Versatile Mage

Chapter 1743: Complete deer horn


Without the interference of Moshan Yujun, Xiaoyue Mohuang continued to fly towards a higher air layer.

At this time, the Dabiao Mountain that can stand up to this height is only three. Mofan looked around and found a very special ancient wood.

This tree can really be called a cloud. Its roots are tied to the clouds. The trunks are obviously curved, some extend to the outside of the mountains, and some rise.

"That is the oath tree!" Lingling said with affirmation.

"We are already touching the sky and sky layer?" Mo Fandao.

"Well, going up is the sky and sky, but it is said that to reach that height, it is necessary to use these special high-altitude trees, otherwise the huge cold wind will directly cause all the organisms that arrive above to condense into ice." Lingling said.

The higher the area, the colder the air, and the hurricane of the hurricane, the high-altitude ice will quickly freeze the blood of the creature, so even those monarch-class creatures are hard to find in this cloud. Flying above the sky.

Soon, Mo Fan saw that several other monarchs at the same height were approaching the sky, and they were around the curved branches, as if they were using this **** to avoid the violent cold wind. .

"We have passed, we should be here." Zhao Manyan said.

The purpose of their trip is to vow the tree, and other things don't want to think too much for the time being.

The little moon moth phoenix also flew toward the vow tree that reached the sky and the sky, and it stayed on one of the big leaf skirts full of colorful colors, but it was scraped by the cold hurricane, but Under the obstruction of the colorful leaf skirt, did not directly slap on the small moon moth and other people.

“Is there really a deer here?” Mo Fan looked around and did not find any signs of deer.

"In words, don't you think this tree looks familiar?" Ling Ling said.

Mo Fan looked up and looked up and down. Don't say that the shape of this vow tree was indeed familiar. After some careful thinking, Mo Fan suddenly understood.

"This guy... except how the color is a little different, how is it like that devil god??" Mo Fan was shocked.

Celestial crown purple tree! !

The overall shape of this vow tree is actually very close to the Tianguan Zishen tree. If it is not a spiritual reminder, it is really a time to find it! !

"What is going on?" Zhao Manyan was also shocked.

"You don't panic first." Yu Shishi said at this time. "Small moon moths and some fragmentary memories tell me that the vow tree and the crown of the gods are the first two plants, standing on the coffin and the clouds. Between the sky and the sky, the Tianguan Zishen Tree was cursed by some powerful force. It was necessary to rely on blood and fresh meat to survive. Then the devil tree you saw appeared..."

"Oath tree and devil tree are actually brothers?" Zhao Manyan said with a shock.

"Well, it should be like this. The vow tree is a kind of power of heart and blessing. The promise made in the vow tree is equivalent to putting a mark on one's own soul." Spirit said.

"So will it attack us?"

"No, you can rest assured that the vow tree is not offensive." Yu Shishi said.

"How can Xiaoyu Mohuang know this?" Mofan asked inexplicably.

"It was the first time it was inhabited in the vow tree." Yu Shishi said.

"It turned out to be."

"Then you will ask the little moon moth, knowing the whereabouts of the deer, you see this thing." Mo Fan took out the corner of the deer to let Xiaoyue Mohuang identify.

The little moon moth phoenix **** its wings and flies toward the huge tree roots of the oath tree. The roots of the tree hang down along some of the rock cliffs of the Dabiao Mountain, so they grow in the sea of ​​clouds, as if they can extract it from the clouds. The nutrients needed are the same.

The little moon moth phoenix flew into the place where the clouds were rooted. After a while, it took a large piece of something that looked like coral rock and flew over.

"What is this? We are looking for a deer, willn't the deer be extinct?" Mo Fan said.

Xiaoyue Mou flew to the side of some lost Mo Fan, and placed the thing that looked like coral stone in front of Mo Fan.

Mo Fan looked carefully, this thing is still a bunch of weird stones, and there is no relationship with the deer.

At this time, Xiaoyue Mou phoenix has a layer of purification light, bathing on the coral rock, and soon saw the outer layer of the coral rock body fall off!

After the rock fell off, a layer of yellow **** material was immediately exposed inside. After all the stone particles attached to it were all purified, Mo Fan’s surprise found that this was not a coral stone at all, it was a beautiful beauty. Awkward big antlers! !

This antler glows with a special luster, the same as the multicolored leaves of the vow tree, and the deer's horn is much larger than the one on Mofan's hand.

"Mofan, you are part of this big guy's break!" Zhao Manyan found out something and said to Mofan in a hurry.

The light of purification of the little moon moth phoenix also fell on the corner of Mo Fan’s own deer, also revealing its original colorful face. According to Zhao Manyan, Mo Fan bought the deer from Greece. The corner went to the corner of the big dew coral, and it was discovered that the one that was inadvertently purchased was actually a missing part of the true totem of the **** deer. This part is probably exactly one-fifth!

After completing it, the corner of the deer of the deer instantly revealed a soul. The Mofan standing in front of him felt a totem with five different kinds of Huaguang shining!

"Small Moon Moth Phoenix said that the deer should return to the sky very early, and the true deer of the deer may leave you some help." Yu Shishi said.

Mo Fan glanced at the reaction of the little muddy. At this time, the little muddy had no choice but to use this deer horn as a velvet antler.

Helpful, this thing is too helpful, this is the power of the totem that Xiaoniu needs, and when the deer of the deer is put together, Mo Fan can feel the huge mysterious power in the corner of the deer! !

"Wow, my wooden fish didn't respond, I cut the grass!!" Zhao Manyan suddenly snarled.

Following the Moto's search for a totem, the result is that the wooden fish vessel is completely uninterested in the power of the totem of the deer, which makes Zhao Manyan somewhat collapsed.

He feels that he has been fooled by Mo Fan from start to finish! !

"Old Zhao, you don't do this, I am super-order first, and then find a way to help you through the difficult time is not the same?" Mo Fan comforted Zhao Man.

Mo Fan is actually very happy, it seems that his super-order is stable!

Lao Zhao here, and then find another way to do it, big deal with the whole journey! !


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