Versatile Mage

Chapter 1746: vassal

Mo Fan opened his mouth and did not know where Jiang Shaobu knew these things.

"So, obviously, the complete deer totem pattern you found is the attachment of another totem leader, and the moon moth is not a system." Jiang Shaoxu said.

Lingling looked at Jiang Shaoxu. In fact, these things that Jiang Shaobu said are also the inferences of the spirits to the totems during this time.

During the time when Mo Fan was not in China, Lingling was constantly studying totems. She found that there are many different kinds of totems in ancient China, and there are still some very special totems and beasts. Of course, they can also be like Jiang Shaofeng called them the totem leader.

The totem sacred animal is similar to basaltic, it is composed of mysterious snake, tyrants and other totem creatures.

Now Ling Ling has discovered a totem sacred beast. The moon moth phoenix and the mysterious feather are the attachments of this totem sacred beast. The original spirit thought that the deer should also be its attachment, which means the complete pattern of the moon moth phoenix. The incomplete lines of the mysterious feathers and the complete lines of the deer will form a totem sacred beast. However, the totem of the deer is not matched with the moon moth and the mysterious feather!

That is to say, the moon moth phoenix, the mysterious feather is a kind of totem sacred beast, and the deer is belonging to another totem sacred beast!

Unfortunately, the totem beasts they know are still too few to be able to piece together the complete sacred beast...

"This time we have also helped you reach a small goal. Jiang Shaoxu, you know what to do, hurry and talk." Mo Fan came to the interest and hurriedly asked.

Zhao Manyan is also one of the guardians of the totem. He immediately came over and listened with his ears.

Jiang Shaoxu saw the people of the Forbidden Army walking in front, and those who stayed behind were counted as their own people, so this mysteriously depressed voice: "The oldest time, we have many ancient beasts in the land of China. They oppose each other and devour each other, and the order is chaotic. Human beings were extremely weak at that time, attached to the powerful ancient beasts, and the ancient beasts who were willing to bless human beings were called totem beasts. The totem beasts and totem beasts also The same is true of the tribal wars. The reason why the sacred beasts are called sacred beasts is that they realize that such mutual engulfing is tantamount to killing each other, and they are not willing to see the human races continue to suffer casualties because of their totems and hatred. In order to continue the human race and the totem family, the most powerful totems stand up and formulate rules that do not allow the totem beasts to kill each other, and do not allow the Terran to kill each other, and those who violate the rules, totems, and ancient beasts will all be subject to them. Sanctions."

"So, people, totems, and ancient beasts have got a period of calm. We haven't just experienced the feather demon festival. This feather demon festival is the rule that one of the saints made. The feathers and demon can't kill each other. But you can fly to make you gain a higher status and ethnic respect. Of course, many unruly big feathers are still there. After all, the holy beasts have not existed, and even the totem beasts are almost extinct. The feather demon family is relatively conservative, and the Qinling is relatively well preserved here, and it continues this relatively old and fair competition."

Mo Fan, Ling Ling, Zhao Manyan and others all looked at Jiang Shaoxu strangely. They did not expect that Jiang Shaobu knew more than they thought.

Yes, the feather demon festival can not be inexplicable, it must have been formulated by a former supreme master, and the descendants feel feasible, so it has continued.

"This kind of calm lasted for a while, human beings continued to grow and prosper, the ancient beasts also expanded, humans explored the magic, began to control the fate of the race, the ancient beasts also got rid of the totem, became the demon now in the mountains and the wild, and the original The totems that control humans and ancient beasts have disappeared inexplicably, and the reason for the disappearance may be overthrown by the plump human beings." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"Ah? Why can't you say that the powerful demons are overthrown? The demons are much more murderous than our human beings. They have a lot of powerful races," said Zhao Manyan.

"Oh, that's why you think about this from the perspective of people. The reason why I say that people are people, totems, and ancient beasts is because we always distinguish ourselves from demons, but in fact you are totems. Looking at it from a angle, people are actually one of the ancient beasts. Totems are not simply good blessings to human beings. They are simply too powerful and unwilling to hurt any creatures that are weaker than them. The earliest human beings are too weak, often 沦For the other demons, the totems are more, and the human beings will be grateful and respectful, so the relationship between the human and the totem is particularly close. In fact, the totem's blessing is not divided. Ethnicity, at the oldest time, they are using their power and majesty to maintain the order of life." Jiang Shaoxu said.

The totem protects all weak and small creatures, and human beings are one of them.

Then the arrival of the magical era means that human beings have a powerful force and become a powerful race.

If the tortoise is overthrown by a powerful and powerful race, then a man with magic must be one of them. Human beings have magic, and they have been called a human being with magical civilization. Before that, they were not much different from other ancient beasts and demons.

"We probably guessed this." Mo Fan smiled.

Ten to ninety-nine totems have been destroyed. They have not been written in the history of their own country, but they have to look at the history of other countries. For example, Egypt and Greece can roughly infer.

"So, we are going to search for totems now. It is actually quite stupid. Hahaha, it is obviously our own ancestors who wiped out the people... Fortunately, the existing totems are basically not the original generations. And because we have been entangled with our human beings for too long, they are not used to living with creatures outside of us. They are now becoming rare, weak races, and may be gradually becoming a vassal of people." Jiang Shaoxu said .

Monotonous, the totem beast is of course the strongest existence, but compared to the big race, the number of rare to die is indeed weak.

For a long time in the West Lake, I almost missed the totem mysterious snake.

There is also a moth phoenix that lives in the mountains and forests.

If there is no reliable guardian, it will completely die out!

Therefore, Jiang Shaobu said that there is nothing wrong with it. The totem may now become a vassal of human beings.

"You are all known from Jiang Shaojun. Is he the most powerful totem that he has been looking for, the totem leader and the holy beast that once made the rules?" Mofan asked.

"Well, my brother is looking for the holy beast. The holy beast is really very strong. Even if there is another existence in this world, the crisis we are facing can be solved." Jiang Shaoxu said.

Mo Fan opened his mouth and tried to stop.

It seems that Shao Zheng also knows this, so he personally commissioned himself to find the totem trail! !


(Do you know the long flying ants in the southern rainy season?? Ah, my family is occupied, I want to live on the streets!!!)

:. :chaptererror;

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