Facing Moller's threat, Song Jie didn't care, "I hate being threatened by others."

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a totem beast, not to mention that your totem beast is not around yet." Moller has already surveyed the surroundings, and there are no powerful creatures.

"And even if your totem beast is here, we can kill it!"

Song Jie glanced at them, these people did have such strength.

Qin Yu'er was too strong, so the Inquisition Tribunal did not dare to take it lightly, and all sent out elites.

Song Jie smiled and said: "The tone is quite loud. I wonder if I can say such words later."

"It seems that you insist on going against our Heirloom Tribunal, then I will take you away with you!" Moller didn't want to talk nonsense.

This task was very important, so he had to take Qin Yu'er back.

"Do it!!" Moller immediately ordered the alien mage behind him.

Those magicians completed their magic and released it towards Song Jie and Qin Yu'er.

However, Qin Yuer was faster than them because she completed the magic almost smoothly!

So it’s not like other people who still need to complete steps like star charts, constellations, and star palaces! !

Being in Tianshan, Qin Yuer's ice system is even more powerful, and this is her home field.

The magic that flew in was immediately digested by the ice and snow, and had no effect on them at all.

Seeing this, Moller looked at the two masters of the Mu family with an unhappy expression, "What are you two doing in a daze? Why don't you take action quickly?"

They don't know much about the ice element, so they went to the Mu family to ask Mu Feiluan and Mu Yinfeng to help!

However, they did not expect to meet Song Jie here. This guy was the evil star of their Mu family.

After hearing Moller's words, they didn't know what to do.


They are really scared!

"I'll be responsible for anything that happens!" Moeller said again, not expecting these two people to be so cowardly.

After hearing these words, Mu Feiluan and Mu Yinfeng still had no intention of taking action.

"Sir, it's not that we don't take action, it's that this person is too threatening to our Mu family." Mu Yinfeng said quickly.

Moller was suddenly angry. If these two people didn't take action, it would still be difficult for them to catch Qin Yu'er.

Moller said coldly: "Then I'll come and meet this kid for a while. I want to see what strength he has."

Song Jie did not take action because he felt that he was not needed yet, so he watched Qin Yuer release his gorgeous magic.

He watched Qin Yu'er release her magic skills instantly, not to mention how envious he was.

If he could do this, then other people would have no chance of living!

Song Jie's magic skills have undergone incredible transformation, so the power can be imagined!

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a murderous intention, and then he turned around and saw Mohler.

"Boy, without a totem, you are nothing!" Moller Star Palace completed, seeming to want to strangle Song Jie in the space!

"Space system?"

The corners of Song Jie's mouth raised. The thing he was least afraid of was space magic!

He smiled and said: "Then it depends on whether your space system is stronger or mine!"

Song Jie just raised his hand, and a huge space roulette appeared, heading straight for Moller's super magic!

The two forces of space are constantly rubbing and colliding, and the entire space seems to be shattered.

Neither Mu Feiluan nor Mu Yinfeng expected Song Jie to have such great strength! !

Fortunately, they didn't take action, otherwise they would definitely bring big trouble to the Mu family! !

"This guy..." Moller didn't expect that his attack would be blocked by the other party.


Moller quickly realized that this was not being blocked by the opponent, but being crushed by the opponent! !

The huge power of space crushed it, and other people also reacted and took action to block it! !

Because of this, Qin Yuer also stopped because Song Jie disrupted the opponent's rhythm.

"How can a young boy have higher spatial attainments than me? I don't believe it!!" Moller roared.

"I do not believe!!"

Moller hung in the air, the wings of wind behind him constantly fanning.

In an instant! !

A huge roulette wheel suddenly appeared behind him, and the roulette wheel kept spinning and making a deafening sound!

"Hide behind me, this guy is going to use his ultimate move." Qin Yu'er walked up to Song Jie.

She knew that the person in front of her was no ordinary magician, so he was definitely more powerful than the person who had just dealt with her!

Song Jie smiled. He was absolutely sure of the space power. After all, his space power came from the ancient king! !

He pulled Qin Yu'er behind him and said with a slow smile: "How can you let a woman take action? Let me do it."

"But you..." Qin Yu'er wanted to say something else, but Song Jie suddenly came over, and they were face to face, very close to each other.

Qin Yu'er was stunned for a moment. She had never been so close to anyone else before, and her cheeks suddenly turned red.

"I don't like being protected by women the most. I prefer to protect women, especially a beautiful woman like you."

Song Jie said, but did not continue, because Moller was ready to complete the magic release!

The more powerful the magic, the more time it will take to complete! !

At that moment, the entire space was trembling, and all the surrounding space forces immediately locked onto Song Jie!

Let him escape! !

It's just that it's not him who should escape, but those people! !

Song Jie's space ability is not magic, so he does not need to complete the constellation star palace! !

But it can be released at any time!

Song Jie raised his arm again, and his two fingers immediately came together, pointing in the direction of Moeller!

The terrifying space force shook the air, and like a huge rolling wave, it swept towards Moller overwhelmingly!

"How can it be!!"

At this point, Moller just released his magic and then exclaimed!

"Activate the formation!!"

He knew that his strength alone could not block this blow! !

In the blink of an eye, the entire area was covered with ice and snow, and no one could be seen in front of them, all covered by the falling snow!

However, Moller activated the formation, and the power of confinement, like an invisible chain, immediately imprisoned Song Jie's blow!

The scene of heavy snowfall stopped at this moment.

Moller gritted his teeth and looked at Song Jie. He didn't expect that even if he wanted Qin Yu'er, he would meet other freaks!

"I didn't expect to gain anything else when I came out this time. Don't even think about leaving today!" Moller roared at them.

The reason why he said so after being crushed by Song Jie's space ability was because he still had the formation!

In this formation, Song Jie and Qin Yuer would not be their opponents.

Otherwise, I would really think that all of them in the Inquisition are vegetarians! ?

"Bound of God!"

With everyone united, Moller activated the formation, and several blocking chains came straight towards them!

Even Qin Yu'er frowned immediately because she noticed the horror of this restraint chain!

"It seems like we two can't escape today." Qin Yuer said bitterly.

...(End of chapter)

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