Versatile Mage

Chapter 1754: Awakening

Pretending to be a young man, I don’t know how to respond for a long time.

Where would he think that he had the courage to run to the Pearl Institute to install a wave, and he planned to leave soon. As a result, he met Mofan himself who had never seen the end of the dragon!

I don’t think that Mo Fan has been traveling abroad, why is it in China, why is it in the Pearl Academy!

"I... I was actually making a joke." Pretending to be a young man, he smiled and saw Mofan’s aggressive momentum, and there was already a cold sweat on his forehead.

"Just kidding??" Mo Fan also laughed, thinking that this daring guy is a bit of a skill, who knows that it is a soft-footed shrimp.

"Is he really posing?"

"Ah? No, he looks so handsome, how can he pretend!"

"You are a crazy girl. If it is really Mo Fan, how could it be scared into this look? He is the famous devil of the Mingzhu Academy. I just saw that one of the unruly practitioners of other schoolchildren, I believe him. It’s really Mo Fan!” said an old student.

The same students as Mo Fan knew that the big devils challenged the whole department in a disapproval of the school, and many departments were unaccompanied.

Mo Fan went to the guy who pretended to be himself. When he was about to give him a lesson, a red exquisite car stopped at the entrance of the college and walked from above with a formal sergeant.

Shepherd Jiao often walks around the school, whether it is a new student or an old student, she will definitely not admit her mistakes.

Moreover, the shepherd is really beautiful. After getting off the car, the goddess temperament suddenly kills the elementary school girls who have just entered school, and the boys are even straighter.

"It’s a shepherd sister!!"

"Shepherd sister, you come right, this guy not only pretends to be our Mofan, but also hurts, you can't let him go!" The former student who was thrown into the pond by Mofan hurriedly ran over. Shepherd Jiao said.

The priests took a good look for a while before they recognized the chicken broiler. It turned out that this person had a problem with IQ. It was obvious that the guy who was scared of his legs was fake.

"Weird, this impostor also handed it over to me." Shepherd Jiao went to Mo Fan and said warmly.

"How, listen to your tone. Isn't this the first person to pretend to be me?" Mofan said.

"Well, it's strange to say that there is a lot of things that pretend to be you recently. I think when you are empty, help me to give some speeches in some magical high schools, and let everyone know the real you," said Munu.

"Let's talk about it, it's very busy recently, I have to search for a group of awakening stones." Mo Fan refused.

"Awakening stone? You have to wake up the stone to do what..." The shepherd is very relieved.

"What do you say?" Mofan raised an eyebrow.

"Ah?" Mumujia suddenly exclaimed, but realized that he was a little out of order, hurriedly licking his little mouth with his hands, as cute as a little girl who was a little panicked. "You are super-order??"

Mo Fan smiled and nodded.

The shepherd’s eyes are bigger and more rounded, and it’s surprising to be more than amazed to be unbelievable.

This guy is really superb! !

"Right, really many people pretend to be me?" Mo Fan returned to this question at this time.

"Well, I used to think that I was just some crazy admirers, but recently I found that there are more people posing.... How do I say that they feel like a lot of imitators, and jump out and say that you are "The shepherd whispered to Mo Fan."

"There is such a thing??" Mofan was surprised, his eyes could not help but fall on the restless impostor.

I thought that I only accidentally bumped into a guy who used his own name to satisfy vanity. I didn't think that the pretender was going to become a pop.

"I don't know much about the specific situation. It may be because you really don't take the lead in the country for a long time, and many people are actually paying attention to you. Many scammers have discovered this demand... So, I still hope that you can appear more in some. In public, it is avoided that many people don't recognize that you don't say it, and there are people who impersonate it!" Munu said seriously.

This kind of impersonation is really disgusting. If one or two of your own little girls are fooled, they are deceived, and Nima is their own huge loss! !

No, this **** must not be light

"This guy, still give it to me, I was caught by the scene, how can I let him go!" Mo Fan was a little angry, and stared at the imposter.

The pretender began to tremble, saying that Mo Fan was a bad person, and the children of the family said that they would die.



After dealing with the impostor, Mo Fan did not feel the temptation to go to these stupid schoolmates and returned to his apartment early.

Just as the priests began to set up the magic high school, she had the resources of the Awakening Stone in her hand, and also knew who had a relatively rich guide stone.

"Guo Liyu is a guide stone collector. He has many rare guiding stones in his hand. I am familiar with his apprentice Xiaomian. It is better for me to introduce you." Muyu said.

"You are talking about Guo Liyu on the Magic Tower of the Oriental Pearl Tower. I remember him. I just arrived in Shanghai when I was looking for his awakening house to wake up the Shadow Department and the Summoning Department. His little apprentice... Well, I am also a bit impressed. "Mofan said.

"Then he is still your own person. Do you want to awaken what you want? Guide stone can only increase the probability of awakening, and the higher the order, the greater the randomness." Mu Nujia said.

"In fact, I haven't completely thought about it yet, but after all, I have to wake up. Since there are guide stones that may awaken other departments, then I don't have to be too persistent, what awakening is what," Mo Fan said.

Mo Fan actually thought for a lot of days, and he did the things he led. He spent some money to buy some guiding stones, lest he should really wake up the white magic. As for the specific awakening, let’s watch the sky!

"You are also very good at this kind of mentality. Many people have to wake up to a certain department after entering a new level. Not only do all the money are spent, but they are also very disappointed with their new department." Mu Nujia said.

"It's a drop, the same is true for boys and girls, and the daughter is also a descendant." Mo Fan nodded.

"..." Muyujiao did not know how to answer the question at a time. Mo Fan’s brain thought about how to go up in this respect, although the general reason is that.

Fire and the Thunder are so many people admire indulging, but in the end can really bring these two systems to the extreme and several? The resources of the fire system and the thunder system are also expensive and expensive. On the contrary, those who have cultivated the light system and the early system of the water system have reached the middle, high and super stages, and they are extremely outstanding. They will not lose to the fire and the fire at all. Their cost in the cultivation process is often less than half that of the thunderfire, and the rest of the money can raise other departments!

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