Versatile Mage

Chapter 1748: Yes, I am lying

"..." Mo Fan was speechless.

"So, don't expect me to say it all, you go back and prepare, the time is ripe, let's go together!" Jiang Shaohua smiled proudly.

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of Ling Ling.

Yes, Jiang Shaoxuan is very good. After that, the **** Mofan will encounter any situation. I don’t want to say everything in one breath. After I say it, Mo Fan will be too dangerous. You are still small to throw yourself. next to!

If you don't say it, let him have to bring himself, so you don't have to be bored to stay at home and school!

Well, perfect!

It seems that not all women are stupid, Jiang Shaoxu is very smart.

Zhao Manyan’s face was darkened, and his super-order was hopeful. As a result, Jiang Shaobu’s mouth was silent!

"Well, let's go back first, get ready to go straight, and definitely bring you." Mo Fan said helplessly.

In other words, since Zhao Manyan followed him to the south, this guy didn't get much benefit. This time, Qinling was a good totem force. If you know that the taste is wrong, you have to find a way to solve Zhao Manyan's super-order problem. This product is estimated to break with his father and son!

Moreover, there is a certain connection between the totem and the totem. In the words of the spirit, the totem pattern is a bit like a guessing game. When you find enough other words combined with them, sort them out. In fact, it is possible to promote other unknown totem creatures!

Lingling is already drawing the axis of the totem. If you want to find other totems that match the taste of the little mud, you have to rely on different totems to piece together the clues.


"Wait a minute." Suddenly, Apas spoke up and she stopped everyone who was about to leave the Babel.

Mofan turned his head and looked at Apas, and Apas did not say much, but suddenly penetrated into a dense high grass, and it was not until a moment that the delicate figure of Apas disappeared.

"Hey, what do you do, don't act alone!" Li Dexin snorted and hurriedly ran towards the bushes, lest Apas run away.

In the eyes of Li Dexin, there is no difference between Apas and Lingling, so that the weak girl is not enough for some demon!

"You look at the past, how it seems that it is not your family's gimmicks, there are a lot of eagle witches in the vicinity!" Jiang Shaoxu was also worried, hurriedly urged Mo Fandao.

"She? Actually, I am more worried about the demons who met her," Mofan said.

Worried about a Medusa successor?

Regardless of age, if you want to give the demon a share, then Apas is the grandmother of the female demon!

Mo Fan didn't care so much. Apas said that she didn't have any fighting ability. She only knows spiritual magic. Can Mofan have a ghost?

She will be harmless to humans and animals, and there will be no complaints to follow her side to do a little trick, but Mo Fan can be sure that she is planning to kill herself every night and can not hurt her own noble soul.

Therefore, Mo Fan actually has a small opinion on this second contract. It is not as good as a beautiful snake who is not so convinced and still has a big heart. Diligent, thick and thick muscle beasts.


Apas penetrated into the dense grass forest, with a large area in the front that was overwhelmed and markedly sunken.

"woo woo woo woo!!!!!"

Above the grass forest, a group of eagle witches circling, they have an ugly face like an old witch, **** bulging but full of disgusting fluff, the lower body is composed of the eagle's body.

The eagle witches are creatures in Europe. They don’t know when they ran to the Qinling Mountains. They are ferocious and vicious. The favorite thing to do is to hover around a dying creature and watch it go to death. While making an unpleasant sneer.

Death is already very painful. What is more painful is that there are such a group of crazy eagle witches in the ear. They are ugly in front of you, just like saying, "Oh, you are dead, but you see that we are still alive. You To die, and we can live for a long time!"

At this time, these eagle witches held their rave parties around a demon bird, and the sharp voice is a wonderful song for them!

In the overwhelmed depression, a black-winged winged bird lay there, its eyes shimmering unsuccessfully, but its unwillingness stemmed from the sky, rather than being unwilling to be mocked by these humble and horrible eagle witches.

Light footsteps came out, not long after, a stunning and pure face appeared in front of this dying demon bird.



The eagle witches were in a hurry, and they made a sharp intimidation call beside the girl who came.

"Three seconds later you are still in my sight - dead!" Apas looked around in a cold circle and said to these eagle witches.

The eagle witches are from Europe, and Medusa is the most expensive and cold-blooded of all the banshees. These eagle witches are so scared that they have forgotten so flying after feeling the **** field. One by one, fleeing in the grass, fleeing...

Apas slowly crouched down, and the palm of his hand was gently placed on the forehead of the black-painted burning bird.

There was no expression on her face, and the eyes like pearls kept changing emotions, just like reading the experience of burning birds.

After releasing the hand from the forehead of the burning bird, there was a drop of crystal teardrop in the eyes of Aps, slowly falling from her cheek.

Just falling, not touching the ground, this tear turned into a drop of stone.

"We have vowed to swear, and the people you wait for are not on." Apas said to the dying bird.

The burning bird tried to focus on the face of Apas.

"Do you want to know the truth?" Asked Apas.

The burning bird still stares at Apas.


When Mofan found Apas, Apas had come back with a melancholy that could not be seen.

At the other end of the grass, Mofan saw the body of an incinerated bird, with some black lacquered feathers scattered around it.

"The bird burning the bird?" Mofan asked.

"Yeah." Aps nodded.

"Who is his master?" Mo Fan asked.

"I don't know," said Apasse.

"You are lying," Mofan said.

"Yes, I am lying." Appart admitted frankly.

The words of Apas made Mofan somewhat unpredictable...

Yeah, people say she is lying, what do you want? ?

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