Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 524 Is the Inquisition Court awesome?

Afterwards, Song Jie directly emptied the wealth of these people in Sakura Country before he stopped.

Lingling roughly calculated that the things they got were worth at least four to five billion.

"I'll give you one minute now. Whether you can survive or not depends on you." Song Jie suddenly said at this time.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what Song Jie meant.

"You can run away now." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, some people quickly realized that this was what the other party meant.

Immediately, those who understood began to run, using magic to keep running forward.

Others also reacted and used all possible means because they did not want to die.

One minute!

It’s already a lot for super mages like them!

A minute later, those extremely cold ancient eagles attacked those people, and at the same time, it was none of Song Jie's business.

"go back!"

After Song Jie finished speaking, everyone got on the back of the Extremely Cold Ancient Eagle and headed straight in the direction they came from.

This was the first time for Ai Jiangtu, Jiang Yu and others to experience this feeling of being in a demonic area but walking on flat ground.

This was the first time for everyone to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Tianshan Mountain so leisurely.

Glaciers, deep valleys.

Wrapped in silver!

Surrounded by mountains, it looks like an ice dragon coiling and crawling.

Everyone chatted leisurely, feeling like they were on a spring outing.

"Song Jie... No, boss, next time something like this happens, remember to call me!" Jiang Yu said.

This time he came out and made a lot of money, so he felt that he would definitely get benefits by following Song Jie!

"Let's talk about it then." Song Jie will definitely have to settle down for a while after he goes back. He has been a little tired recently.

However, when he was about to leave Tianshan, Qin Yuer frowned and looked outside Tianshan.

Qin Yuer said: "I have other things to do, you go first."

Everyone looked at Qin Yu'er in confusion, but they didn't ask any more questions.

Song Jie felt surprised, so he also frowned, thinking something must have happened.

She thought to herself, and soon thought of a reason.

The people from the Holy City are coming!

When Qin Yuer came out of Tianshan, he had obviously alerted the Holy Inquisition Tribunal!

Therefore, those people will definitely not let her leave Tianshan!

At this moment, a blue restriction suddenly appeared above them!

"This is a restriction! Someone is closing the space here!" Nan Jue quickly reacted.

Jiang Yu was puzzled, "Why are they closing the space here?"

"There are usually powerful demons appearing in closed spaces, or they want to catch someone!" Nan Jue said.

At this time, some people looked at Qin Yu'er.

Qin Yuer nodded, "They should be here just for me. You should leave here quickly and don't be affected by my affairs."

Song Jie raised his head and saw that this place had been restricted and closed, which would also affect them.

Therefore, if it is not resolved quickly, Jiang Shaoxu, Lingling and others may also be in danger.

Song Jie said: "I'll ask Ice Emperor Wind Eagle to take you away from here, and I'll find you later."

Jiang Shaoxu and others nodded. They knew that these people had such powerful restraint abilities, and their strength was definitely not low!

If they stay here, they may not only be unable to help, but may also become a burden.

Jiang Shaoxu warned, "You must come to us later."

Afterwards, they were led away by Ice Emperor Wind Eagle, and only Song Jie and Qin Yuer were left.

"You don't need to stay. The person they are looking for is me." Qin Yu'er shook his head.

"I stayed because I was affected, and since there are heroes to save the beauty, I also want to give it a try." Song Jie said with a smile.

Of course he knew who came to arrest Qin Yu'er, they were none other than those from the Holy Inquisition.

"Those who arrested me should be people from the Holy Inquisition. I've seen your ability. It's a bit special. If you come with me, you will probably be targeted by them too." Qin Yu'er reminded.

Song Jie didn't care, "Just keep an eye on me, I'm not afraid of them targeting me."

Although he is not strong enough to destroy the Holy City now, at least others dare not touch him!

Even in his demon form, he can compete with the Archangel of the Holy City, not to mention he has many trump cards in his hand!

If the people of the Holy City are not afraid, just come.

Qin Yu'er smiled and said, "I'm a little curious about what other methods you have at your disposal."

"You'll find out later." Song Jie responded with a smile.

At this time, he immediately noticed that someone was approaching, and seemed to have locked onto them.

"They are coming." As soon as Qin Yuer finished speaking, his eyes fell on the ice not far away.


A group of people came over. Except for the two women, everyone else was wearing uniform clothes.

Qin Yu'er knew that it was too late for Song Jie to leave now.

There is also a Court of Abnormalities in the Holy Inquisition Court, which specializes in dealing with outliers like Qin Yu'er.

If they can't control it, they will choose to kill it directly.

The reason why people from the Different Tribunals were able to discover Qin Yuer was because the other party had the mark of the Different Tribunals on his body.

So they can find Qin Yu'er's location through the marks on Qin Yu'er's body.

However, when the two women saw that Song Jie was there, they couldn't help but looked at each other.

"What's wrong?" Judge Mohler asked.

These two are masters of the Mu family, but after seeing Song Jie, they couldn't become masters at all.

"We know that person." Mu Feiluan replied.

"Do you know each other?"

Mu Yinfeng, who was standing next to him, nodded and immediately replied: "This guy brought the totem beast to our Mu family and caused a big fuss. Our family is not a rival and can only..."

She didn't finish what she said, but you can imagine what she said next.

"Totem beast?" Mohler continued to ask: "What level is the totem beast?"

"The Supreme Lord."

Moller didn't care, "Then don't be afraid, we are all super masters here, you just need to help us contain Qin Yu'er."

Mu Feiluan and Mu Yinfeng looked at each other and nodded.

The Inquisition Tribunal went to the Mu family to ask ice masters to restrain Qin Yuer. How could the Mu family miss this opportunity, so they let them come.

What I didn't expect was that I would meet Song Jie here.

They walked over, and Moller looked at Qin Yu'er and said, "You shouldn't break free from our control."

Qin Yuer remained silent.

"Now you have no choice, either come back with us or sleep here forever," Moller said.

At this time, Song Jie interrupted their conversation and said, "Do you, the Mu family, also want to participate?"

Mu Feiluan and Mu Yinfeng suddenly swallowed when they heard Song Jie's words. They didn't know how to answer.

Mohler looked at Song Jie, "They are guests invited by our Inquisition Court. Do you want to threaten the guests of the Inquisition Court?"

"The Inquisition Court?" Song Jie looked at him with a smile on his face, "Are you awesome?"

"That's enough for you." Moller didn't want to use words. They wanted to capture Qin Yu'er quickly.

Mohler shouted: "Get out of the way quickly, otherwise I won't mind taking you back to the Inquisition Court. As for whether you can come out, I don't know."

...(End of chapter)

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