Versatile Mage

Chapter 1740: Silver lord

Contract beast? ?

This means that the burning bird is a summoning mage, but why did it appear in this feather demon festival? ?

"Contracted beast... However, its feathers have been polished to what it should be for many years now." Zhang Xiaohou heard Mofan's voice and felt extremely confused.

It's hard to imagine that this would be a contract beast, so what about its owner? ?


Just when everyone was surprised, there was a scream of sorghum coming from afar.

Looking back at the past, but just saw a silver-white light cut through the blue sky, passing by the black-painted burning bird at a very fast speed...


The silver-white light is very sharp, seemingly unintentionally flying beyond, but it cuts the back of the burning bird directly, and the bright red blood flies out. With the strong hurricane, it looks so shocking! !

"Damn!!" Zhang Xiaohou screamed, his eyes staring at the silver-crossed light.

After the silver light passed, it gradually appeared in a place that was not too far from Xiaoyue Mohuang. Mo Fan also immediately looked at it, but found that this guy turned out to be a hegemonic creature he had seen! !

The whole body is covered with silver feathers such as metal ribs. The white is small and can be as soft as a needle. It can be soft and silky velvet. It is a powerful and powerful eagle's body. The tail is more like a saber-toothed shape. It is attached to the whole body...

Silver 穹 Lord! !

This guy is the overlord of Xiling, the supreme ruler of the White Magic Eagle tribe! !

The silver lord seems to be a little late than other pheasants. It is constantly surpassing the little moon moth phoenix, but once the guy surpasses a goal, he will be extremely cruel to cut each other with his own silver front feather. Back...

There is no exception to burning birds. Its back is cut and blood is mad. In this case, the guy still slaps his wings desperately and refuses to give up.

Although I don't know why it is such a dedication, but looking at it's struggling look, a burst of sourness into the throat!

The silver lord was obviously deliberately doing it. After it reached the heights, the narrow eyes also deliberately looked down on the burning bird that was only the battle level. Obviously it was ridiculing the burning of birds, ridiculing it without knowing the heights!

How can you fly to this height, the real hegemon can easily kill it!

"Hog call ~~~~~~~~~"

The small moon moth is spiritual, and when the burning bird is severely wounded, it immediately releases a glimmer of purification.

The glory fell on the burning bird that fell in the hurricane, and it was protected with the light of moth feathers.

The light of the moth feather bears the broken and tired body of the burning bird, and eventually it falls into the mountains of Wanzhang. It is no longer possible to see the burning bird in the blink of an eye.

The little moon moth can only do so much, and Mo Fan and others can't do anything. The hurricane is too strong. They are some distance away from the burning birds. It is impossible to help the birds burn...

Moreover, the burning bird was seriously injured, and after being killed by the silver lord, it is estimated that it is very difficult to survive!

"A disgusting guy!!" Jiang Shaoxu looked at the silver lord, with hate.

"I didn't think that the overlord of Xiling also participated. At the beginning of all the Tianying rebellion in the area of ​​Hangzhou, the white magic eagle took advantage of it and almost caused a big chaos. The culprit is this guy!" Mofan pointed to the silver lord.

If it wasn't for the totem, the snake would be domineering, and when the husband was off, the white magic eagle had already succeeded. At that time, it was still very popular to see the totem of the totem snake.

After that, the Xiling Overlord did not dare to enter the Hangzhou area.

"The white magic eagle family has always been a big problem. They are the branches of Kunlun in the Qinling Mountains. But the white magic eagle family has always been ambitious. It will take a lot of attacks in a few years. The corpse is everywhere." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"I feel that this guy is very strong!" Bai Hongfei said.

"This guy is stronger than Moshan Yujun. It may be directed at the position of the Emperor." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"If it wins the position of the Emperor, isn't the Qinling Yu demon swearing it?" Li Dexin said.

"The reason why the Qinling Mountains have always been so stable and calm, the main reason is that this generation of Yuhuang is a kind of gentle race similar to the Moon Moth. If the rule of power falls on the hands of the silver lord, it must be endless. War, all other winged people will become silver weapons to expand its territory!" Zhang Xiaohou said.

Zhang Xiaohou has maintained Qinling for such a long time, and naturally understands the strong relationship among them. The White Magic Eagle is extremely aggressive and has great hostility towards human beings. When the silver lord becomes the feather emperor, several important cities in China will suffer again. A huge threat from the sky!

The coastline crisis is already extremely serious, and many cities are particularly weak in terms of defense of the airspace. In particular, many military mounts are Skyhawks...

Skyhawk will be rebellious in front of the White Magic Eagle, so the White Magic Eagle must be the biggest airspace threat in the country!

The position of this emperor was taken away by the silver lord, and the consequences were unimaginable!

"Wow, this cargo is flying too fast, the fighter in the Yu nationality, it will soon surpass the Moshan Yujun!!" Zhao Manyan said with a surprised face.

Moshan Yujun is already a leader in the Yu family. There are not only a few of them above it, but the silver scorpion will catch up with all the way, and many big feathers will be left behind!

The silver 穹 Lord is also a rather embarrassing old thing. It is beyond the monarch's level. If it is not a monarchy, it will give the other party a blow, but when it comes to those who are also monarchs, it does not work, typical Bullying is hard! !

At the monarchy level, the silver lord will not offend, lest they be united against them, and the leader-level daring to leap to this level, the silver 穹 master will not let them better!

"I said how it did not come to us, the silver lord is to see that the moon moth is the monarch." Bai Hongfei said.

"Silver 穹 就是 is a special 贱 bone." Mo Fan shouted.

When the Totem Xuan snake was in the weak period of the suede, the silver scorpion attacked a lot. The totem Xuan snake completed the suede, and stood up and took a few silver slaps. The silver scorpion realized that he was not an opponent. The tail escaped... Isn't this what the bones are?

"It seems that there are fewer and fewer feather demons at this height, except those who carry relatives and friends." Zhao Manyan looked around.

"The next step may be the competition between endurance and friends and relatives." Zhang Xiaohou said.

The sky is very high, the hurricane is very strong, and the ones that can continue to fly at this height are the Yujun-class creatures whose strengths are not too different, so basically it is to kill a competitor, and the prestige ranking of the feathers will be improved. One!

From the moment of the situation, the final position of the Emperor is not necessarily the one that flies the highest, but the one that flies to the last at this height! !

(End of this chapter)


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