"Deputy Judge Tang, we are actually preparing to handle the matter here, so we will give you a satisfactory answer when the time comes." Wu Jiao said earnestly.

At the moment, he must stabilize these people and not let Tang Yue, Song Jie and others ruin Representative Nan's good deeds.

"By the time?"

Tang Yue suddenly smiled, "What has become of this place? Are you telling me you will give me an answer when the time comes?"

"If you really wanted to resolve this matter, you wouldn't have delayed it for so long!"

Wu Jiao continued: "We also have something to hide, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

Tang Yue wanted to laugh. She had wanted to solve this problem before, but these people were blocking her.

"You just want to hide this matter so that the people behind you can fight for power!"

"Deputy Judge Tang, I don't know what you are talking about, but I guarantee that this matter will be resolved." Wu Jiao continued.

"Your guarantee has no credibility in front of me." Tang Yue said.

"Deputy Judge Tang, it will be difficult for us to do this if you do this!"

Wu Jiao frowned slightly. If they refused to drink wine as a penalty, he would have no choice but to leave these people here.

"Then what do you want to do?" Tang Yue looked at Wu Jiao, refusing to give in.

Wu Jiao said frankly, "If you are really so stubborn, I can only let you stay here for a few more days."

"Really? I'm afraid you don't have such ability." Tang Yue has Song Jie's trump card, so she is not afraid at all.

"It's not up to you whether you have the ability or not, so you'd better stay here obediently!"

Wu Jiao gave the judge who was following him a look, and the latter immediately moved towards them knowingly.

Tang Yue said with a cold face, "It seems that you have already made your choice, so just wait to be criticized!"

"It's not up to you whether we will be criticized or not." Zhu Qi suddenly said at this time.

If Representative Nan can become a high councilor in Diancheng, they won't have to be afraid of the Lingyin Temple Tribunal.

After all, they also have people behind them.

"Song Jie, I need your help." Tang Yue is no match for Wu Jiao, Zhu Qi and others, so he needs Song Jie's help.

Song Jie nodded, his eyes falling on those people.

"You expect him to deal with us?" Zhu Qi suddenly laughed.

"Can't you?" Song Jie smiled, then raised his hand, and Zhu Qi suddenly flew backwards.

When other people saw this, they all looked horrified.

They all know that Zhu Qi is a super-level mage, and his strength is definitely above Tang Yue.

However, they couldn't catch a single blow in front of this young man, which made them feel so incredible!

Now they didn't dare to move.

Wu Jiao frowned, not expecting such a scene to happen.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up!!"

The others looked at each other and then prepared to release their magic.

Just the next second, they were squeezed by a force of space and collided with each other instantly.

These people are all mid-level and high-level mages, but they are vulnerable to Song Jie.

Zhu Min, Li Dong and others were also shocked. They didn't expect Song Jie to be so strong.

"Damn it, this guy is actually a hidden boss!!" Li Dong swallowed.

Zhu Min had known it for a long time, but he felt that his father should be stronger.

I just didn't expect that this would be the result right now.

"What should I do?" Zhu Min looked at Li Dong and asked for advice.

"What can we do? Of course we have to act according to the situation." Li Dong said.

Anyway, he was not involved in this matter, so even if the other party discovered something, it had nothing to do with him.

Therefore, he is not afraid of this matter being exposed.

But Wu Jiao, Zhu Qi and others were afraid because they had all been involved in that incident.

So if this matter is exposed, they will definitely be miserable and walk around, which is why they don't let Tang Yue leave.

"Xiao Hei."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, Xiao Hei suddenly emerged from the contract space and then went straight towards Zhu Qi.

He wanted to know from this person who was involved in the laboratory.

Zhu Qi is also one of them, so he must know what happened back then.


Xiao Hei controlled Zhu Qi and told him about the experiment with demons.

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

It turns out that the current situation was all caused by Zhu Qi, Representative Nan and others! !

After they knew the truth, they all suddenly realized that if they continued to help them, they would definitely be punished.

"Zhu Min, I didn't expect your father to do such a crazy thing. I will break up with you now!" Li Dong immediately distanced himself from the relationship.

Zhu Min was startled. He didn't expect Li Dong to be so decisive and cut off all ties with him directly.

"You!!" Zhu Min also knew what happened back then, but he had been keeping it a secret for his father.

"Song Jie, next." Tang Yue looked at Wu Jiao.

Wu Jiao panicked, but before he could react, Xiao Hei had already controlled him.

Later, Wu Jiao also revealed some secrets from that year.

Tang Yue said angrily: "This Representative Nan is really crazy. They actually wanted to control the demons, and that's why they caused the entire Asahi Island to endanger Wanggui Town!!"

Li Dong immediately stood up and said, "Yes, I have changed my mind now and will definitely bring these people to justice!"

"So are we!!"

The judges all chose to side with Tang Yue. After all, Zhu Qi had lost power.

Tang Yue didn't care about them. After all, with the help of these people, their subsequent actions would be much simpler.

"Song Jie, thank you."

"What a big deal." Song Jie shook his head. The purpose of coming here was also for this matter.

They already have the people involved in the laboratory, and they just need to capture them all and ask for the truth.

By the time!

That Representative Nan still wants to run for the Senate seat?

It’s simply impossible!

Everyone had already solved the matter, so they returned to Wanggui Town and waited for Tang Yue to capture everyone.

Then take the evidence and go arrest Representative Nan! !

Two days passed.

It’s the day of the Dincheng election.

The residents of the city celebrated together and were waiting for this moment.

Representative Nan sat in an armchair, waiting to vote in the next election.

He has bribed those people, and as long as they vote, the status of this senior congressman belongs to him.

"There has been no news from Zhu Qi for a long time. What's going on?" Councilor Nan asked.

"I just got in touch and he said everything is fine over there." The secretary replied.

Representative Nan nodded. If that was the case, he would be relieved.

"Who is that person over there? He is so young and sitting in such a high position." Representative Nan asked.

"That man's name is Mo Fan. He was the one who took action when Diancheng was in trouble before."

The man continued to explain: "His current identity is the honorary guardian of Diancheng and the honorary member of Diancheng."

...(End of chapter)

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