Nanxi Mountain, Wanggui Town.

at this time. Tang Yue was eating in a restaurant, and behind him were two men.

"Deputy Magistrate, you will be transferred in two days, and the food on this table belongs to us." Zhu Min said with a smile.

Li Dong, who was next to him, also quickly echoed: "Although you are not happy here, there is nothing we can do. Those things are not something that we can solve."

Tang Yue looked at the two of them and became angry.

These people were greedy for life and afraid of death, and each one of them did nothing. She wished she could remove them from their posts!

But there were people above them, so it was obviously impossible for Tang Yue to remove them from their posts.

Fortunately, Song Jie was coming over, otherwise she wouldn't know how to solve the Asahi Island problem.

Li Dong smiled and said: "I think the deputy judge seems to be in a good mood. Is it because he is leaving?"

They don't want to stay in this hellish place, but they have no choice but to leave.

Tang Yue ignored it and continued to eat.

Then, she saw a message from Song Jie with a smile on her face.

"finally come."

Zhu Min and Li Dong looked at each other, neither knowing what Tang Yue meant.

"What's coming?"

Li Dong asked.

Tang Yue ignored him, stood up and walked out of the hotel.

Zhu Min and Li Dong quickly followed. Their mission was to keep an eye on Tang Yue and prevent her from messing around.


Tang Yue and others came outside, and a group of people happened to be walking towards them.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Song Jie, the leader, said hello.

Tang Yue smiled and immediately hugged Song Jie.

Zhu Min and Li Dong didn't know what was going on, so they quickly asked: "Deputy Judge Tang, who are these people?"

"Friends." Tang Yue ignored them and took Song Jie and others back to the hotel.

Zhu Min was surprised, "What are these people here for?"

Li Dong replied: "There are two little girls among them, maybe they are traveling."

Zhu Min nodded in approval and followed them into the hotel.

However, when they returned to their seats, there was no room for them.

Zhu Min frowned. His father was the chief judge, and someone dared to offend him! !

"Boy, you are sitting in my seat, get out of here." Zhu Min said angrily.

Song Jie just glanced at Zhu Min, who suddenly took a step back, not daring to look at Song Jie's eyes again.

He was gasping for air, feeling like he was having lingering fears.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Dong next to him asked in confusion.

"'s okay..." Zhu Min swallowed and said.

It can be seen from just now that the young man in front of him is not easy to mess with.

Zhu Min led Li Dong towards the seat next to him.

Seeing that the annoying person had left, Tang Yue said: "I don't have much time left, so we must solve this matter quickly."

Song Jie nodded, he also wanted to get the power of the sea beast Obai as soon as possible!

Obai is one of the descendants of the totem, and its bones are still on Asahi Island, so maybe he can become his contracted undead! !

Since Obai has survived for so long, it can be imagined that its strength is not low, so it is suitable to become a contracted undead!

What's more, the other party is also one of the totems, which is equivalent to retaining the totem for China!

Song Jie said: "We just arrived here, let's rest for a while before setting off to Asahi Island,"

He can hold on, but there are Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu, and they may not be able to withstand the torment.


Tang Yue nodded in response.

Now that Song Jie and others are here, she doesn't have to be so anxious. She believes that Song Jie and others can help him solve his current problem!

Afterwards, Tang Yue arranged a place for them to stay and prepared to go to Asahi Island to investigate the next day.

After seeing Song Jie and others leaving, Zhu Min came over and asked, "Deputy Judge, who are these people?"

"Just take care of yourself." Tang Yue ignored his words and left here.

Zhu Min gritted his silver teeth, looked at Tang Yue's back, and clenched his fists.

If his father hadn't asked him to follow Tang Yue, how could he be so hot-tempered but cold-hearted?

Li Dong next to him said: "Don't be angry, this Tang Yue is like this, it's not like you don't know."

"When she is transferred, we won't have anything to do."

Zhu Min nodded, but he was very angry these days.

But there was nothing they could do. Tang Yue was from the Lingyin Temple Tribunal, so they couldn't offend him.

the next day.

After Song Jie woke up, Lingling, Jiang Shaoxu and others were already waiting for him.

Because someone was poisoned, Song Jie had to take Lingling there to prepare an antidote for the poison.

Tang Yue was already waiting. Song Jie and the others immediately got in the car and followed Tang Yue to Asahi Island.

After Song Jie solves this matter, he may have to go to Xiamen because the sea monster is about to invade there! !

He is in urgent need of the beast souls and essences of monarch-level and emperor-level creatures, so it is necessary to go there.

What's more, if we can solve Xiamen's troubles, we may be able to get another member of parliament.

Why not!

An hour later, Song Jie and others had arrived around Asahi Island.

"If we want to go there, we need to cross this water." Tang Yue introduced.

"There are many monsters under the water that were mutated from previous research. They are called featherless birds, and they are amphibious creatures that live in water and air."


Tang Yue introduced them to the situation around Asahi Island, and Song Jie was also listening carefully.

"I'll take you there now." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he summoned the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle.

Everyone got on the back of Ice Emperor Wind Eagle, and then headed straight towards Asahi Island.

The featherless bird under the water noticed the movement in the sky and thought about it, but when it noticed the breath of the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle, it immediately did not dare to move.

Tang Yue looked down, "I didn't expect it to go so smoothly."

She had encountered many obstacles when she came here before, so it would take a lot of effort for him to investigate the situation here.

Jiang Shaoxu said: "His summoned beast is at the commander level. If those guys dare to take action, they will die without knowing how."

However, when everyone was approaching Asahi Island, some birds suddenly came towards them!

Tang Yue reminded: "We have entered the territory of the manta ray evil bird, so we must be more careful."

Song Jie is also familiar with manta rays and evil birds. After all, he is a fan of the original work.

In addition to the manta rays and evil birds, they also have a leader, the bird king evil star.

This is a sub-monarch and the ruler of Asahi Island. The manta rays and evil birds here all obey him.

The Ice King Wind Eagle would not tolerate them, and then roared angrily, and the group of manta rays and evil birds that wanted to attack them suddenly became quiet.

"Sure enough, we can still fight violence with violence!" Jiang Shaoxu said.

The manta rays and evil birds did not dare to approach Song Jie and the others, and could only watch helplessly as they entered Asahi Island.

But after a while, an aura that was more terrifying than other manta rays and evil birds suddenly appeared and came straight towards them.

Song Jie noticed it, so he raised his head and looked towards the high ground not far away.

...(End of chapter)

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