Versatile Mage

Chapter 1742: 彪悍肉搏亚龙

The frequency of the wings of Moshan Yujun began to speed up. The wings of this guy are huge, and the effect of such a fierce swing is to create an extremely turbulent wave in this area...

This kind of air wave can cover a few kilometers in an instant, and even the clouds are completely blown away. At the same time, the sharp feathers of Moshan Yujun are divided into countless, and the huge air waves become the horrible feather tip. Air waves!

It squats in the heights, the feathers and swells are directly sown, and the horror of the moon, after seeing this scene, the decisive choice to avoid.

Xiaoyue Mohuang does not have a strong body. If it is hit by this sharp swell, it will definitely be hit by a thousand holes. It can quickly fly to the side with its flexible flight ability. When the waves rolled in, they flew out of their attack range.

This kind of dodge can be said to have affected the small moon moth phoenix to continue to lift off, and the grinding of the mountain feathers can also be achieved, but the small moon moth is not arbitrarily slaughtered, as the totem has the temper of the totem beast!

The moonlight moths glowed with layers of blue moonlight, and these lights suddenly turned into many moonlights in the most glorious moments. With the wings of the little moon moth phoenix, these moonlights After that, they flew to the Moshan Yujun with a violent spin! !

The moonlight is very fast, and Moshan Yujun is in the midst of a big hurricane. What's more, it is basically impossible to avoid the ability. The moonlight has been scraped and left a few deep in the body of Moshan Yujun. Deep blood marks.

One of the big advantages of the size is that even after some fierce attacks, it is only slightly injured.

This kind of scar can not hurt the bones of Moshan Yujun. After seeing Xiaoyue Mou appear on his left side, Moshan Yujun forgot to save the idea of ​​continuing to fly upwards, but directly toward the small moth. The phoenix is ​​crushed here! !

The body of the behemoth covered all the sunlight and sights at once, and even everyone sitting on the little moon moth phoenix felt a sense of suffocation.

"This guy is hard, let it go!" Mofan said.

"How come bang??"

Mo Fan, Bai Hongfei, Ling Fei, Zhang Xiaohou and others used magic almost at the same time, but they are only high-level. They can't really threaten one of these feudal monarchs. Only Mo Fan's mad magnetic heavy artillery is on Moshan Yujun. A hole was made, but this black hole is still a skin injury to Moshan Yujun.

"Don't dare to come over, just like me!" Li Dexin snorted.

Li Dexin's combat power in the team should be considered to be the strongest. He waited for the closeness of Moshan Yujun. When this airy mountain was to be pressed, Li Dexin opened his contract space!

Li Dexin's contract door is huge, and it is the earth dragon that is drilled from it!

The earth Yalong is also a huge monster. After the appearance of this space, this guy swooped directly into the ground, and used his terrible tonnage and Moshan Yujun to come into a power contact!


The earth's Yalong is also the earth's Yalong. The whole body of dragon meat is hard and hard stone. The dragon scale is a metal shell. The aerial creature of Moshan Yujun cannot compete with the earth Yalong in strength and weight. The big crusher's Moshan Yujun was directly smashed by the earth Yalong, and the body was bombarded far and far...

More exaggerated is that the earth Yalong knows that he will not fly, and the dragon paws directly hold the wings of Moshan Yujun, which looks like a perfect wrestling of a sumo wrestler!

"I let you call, call again!" Li Dexin saw the success of the earth Yalong, suddenly a burst of cool!

Since entering the Qinling Mountains, they have been exploding by the patrolling mountain feathers. Now they have finally caught their masters. How can Li Dexin not give it a lesson!

The dragons are indeed awkward, and even Yalong has made the level of creatures of Moshan Yujun a big loss.

Moshan Yujun flipped wildly in the air, and it even erected the whole body's sharp feathers. To pierce the body of the earth's Yalong, the earth Yalong is a super-defensive variety, and the sharp feathers are stuck in the rock. On the dragon scale, it has broken countless, and it hurts that Moshan Yujun himself screams!

"Strong, strong, Li Dexin, you are stupid in the earth, Yalong is stupid, but this kind of melee is simply invincible!" Mo Fan also looked stunned, and answered for a long time.

"Hey, it's going to play in the air. I don't have a way to take it with him. It's close to coming to death!" Li Dexin said.

"But the earth Yalong will not fly. If it is smashed down, this height will fall, and the monarch will also have something to do?" Ling Fei said with some concern.

In the air fight, the earth Yalong will not know how many roots have been broken, and the position of the wings and chest is also smashed by the earth Yalong, blood arrogant...

Moshan Yujun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It finally uses the various changes in feathers to smash the earth Yalong from his own body.

Dadi Yalong did not have the ignorance of stupidity. It was known that he could not hang on Moshan Yujun. Fortunately, he slammed his head toward Moshan Yujun and came to a super-long jump!


The earth Yalong’s jump is also exaggerated. By inertia, it falls down and approaches a towering mountain!

Earth Yalong will be some distance away from everyone, so everyone will see that the earth Yalong has broken a lot of canopy of the Cangmu wind layer, and I don’t know if it is safe to climb in the big mountain...

The Moshan Yujun was not directly dropped by the earthly Yalong, and the bones on the back were estimated to be broken a lot. The blink of an eye fell far below the Xiaoyue Moth.

This time, Moshan Yujun was completely degraded, and it is impossible to compete with Xiaoyue Mohuang. Even if he wants to catch up, it is difficult for the bones broken by the earth Yalong to support it to continue at this high altitude. fly.

"You stay there first, we will pick you up!" Li Dexin saw his land, Yalong, barely and safely "landed", and shouted.


The earth Yalong was also honest, and he climbed on the lonely mountain, and also deliberately took a scorpion to respond to his contractual master.

If the distance is too far, the contract beast cannot be directly recalled. Li Dexin is making a great contribution to help Xiaoyue Mohuang to kill a very threatening competitor. So, everyone's life is saved!

"Hey, the embroidery flame can't make a big difference." Li Dexin also did not forget to taunt Mofan.

"Li Shaojun will be mighty." Mo Fan did not care, gave Li Dexin a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)


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