Versatile Mage

Chapter 1749: Super step! (on)

Out of the Qinling Mountains, there was no cruel hurricane, a long-lost sense of self-sufficiency spread throughout the body, and then continue to stay in Qinling for a few days, maybe they have to smash a layer of skin.

After a rest in the town under the Qinling Mountains, Mo Fan, who had just acquired the power of the deer totem, could not wait to enter the meditation.

The help that Moss gave Mofan is really huge. It’s like even if you don’t need your own strength, in a few days, your super-step barrier will be broken. Every time a small muddy promotion will bring huge to Mo Fan. The benefits, Mo Fan also do not want to waste this opportunity, simply take the heat to fight the iron!


The Star River is in the spiritual universe of Mofan, and different colors represent different magic systems.

Now the most exciting thing about the Galaxy is the thunder and the fire system. The small muddy gives only one wave of Mofan's advanced wave. If it is not controlled, it will be easily diverted to other magic systems unless it is advanced. The tide is so large that it can simultaneously make Mofan's five lines break through the super-step barriers, otherwise the diversion is certainly not reasonable.

"Thunder, is it a fire?" Mofan saw the two majors, and Mo Fan had a headache.

Obviously, this advanced tide provided by Xiaoniu can only make one magic department into the super-order, then the mines and fires that have been well prepared will make Mofan a little difficult.

"It’s still a thunder, it’s a big brother anyway,” Mofan said.

The existence of Xiao Yan Ji, Mofan's fire system has always been a trump card, even if the fire system has entered the super-order, and Xiao Yan Ji did not promote, Mo Fan's own fire magic is actually not very large, after all, no In the words of Xiao Yan Ji, Mo Fan is just a fire master with a meteor bonfire, and the fire control is greatly reduced.

The thunder system is different, the tyrant's wild thunder and Mofan's demon physique perfectly fit, and its power has surpassed the meteor bonfire, plus the magical double-magic power of the gods. The effect, to the super-level magic mine magic will become terrible!

Of course, the most important thing is that Mo Fan has long been eager for the thunder of the super-magic magic - the nine ring ban, the super thunder of the nine thunderbolts is not to be said, but will also gradually increase the enemies that are banned inside. Thousands of thunders, this is used to deal with those hordes of demons may not be very useful, but for those high-ranking, large-sized, powerful monarch, is definitely the perfect choice!


So decided, first promote the thunder to super-order! !

After determining the choice, Mo Fan concentrated his thoughts on his own galaxy.

The little muddy followed Mofan for so many years, and naturally understood the master's mind, so the energy was opened, and the huge star-blue energy was so vast that it suddenly rushed into the spiritual world of Mofan.

"so much!"

Mo Fan was shocked. Xiaoniu was eating too much this time, and he would feed back such raging energy to help him robbery.

Such as the vast tsunami, covered in the spiritual world of Mofan, the small purple Galaxy could not be accommodated, and the barriers that were locked in the periphery of the Milky Way were shaken immediately after being beaten by this energy.

In fact, these barriers have been repeatedly impacted by the Moffrey Galaxy, but they are too strong, and there is no energy that goes far beyond the power of the Milky Way. It is impossible to let them have a slight sway, which is more like An iron cage, the power of the Milky Way is just a physical body, and it hits a broken body, and the iron wall remains intact.

Therefore, from the middle to the high level, sometimes there will be self-breakthrough. With its unparalleled potential, perseverance and accumulation, it will break through the middle-order shackles and enter the high-order, but the high-order step into the super-order, but definitely not the magician itself. How powerful and how much accumulation can be done, every super-level magician, they are using the natural treasures in this nature, and they are absorbed into their own bodies and spiritual world, using them. Power to help yourself break this iron wall!

A lot of huge energy is actually not in line with the magician and the different magician's physique, so different super-level wizards have different super-orders, including the magic they will play in the future, it is likely that they are no longer in accordance with magic. The outline is coming...

The more powerful the person is, the easier it is to get out of his own magical way. Mofan’s fire system is like this. The firepower ability is no longer limited to the initial, intermediate, and high-level fires, fierce punches. The Tianyan funeral will gradually evolve more firepower capabilities suitable for its own situation.

This small change of high-order, that can only be regarded as the introduction of magic, to the super-order is the true three-born!


The night sky is calm and the stars are sparse.

There are no colorful clouds, and there is no such thing as a seismic wave that spreads out from a certain room in this small town and suddenly disturbs the advanced gas field of the Quartet hero. Even the so-called upgraded Huaguang is full of blood and blue. No……

The fragments of the barriers are scattered in the vast expanse of the sea of ​​stars. Except for Mo Fan’s own eyes, his eyes are deeper and deeper. In addition to Mo Fan’s own heart is more open and clear, there is no alarm in the grass, even the daring in the house. The mosquitoes are still hovering over Mofan’s head, thinking about whether the neck blood or the forehead blood, but I don’t know how powerful and terrible it is now...


Finally, Mo Fan still took a shot with his hands in the thunder, and his mouth was slightly raised.


Mo Fan opened his hand and blew away the mosquito corpse in his palm. The expression on his face was so calm and calm, and there was a trace of disdain in the pupil.

Such a life that is inadvertently insignificant disappears like this...

In exchange for the mosquitoes that had been killed by their own hands, Mo Fan would surely play with his body, and he would be willing to take a few words. Now... he is a super-master, mind and past. Not a level, there is no need to compare with these niche!



"I am not drunk, I am not drunk, I don't need you to help me."

In front of the small bar, Zhao Manyan set his hand and resolutely refused to let Zhang Xiaohou serve himself.

"Zhao Ge, I know that you are not drunk, but I also want to face, you should walk well, or don't bother to tell people here that I am your brother, I am the general manager here?" Zhang Xiaohou said.

"How big!" Zhao Manyan said, swaying from the ground, and then patted the dust, then said, "You... of course you are my brother, and I want to tell everyone here that you are my brother. ...... Just for this, my Zhao Manyan promised you, and I will not climb back today. I am striding forward, like your soldiers... enough loyal!!"

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