Versatile Mage

Chapter 1741: Cloud war

"It’s Moshan Yujun, this guy seems to be blocked by the hurricane!” Jiang Shaobu said with excitement above the top of his head.

"How can this guy fly so fast, and carrying so many patrolling feathers, will not become its burden?" Bai Hongfei said inexplicably.

"Those who patrol the mountain feathers will not become cumbersome, but will make it easier in the process of flying." Lingling pointed at the patrolling feathers and monsters who kept squatting around Moshan Yujun, and then said, "Look, They are not casually swayed, but are flying according to a law, including when to flap the wings, the frequency of waving wings, and the changes in formation."

"But the hurricane is so strong, those patrolling the mountain demon level so low should not hold it right?" Bai Hongfei said.

"Do you know migratory birds. This is similar to the geese group. When they form such a uniform team, they will produce a kind of warm current and airflow accompanying the entire migratory bird. If flying alone, it is difficult for any geese to go north. To the south, and with the big geese, there will be this special airflow. This is the case with Moshan Yujun and the patrolling feather demon. They form an overall airflow that can resist the hurricane attacks on the one hand and form on the other. The upward airflow can save them a lot of physical strength," Ling Ling said.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that we have not been able to catch up with them before."

"It should be that the above hurricane is too strong, and their migratory bird formations have been dissipated, and Moshan Yujun has also been affected." Ling Ling said.

"That is to catch up now!!"

Xiaoyue Mohuang seized this opportunity and fought to fly. The big hurricane was boosted by its use of its front and rear wings.

Moshan Yujun was spinning in the same place, Xiaoyue Mohuang was flying at high speed. It didn't take long for Moshan Yujun to be in front of him. This cold and arrogant Yu Jun saw that Xiaoyue Mou had to overtake and immediately roared.


The noise of the voice echoed in this cloud space. For a time, those patrolling mountain demon who had been washed away suddenly gave up flying, like a group of blood-sucking bats rushing toward Xiaoyue Moth!

The number of patrolling feathers and demons is more than they expected. The gray pressure is completely a cloud, and it is also broken with a strong interference, and the head is about to explode.

"Give me a lasting defense, see Laozi not kill them!" Li Dexin angered.

Li Dexin was driven crazy by these patrolling feathers. Before he could talk to other people, he had already called out his wing magic to rush out.

Another defensive female mage rushed to catch up with Li Dexin, who was impulsive. She used the defensive magic of the water system to wrap her own ribbon and Li Dexin. However, the hurricane's madness exceeded her imagination, and the thin one. The water system magic did not support how long it was, and it was broken by the hurricane!

The female mage was shocked. She hurriedly said to Li Dexin: "Li Jun will, you move faster, I can't hold it for a long time!!"

Li Dexin did not hear it at all. He used the earth magic and called out a huge rock, and went to those annoying patrolling feathers.

These can be followed by Moshan Yujun's patrolling mountain demon level is not low, some of them are commander-level, they are all flashing a gray substance, see Li Dexin smashed with 陨岩, these bodies are attached with gray matter The commanding birds immediately opened their wings and helped the warbirds block them!

Li Dexin's Xiuyan attack did not play much good effect. This guy used the super-level magic directly in his anger.

One after another, the water system constellation, Li Dexin's casting of the Star Palace is not very fast, and it was finally completed under the protection of the female mage behind him.

"Holocaust scream!!"

The white clouds are continuous, and with the high sorghum of Li Dexin, the water mist condenses into a waterfall, and the waterfall merges into a wave. Finally, the deep blue waves are arranged into a magnificent sluice!

The screaming of the screaming madness, this time the commanding birds no matter how open the wings to protect the other can not protect the other patrolling feathers, a volley of catastrophe screams to the deadly impact of the patrolling feathers, their The feathers were wet, they were swallowed up by the water waves, and soon fell into the sky with the fall of the sluice!

After all, the hurricane sluice was in the air, and it was not able to tumbling too far, but Li Dexin saw that a large group of patrolling feathers and demons were wiped out by themselves, and his face still showed some disappointment and hate.


Other commanding birds flapped their wings, and the heart was watching the waves of the catastrophe screaming slowly sinking. Moshan Yujun was at a higher place in the hurricane, and his eyes were cold and staring at Li Dexin.

Moshan Yujun did not shoot, there are many demon people around it, since it can not rise in the original place, it will not let Xiaoyue Mohuang easily fly overhead from it!


Moshan Yujun opened his wings, and the stunned mountain feathers flew out at a time. The number was amazing, and the cloud was covered in an instant.

"How is it hidden under the wings? My God, this guy has lost a big circle directly!" Zhao Manyan saw this scene and could not help but exclaim.

Moshan Yujun’s body is very large, and the feathers are full. Feel a small piece of feathers layered on several layers of different down feathers. What they didn’t think is that it’s not the real feathers of Moshan Yujun, but those The little feathers that are attached to it.

These little feather demons formed a large thick and lush feather coat of Moshan Yujun. Now this feather coat can't let it continue to rise, it will disperse it all and use it to attack the little moon moth that will soon surpass it. !


These are all the patrolling feathers in all directions. They use the synergistic wings to form a wide range of airflow groups, which are used to withstand strong hurricanes.

And like a person without a wing, it is impossible to control this kind of air group, so on the back of the moth, the Mofan group wants to attack them, either standing on the moon moth or jumping to the 凛冽Kill them with the hurricane!

Their air masses obviously hinder the rise of the small moon moths. The most important thing is that these patrolling feathers are turned into cannon-gray birds one by one, desperately hitting the body of the small moon moth, even if they hit their heads. Breaking the blood, as long as the Xiaoyue Moth is out of balance, they are satisfied!

If only a few, dozens of patrols and feathers are sold, hundreds of such cannons will be attacked, and the small moon moths will be affected.

"It’s so mean, Moshan Yujun has long considered it, and he relies on the large number of his own ethnic groups to disrupt other competitors who threaten it.” Jiang Shaoxu said.

"These demon, we have been for a long time! Mo Fan, what are you waiting for, banging them!!" Zhao Manyan was provoked by these annoying patrolling feathers, and shouted at Mofan.

Mo Fan twisted his neck and licked the knuckles.

Finally it’s my turn to play!

It’s okay to pat the mountain feathers, the number of disasters is right, the inflammation of Laozi’s glory has long been hungry and thirsty!

"Who, don't give me water magic, I want to set fire!" Mo Fan reminded Li Dexin.

Li Dexin is arrogant. Naturally, he does not take Mo Fan as one thing. He said: "Can your fire have my super-level water system magic? Flashing, these broken birds are handed over to me, I can pack them all. !"

Mo Fan shook his head helplessly, and he did not care about Li Dexin. He turned a direction and used his own fire magic to deal with the cannons in this direction!

"Xiao Yan Ji, you are on the left, I am responsible for the right side." Mo Fan said to Xiao Yanji.

"Hey!" Xiao Yanji said with a happy, roast bird or something, this baby likes it!

Xiao Yan Ji’s body violently explodes, and the flame of Lixia is full of fire tongues. It fills up this space in an instant. Those who used themselves as cannon fodders smashed down the mountain feathers and turned them into real cannon fodder. The inflammation of the glory is burning and there are no bones left!

The inflammation of the glory is not the nemesis of the feather demon, but it is the nemesis of this number of proliferating creatures. As long as a target is burned, the burning flame can touch another creature, then the creature will produce The same power of the flames of the blaze, so the more dense, the more the accumulation of disasters, the inflammation of the violent will spread more powerful, more powerful!

Mo Fan did not use the magic of the fire system. If Xiao Yan Ji is not around, his fire control will be discounted. The inflammation of Lixia is also the soul fire of Xiao Yan Ji, not Mo Fan’s own soul fire.

Mo Fan’s soul fire is a meteor bonfire, which is not suitable for this occasion.

However, he has other magical skills. In order to make the inflammation of Lixia ignite each other, Mo Fan uses space compression to forcibly pick up the patrolling feathers that are far apart, and trap them in a relatively small area!

Xiao Yan Ji was responsible for setting fire, and Mo Fan was responsible for adding firewood to it. So it didn't take long for the inflammation of Lixia to spread a large range, so that the cannon gray birds could no longer be close to Xiaoyue Moth.

"A very powerful flame!" Bai Hongfei is also a fire system. After seeing this flaming inflammation, his eyes are brighter.

"Hey, the fire just happens to restrain these feathers!" Li Dexin found that Mo Fan alone flattened the other side, but he was still coping with it, and he could not help but snorted.

At this time, their location is the cloud, the white clouds are red and red, and the inflammation of the sun burns three or four kilometers between the clouds. After the hurricane strengthens, the fire almost burns to the mountain. There!

Moshan Yujun did not think that these human beings around Xiaoyue Mou were so fierce, and their people were no different from mosquitoes in front of them...


Moshan Yujun screamed, apparently to display its other skills.

(The next chapter should be late, everyone will see it tomorrow... Well, this chapter is very late, maybe you will see it tomorrow too, hahahaha)

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