Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 523 Wanting to survive is not enough

"It's not the strongest one, there is a stronger one inside." Qin Yu'er's voice rang in everyone's ears.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the huge cave. They didn't expect that there was a white tiger inside.

Jiang Shaoxu said: "This white tiger looks like its mother, so the other one may be its father."

Everyone nodded, thinking that this should be it.

They all looked at Song Jie, wanting to know what Song Jie would do next. Anyway, their strength could not resist this Sky-backed White Tiger.

Not to mention there is one inside.

"You guys wait here, I'll go take a look." Song Jie said.

With that said, he headed towards the female Sky-backed White Tiger.

Although the Sky-backed white tiger stared at Song Jie fiercely, it did not attack it immediately.

At this time, a low roar suddenly came from inside, and the female Sky-backed White Tiger suddenly gave way.

Obviously, the Sky-backed White Tiger inside let him in.

"Apasi, will this guy be okay?" Jiang Shaoxu asked.

She was a little nervous, after all, they didn't know how strong the Tianji white tiger inside was.

"It'll be fine." Apasi immediately shook her head. Song Jie's strength exceeded their imagination, so she was not worried at all.

Jiang Shaoxu nodded with peace of mind.

Don't know how long it has been.

Song Jie never came out, so everyone was a little anxious while waiting.

Jiang Shaoxu was worried, "Why haven't you come out for so long?"

"Let me go in and take a look." Apasi also felt that it was a bit long.

However, when she was about to go there, Song Jie's figure suddenly came out of the cave.

After everyone saw him coming back, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Shaoxu asked, "What were you doing in there? Why did it take you so long to come out?"

"I discussed something with that white tiger, and it's settled now." Song Jie replied.

Immediately, he looked at the little white tiger on the side, turned around at the same time, looked at the female Sky-backed White Tiger and said:

"I made a deal with the white tiger inside. I will leave with the little white tiger later. If you don't believe it, you can ask it."

Hearing this, the female Sky-backed White Tiger glanced at the little white tiger, somewhat reluctant to let it leave like this.

"Little guy, go say goodbye to your mother." Song Jie said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the little white tiger rushed towards his mother and then rubbed her head.

The two white tigers were communicating something, but they couldn't understand it at all.

After a while, the little white tiger came over happily, but instead of going to Song Jie's place, it went to Apasi's place.

Everyone knows that this matter has been resolved.

"Song Jie, what did you do first with those white tigers?"

Nan Jue knew that these white tigers should be the descendants of the white tiger totem, but he didn't know why he did this.

"Of course we are joining forces." Song Jie responded.

"Join forces!?"

Song Jie nodded, "The sea monsters can unite, and the monsters on our land can also unite."


Everyone was silent.

Perhaps only Song Jie could do such an outrageous thing.

"Song Jie, have you asked about my brother?" Jiang Shaoxu asked suddenly.

Song Jie nodded, "I asked the white tigers here, and they said there are too many people who have been here, so they don't know..."

Jiang Shaoxu already understood that although he was a little disappointed, he still didn't want to believe that something happened to his brother.


She wants to keep looking! !

"Where are we going next?" Jiang Shaoxu asked quickly. She felt that following Song Jie would not be difficult at all.

Song Jie replied: "Of course we are looking for Tianshan Snow Lotus!"

He came here with a total of three goals, and now he has completed two, only missing the last one.

That is Tianshan Snow Lotus!

"Tianshan Snow Lotus?! This is the treasure of Tianshan Mountain!!" Jiang Yu said in astonishment, but she didn't expect that Song Jie came here for Tianshan Snow Lotus.

"Let's go, Tianshan Snow Lotus is not far away from us." Song Jie looked into the depths and said.

Their strength here is basically walking sideways in Tianshan, so there is no pressure.

After a while, those hunters also came to the territory of the Extremely Cold Ancient Eagle.

If they want to go deeper into the Tianshan Mountains, they have to pass through the territory of the Extremely Cold Ancient Eagle.

However, as soon as they arrived, they were stared at by the Extremely Cold Ancient Eagles. They seemed to have countless roars in their hearts, constantly releasing them at them! !

"What's wrong with these arctic ancient eagles? Are they in heat? They are so cruel to us!"

"It took a lot of effort to get here, but I didn't expect to die here."

"Damn it, we didn't do anything, why are these arctic ancient eagles chasing after us?"

They originally wanted to form an alliance, but these Extremely Cold Ancient Eagles directly broke up their alliance.

"Look ahead!!" someone suddenly exclaimed.

At this time, everyone looked up to the sky. It was the young people they had met before.

They didn't care so much, he raised his hands and greeted them.


"Save us!!"


More than a dozen people were desperate, and they could only ask those people for help.

Because the Extreme Cold Ancient Eagle had not attacked them before, I felt that those people should have something to do.

"Song Jie, those people seem to be asking us for help." Jiang Shaoxu pointed at the crowd below and said.

None of them were qualified to say whether to save him or not, so they were all looking forward to what Song Jie would say next.

"These people still need to be saved, but it can't be in vain." Song Jie said with a smile.

They are now preparing to return, so whatever they can get is worth it.

Jiang Shaoxu seemed to have guessed what Song Jie was going to do, and smiled as slyly as a fox.


The Ice King Wind Eagle slowly fell, and the Extreme Cold Ancient Eagle did not chase it, but just stared behind it.

When everyone saw that the Extreme Cold Ancient Eagle was not chasing after them, they felt that they had made a clear decision.

"Save us!" Everyone looked at Song Jie and others.

"I can save you, but we are not bad people, so you should understand, right?" Song Jie hinted.

The Chinese hunter immediately understood that Song Jie wanted benefits, so he immediately took out the good things.

"This is what I found..."

One of them bore the brunt because he didn't want to die here, so compared to his own life, these things were not as important as his own life.

One person took the lead, and the others quickly followed, all trying to survive.

After a while, Jiang Shaoxu was making a lot of money and was smiling from ear to ear.

"From Sakura Country?" Song Jie felt that those people's accents were wrong.

Those from Sakura Country nodded.

"Too little, not enough to survive," Song Jie said.

Someone from Sakura Country said: "But they are obviously the same as us. Why can they do it but we can't?"

"If you don't want to live, just say so. I don't want to give you nonsense." Song Jie said nonchalantly.

As soon as these words came out, other people in Sakura Country quickly blocked the man's mouth.

"We give, we give!"

...(End of chapter)

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