Versatile Mage

Chapter 1747: Self-righteous stupid man

"Although you know this before us, it is really amazing, but I don't understand why you laughed like two hundred and five?" Mo Fan looked at Jiang Shaoxu and found that Jiang Shaoxu was still smiling and smirking there.

"You are only two hundred and five, don't think that I don't know that you are filling yourself with the power of totem. Would you like to call me a grandmother, do you think I will tell you another bigger secret that I know?" I took a look at Mo Fan.

Mo Fan snorted and dismissed: "I have my little spirit, now we have the complete imprint of the deer totem. Finding the next totem is just a matter of time. I don't need to whisper to you at all."

"I have no clue here." Lingling is not the time to answer a sentence.

"Grandma, do you really know where the next totem is?" Mo Fan turned to ask Jiang Shaoxu.

"..." Zhang Xiaohou, Bai Hongfei, and Zhao Manyan really don't know how to make an evaluation of Mo Fan's behavior. Maybe this word will be apt.

Jiang Shaoxuan also took advantage of her mouth. Since she embarked on the road of Jiang Shaojun's totem, she naturally hopes that someone can be with her. During this time in the Qinling Mountains, she is really going to collapse.

"About ten years ago, my brother told me a lot of stories. I thought at first that those were from some books. Later I realized that these are all his own personal experiences. It is him. Looking for the things that the totems encountered. My brother is a recorder. He actually found a lot of totems and proved their existence, but it didn't bother with the life of any totem. He just recorded some with a pen. More things are kept in his own mind," said Jiang Shaoxu.

"A decade ago, you were about 14 or 5 years old. My God, are you so big, do you still listen to your brother telling a story before going to bed?" Mofan said strangely.

Jiang Shaoxu stunned, seemingly discovered something unscrupulous, angry face flushed, angry: "Do you have a sick person!! Can you focus on not so strange!! I was afraid when I was young. It’s not raining at night!”

"You continue, you continue." Mo Fan hurried.

"I told you that if you really want to find more totems, you can wait for this girl. Otherwise, this deer is the last totem you can find in this world, hehe!" Jiang Shaoxu .

"Mo Fan, you make less mistakes." Zhao Manyan said.

Zhao Manyan also needs the power of totem. Now he and Zhang Xiaohou have not reached the super stage... so Jiang Shaoxu’s totem is crucial.

"Right, my brother has also been abroad. The marine behemoth we met at that time, and the wooden fish vessel that was banned, is also one of the totems. If there is no accident, it is the totem." Suddenly remembered something, his eyes fell on Zhao Manyan's body.

"Know, know."

Since it is necessary to take the same boat, Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan did not conceal the matter about the totem from Jiang Shaoxuan.

Jiang Shaoxu is very surprised. Zhao Manyan, this guy is inexplicably, has been taken by Totem, and has become a totem guardian.

"You go on." Mo Fan was a little anxious.

"What I will say next is a totem related to the hegemony. If there is no accident, it is also a part of the tomb of the sacred beast." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"What do you want to say is not the big snake in Hangzhou?" Zhao Manyan suddenly lost his spirit.

"Of course not, I don't know the situation of the Hangzhou Snake!" Jiang Shaoxu said with no anger.

Zhao Manyan’s eyes lit up at once.

"Weird, if Xuanwu is a holy beast, then it should not be composed of mysterious snakes and tyrants, how can there be other totems??" Lingling said.

"No, no, Xuanwu is not only composed of two of them, there are others, and I have not figured out a few specific ones, but certainly not only the hegemony and the mysterious snake." Jiang Shaoxu said.

Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan looked at each other, which is a big message for them!

"No wonder this **** deer does not work for me, not even a bite of milk to Laozi, the original milk brand is wrong!" Zhao Manyan suddenly realized.

It is no wonder that the tyrant will let Zhao Manyan continue to temper, to find other lost seal power, in addition to the mysterious snake, the tyrants and other totems exist, he is going to find other totems of the same sacred beast!

"Mo Fan, do you get the energy of the deer?" Zhao Manyan asked Mo Fan.

"Large, and very authentic, it is several times larger than the power of the totem that the old moon moth gave me. I originally suspected that this power can make me go to super-order, but now it may not only make me To the super-order, I can give me some help, so that I can move faster in the early stage of super-order," Mo Fan said.

The little muddy has not fully absorbed the energy of the deer totem until now, which is enough to show how much the power of the totem of the deer is true to Xiaoni, and the earth’s holy spring is not so strong. !

If it is true as Jiang Shaoxu said, there were several big sacred beasts in ancient times. The deer of the gods belonged to a certain sect. The little scorpion obviously liked this one. If you find other ancestors, the benefits you get are Huge!

When it comes to super-order, there are eight departments. The little muddy puppies must not have enough milk, and they can’t afford these eight scorpions! !

"Where is the next totem you know?" Zhao Manyan was anxious.

He also wants to be super-order, has enough strength, although he puts down everything in Zhao, and prefers to live in such a free life now, but Zhao is still his root, he will one day go back!

"It’s in the sea... Yeah, I don’t want to say it suddenly. You two, you have to say that you are righteous and righteous, but the wolf is like a dog. I am sure that after I tell you, you two. On the sneaky squat, we went to find it ourselves?" Jiang Shaoxue laughed.

"How is it possible, unless there is a very dangerous place, or how can we be so unbelievable?" Mofan said.

"It is this self-righteousness that is annoying. Not every woman likes to hide in a safe place and wait for it! We also like danger, like stimulation, seek answers for the mystery that has been plagued for a long time... Yes, small Lingling." Jiang Shaoxu said.

Jiang Shaohua’s sentence is too emotional for the spirit. She still remembers that Mo Fan did not take her to the pyramid.

The Pyramid, the Pyramid of Khufu, and the dreams of the spirits all want to go inside and have a look. She has seen so many books since childhood. What is said in the books is true or false. As long as you step into the pyramid, all mysteries will be revealed.

But Mo Fan did not take her there for one reason, fearing that she would be in danger.

But if she stays at home all day and stays in a boring school, she feels that she is no different from a body without a soul!

"Well, a fool who is self-righteous." Ling Ling commented.

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