The demon that came was none other than the Bird King Evil Star, the leader of Asahi Island. Because they had been used for research before, they looked very strange.

It seems to be a body composed of genes that hit the monster.

Everyone looked up and could already see the figure of the Bird King Xie Xing.

"This guy is very strong. I didn't expect to attract it." Tang Yue had a worried look on her face.

"Just leave it to me." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he immediately looked at Apasi beside him.

"You go fix it."

Apasi nodded. It was very easy for her to deal with this sub-junior.

"You let a little girl go?" Tang Yue asked in surprise.

"Don't underestimate her, she is very strong." Song Jie said.

"Lingling, look around and see if there is anything here that can cure the poison on those people."

Lingling nodded. They had visited those people yesterday, so they knew their situation.

"Jiang Shaoxu, Teacher Tang Yue, protect Lingling." Song Jie warned again.

"Leave it to us." Tang Yue and Jiang Shaoxu nodded at the same time.

If the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle is here to take charge, other demons will not dare to approach, so Song Jie can go into the water to find out.

He looked at the calm water and finally dove in.

The water surface rippled, and Song Jie's figure had disappeared from sight.

"Where is this guy going?" Tang Yue asked in surprise.

"I don't know either."

I don't know how much time has passed, but Song Jie has arrived at the bottom of the water. At the same time, many featherless birds are staring at him.

"court death."

Although Song Jie is a landlubber, he is very powerful, especially the power of space.

Even if he goes to the bottom of the water, he can still rely on the power of space to kill the featherless birds around him.

Lingling and others were originally looking for a way to detoxify. After a while, they saw the bodies of many featherless birds floating on the water.

"This guy is so cruel!" Jiang Shaoxu said.

And under the water, Song Jie, you can see that huge skeleton.


It is the bones of Obai! !

"I wonder if Instructor Zhankong can also transform him into an undead soul!" Song Jie looked forward to it.

He still has a position, so he can definitely make Obai his contracted undead! !

Song Jie took out the wooden fish utensils, absorbed Oboi's surviving generals, and finally took away his bones.

After completing this, he did not stay at the bottom of the water and quickly surfaced.

On the other side, Zhu Min, Li Dong and others wanted to find Tang Yue, but they could not see her figure at all.

At this time, Zhu Min's father, Zhu Qi, the presiding judge of Nanxi Mountain, found them.

"Where's Deputy Judge Tang?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Min and Li Dong looked a little embarrassed and hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"Where are the people? Didn't I ask you to stare at her?"

"We don't know either." Zhu Min whispered.

Zhu Qi said angrily: "Trash, you can't even keep an eye on an individual."

"Find her quickly and don't let her ruin Councilor Nan's affairs. Otherwise, you and I will both be miserable!!"

"He seemed to have met with a few outsiders yesterday." Li Dong suddenly said at this time.

"Yes, yes, one of them is quite strong." Zhu Min also said.


Zhu Qi frowned, "Did they say where they were going?"

Li Dong said: "There is no such thing, but I think these are reinforcements sent by Deputy Judge Tang."

"According to what you said, those people came for Asahi Island?" Zhu Qi frowned.


Li Dong nodded immediately.

Zhu Qi said angrily: "Then what are you still doing here? Hurry up and notify us and take people to Asahi Island immediately!"

Zhu Min and Li Dong nodded and immediately headed towards the trial meeting.

Song Jie has almost completed the task.

Apasi came over and said, "I have controlled this monster, what should I do next?"

"You control it first. I'll tell you how to solve it later." Song Jie said.

He felt that when they came to Asahi Island, some people would be unable to sit still, so they would throw themselves into a trap.

Therefore, they just need to wait here.

At this time, Lingling also made a major breakthrough. They had discovered the source of those people's poisoning!

"Lingling, you are great." Tang Yue said excitedly.

If it weren't for Lingling, she might not be able to solve the toxicity in those people! !

"Lingling, have you investigated clearly some of the things I asked you to investigate before?" Song Jie asked.

"About Zhu Qi?"

Song Jie nodded.

"It has been investigated clearly." Lingling then nodded and said: "This Asahi Island was actually a laboratory before, otherwise there would not be so many mutated species."

"The people who originally conducted experimental research here have left, but they did not solve the problems on Asahi Island and chose to leave it alone."

"This is why the current situation has occurred, and Zhu Qi is one of the participants."

Song Jie nodded, "It seems that we can ask a lot about previous things from him."

Tang Yue realized at this time that Zhu Qi had such an unknown secret.

She immediately said: "Then let's wait here for him to come."

However, not long after, Zhu Qi came here with others.

Zhu Qi said earnestly: "Deputy Judge Tang, why are you doing this? Why don't you just stay in Nanxi Mountain? You have to come to a place like this."

"Judge Zhu, I want to ask you something. Does the laboratory here have anything to do with you?" Tang Yue went straight to the point.

"What laboratory? I don't know what you are talking about." Zhu Qi quickly rejected it. Of course she would not admit it.

"Judge Zhu, you also know the capabilities of the Lingyin Temple Tribunal. As long as I want you to speak, you have absolutely no room to refuse." Tang Yue said.

Hearing this, Zhu Qi's face suddenly fell, because he still knew about the Lingyin Temple trial meeting.

"This matter is not something you and I can interfere with, so you can't just think about some things, but also consider the consequences." Zhu Qi said earnestly.

"I don't care what the consequences are. Now that the people in Wanggui Town are poisoned, you and I are both responsible, so no matter what, I will take care of this matter." Tang Yue said confidently.

Wu Jiao, who came with him, was a little embarrassed because he belonged to Councilor Nan.

And Representative Nan will start the election of senior members tomorrow. If something unexpected happens here, it is likely to affect his election!

"Deputy Judge Tang, if we have anything to do, let's go back and talk about it first. It's too dangerous here." Wu Jiao said.

What he wants is that these people must be controlled, at least they cannot be allowed to spread what is happening here.

Tang Yue said: "If you have anything to say, please stay here and discuss it. I think we should be able to discuss it clearly."

After saying that, she glanced at Song Jie.

If we look back at Guizhen, it is on their territory, where Tang Yue has no manpower, and those people all listen to Zhu Qi.

Therefore, they can only choose to take action here! !

...(End of chapter)

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