today is the seventh day, he should have finished his cultivation." Lingling said.

Jiang Shaoxu looked outside the door, but did not see Song Jie for a long time.

In the three-step tower, Song Jie woke up from training. Now his undead system has advanced to the intermediate level!

However, Xingzi hasn't gained control yet, so he can't cast the mid-level undead magic for the time being!

Song Jie secretly thought: "I can only control my thoughts slowly in the future."

At the same time, the system's beep sounded quietly.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for the second super-level first-level magic skill of the light system, "Holy Judgment: Demon Judgment Sword", which has transformed for the second time, and obtained a higher-level "Holy Judgment, Square Sword Formation"! 】

Song Jie was startled, what the hell is this square sword array! ?

Could it be four swords! ?

Song Jie didn't go into details. After all, this place was not suitable for releasing magic.

"It's time to go out, they should be waiting impatiently." After finishing his words, Song Jie went out from the three-step tower.

I took a taxi and soon arrived at Qingtian Hunting House.

When Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu saw Song Jie finally coming, they felt a surge of motivation in their hearts! !

"Are you ready to go?" Lingling asked, leaning her head.

Song Jie nodded, "Everything has been taken care of and we can set off."

"Okay!" Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu gave each other a high-five, and they could finally go to the Trace of Tianshan Mountain!

...(End of chapter)

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