From the Magic City to Tianshan, you need to go to Shendu LS first, and then go to the towns near Tianshan.

Therefore, Song Jie and Lingling immediately bought a flight to Shendu and then transferred to other means of transportation.

The four of them got on the plane. Lingling, Jiang Shaoxu and Apasi were all chatting.

"Before going to Tianshan, there is one more place to go." Song Jie said.

"Where to go?"

Lingling asked in surprise.

"Go to a small town, there is a friend there." Song Jie didn't know if it was too late.

However, Mu Ningxue told him before that she still had contact with Qin Yuer, so she should not have lost her mind.

When Song Jie came to Tianshan, the first thing he did was about the totem, the second thing was about Qin Yuer, and the third thing was about the alliance.

Therefore, the other two matters can be put aside for now, but Qin Yuer's matter does need to be dealt with.


Song Jie and the other four got off the plane and then transferred to other means of transportation.

However, because there were too many people here, Song Jie had no choice but to let the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle carry them to the village called Duanyun Village.

It was already night when they got there, so except for the moonlight, the surroundings were dark.

"Is this here?" Jiang Shaoxu asked, looking at the scattered things in the distance.

Lingling nodded, "The village shown on the map is here."

"Let's go in and take a look first." Song Jie walked out first and headed straight for Duanyun Village.

After a while, two people suddenly came inside. They looked at Song Jie and the four of them warily.

"Who are you?" the middle-aged man at the head suddenly said.

Song Jie said: "We are hunters, coming here to find someone."

"Find someone?"

"That's right, did two women live at your place before? One was named Mu Ningxue." Song Jie said Mu Ningxue's name.

When the man heard this, he immediately recalled something, "There was indeed a person named Mu Ningxue at that time, but she had already left."

"So what I'm looking for is not her, but someone else." Song Jie continued.

"Come in!" The middle-aged man knew that they were looking for someone, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Song Jie asked: "Can you take me to where that person lives?"

The middle-aged man asked doubtfully: "What do you want to do with her?"

He doesn't think Song Jie is a bad person, because bad people would not bring two children to a place like this...

Song Jie replied: "Mun Ningxue and she are friends, so she asked me to come over and see how she was doing."

"That's it." The middle-aged man nodded, pointed to the house not far away and said, "That's where she lives."

Song Jie nodded and followed the middle-aged man.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong, because when they came here, the temperature was even lower!

Logically speaking, the temperatures should be about the same, but the temperature here is a bit cold! !

"Don't go there!"

Song Jie raised his hand and asked them to stop.

"What's wrong?" The middle-aged man didn't quite understand.

"There is a situation."

Song Jie said and asked everyone to retreat because the chill was still expanding.

"Why is it suddenly a little cold?" Jiang Shaoxu rubbed his palms and felt the temperature drop suddenly.

At this time, Apasi also noticed something was wrong, and her eyes were fixed on that house! !

"Hurry up and tell everyone in the village to leave." Song Jie said immediately.

"Ah!?" The middle-aged man still didn't know what was going on, and looked confused.

"If you don't leave, you will all die." Song Jie didn't want to talk nonsense and explained the situation directly.

Lingling next to him took out a hunter badge and said: "We are hunters. Your village is in danger. Let them leave quickly."

Lingling knew that Song Jie's judgment would not be wrong, so there must be danger here.

Jiang Shaoxu approached Song Jie and asked, "Song Jie, what happened?"

"It's a coincidence that we came here, and we just happened to meet each other." Song Jie said bitterly.


The chill in Qin Yu'er's body broke out, so the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

Jiang Shaoxu was very anxious, "What on earth are you talking about!"

"You know about Mu Ningxue's birth to a spiritual species, right?" Song Jie asked.

Jiang Shaoxu nodded.

"That's not a natural spiritual seed at all, but a kind of constitution. This constitution is called the cold constitution." Song Jie explained.

"Although this physique can make their ice system more powerful, they will still have to endure pain that is unbearable for ordinary people."

"This person has the same cold physique as Mu Ningxue, but her cold physique is much stronger than Mu Ningxue."

As soon as these words came out, the whole house instantly froze into ice, and the ice continued to spread.

Fortunately, those people left early, otherwise they might also have been affected.

Jiang Shaoxu and Lingling hid behind Song Jie, and the spreading ice could not do anything to them.

At this time, a strong wind suddenly knocked open the door, and a person suddenly walked out of it.

Song Jie looked intently, and his eyes quickly fell on a woman.

She was wearing a snow-white cotton-padded jacket, her hair was fluttering in the wind, and her delicate cheeks were as smooth and white as porcelain.

That proud figure is also a highlight. On the snow-white chest, there is a trace of snow-white on the raised part.

Song Jie had already guessed that this person was Qin Yuer!

Jiang Shaoxu asked: "Is this the person you just mentioned?"

Song Jie nodded while resisting Qin Yu'er's chill.

"I'll send you away first, otherwise there will be a fight later and I won't have time to protect you."

Jiang Shaoxu and Lingling nodded. They were freezing to death and didn't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment.

Later, Song Jie used the power of the space system to send them away, and now only he and Qin Yuer were left.

Qin Yu'er couldn't control the coldness in her body, and the chill spread again instantly.

But even so, it didn't affect Song Jie at all.

"Qin Yu'er."

Song Jie shouted over there.

Hearing his name, Qin Yu'er was slightly startled, and looked over as he regained consciousness.

But as he got closer, Song Jie could see that Qin Yuer's skin was very good.

Even though he had been imprisoned for so long, he still showed no signs of aging, and instead retained his beauty.

"Do you know me?" Qin Yu'er's nice and gentle voice sounded.

"Mu Ningxue told me, she asked me to come and see you." Song Jie replied.

"Mu Ningxue..."

When Qin Yu'er heard this, he remembered who it was and said, "Leave quickly, it's dangerous here."

"Is there any way I can help you?" Song Jie asked.

"No... leave quickly..." Qin Yu'er knew how powerful his cold intention was, so he didn't want to hurt anyone else.

"Is it enough to suppress the coldness in your body?" Song Jie suddenly took a step forward.

"Don't come over!" Qin Yuer stretched out his hand to stop him, not wanting Song Jie to come over and die!

Song Jie called out the Little Flame Fairy, and then let the Little Flame Fairy possess her, and then a terrifying flame suddenly swept around!

ps: Think about it, think about it, are there any pitfalls that haven’t been fixed? ! (End of chapter)

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