Versatile Mage

Chapter 1755: Two awakening money

Under the leadership of Muyujiao, Mo Fan once again went to the Awakening House.

There is such a wake-up room on the Oriental Pearl Tower, which is a well-known awakening teacher. They not only control many awakening stones, but also help the magician to awaken the magic system with greater probability through their unique ways.

However, in the magic world, this awakening is also called the auspicious teacher. The awakening of this thing is sometimes the same as the weather forecast, not so accurate.

When I arrived at the awakening house of Guo Liyu, it was the little cotton-small disciple who was wearing thick glasses.

"Shepherd sister, how come you!" After seeing the shepherd, Xiaomian immediately rushed like a little bird.

"I brought my friend to wake up." Shemu said with a smile.

"Oh, is that he?" Xiaomian looked up and down Mofan.

"I have been here once." Mo Fan smiled.

"If you have come, then we will have information registered here, what is your name, I will check it out." Xiaomian buried his head in the cabinet.

Seeing Xiaomian walked into a data room, Muyujiao originally planned to wait in the same place. Who knows that Xiaomian ran back again and smiled at the serf: "I forgot to take the key." ”

Mudanjia did not say anything, Xiaomian ran to the data room, but did not run far, Xiaomian and his face turned red, and his face was embarrassed to wear the glasses falling on the table. .

"How can I still be so confused, I will accompany you to find it, don't look for a long time." Muyu said.

"Good, good!"


The cotton collar led the shepherd to enter the archives room. There was some black in the archives. She opened a lamp.

"Shepherd sister, rarely see you will come to the Pearl Tower with the male classmates, is he your boyfriend?" Xiaomian asked very gossip.

"No," she said.

"Oh, is he chasing you?" Xiaomian asked.

"We are classmates, you have to find something, don't ask this question!" said the slavery.

"Oh, oh, Mo Fan is... I found it." Xiaomian opened the file of Mo Fan and found that the file was very simple. It only recorded the time when Mo Fan came, the time spent awakening, consumption, And what awakened.

Xiao cotton looked at it roughly, and his face showed a bit of interest. He looked at the shepherd and said: "This person is quite powerful. In just a few years, he broke through from the middle to the high level. To say that it is awesome, or that her husband and sister are very powerful, should we be fast and high-level now?"

"I am far worse than him, and ah, who told you that he is a middle-level breakthrough to high-level?" Muyu said.

"Not in the middle to the high order, is it difficult to achieve high-order to super-order??" Xiaomian rolled his eyes and felt that she was joking with herself.

Shepherd Jiao did not answer, just smiled and looked at Xiaomian.

After a while, Xiaomian seemed to realize what he was pushing, and pushed the glasses: "Shepherd sister, he is not really super-order?"

"Well, he is indeed a super-order mage now," said Yunu.

Xiaomian’s mouth is so big that he has worked so long. He has received very few super-level wizards, let alone this age and his own similarity!

"Shepherd sister, you didn't lie to me, this... Is this a monster? How can you jump from the middle to the super stage in such a short time!" Xiaomian said.

In Xiaomian's view, this person can be regarded as a very fast cultivation from the middle to the high level in the past few years. It is exceptionally outstanding. Super-order is really exaggerated! !

Seeing the look of Xiaomian, Muyujiao also felt funny, and she did not say much, she took Mofan’s file and walked outside, lest Mofan wait too long...


"Are you laughing at me?" Mofan, standing outside waiting to find the look of the shepherd, could not help but ask an eyebrow.

"I am talking to Xiaomian about interesting things, who smiled at you." Muyu said.

After saying this, the shepherd was unable to stop the beating. In other words, this guy is super-ordered. I am happy to see the expression of Xiaomian’s unbelievable expression. It should not be a good reflection. I am enrolled together. How can I fall behind after repairing myself?

"Mr. Guo, Teacher Guo!! Teacher Guo!!!"

Suddenly, there was a small cotton exaggeration in the house.

"What are you doing? I don't know if the most needed thing for us to do this is to calm down and calm down!" Guo Liyu walked out of the house and immediately dropped a small cotton.

"Mr. Guo, Teacher Guo, super... super-order... that guy is a super-order mage, come... come here to do super-order awakening!!" Xiaomian saw the ghost look.

Like Mo Fan, a super-order mage, it is really harder to meet than a ghost.



"As far as he??" Guo Liyu looked at Mo Fan, he seems to have a little impression on Mo Fan.

"Yes, it is him!!" said Xiaomian.

Guo Liyu went to Mo Fan, and then he hanged his palm and put a strange posture.

He closed his eyes and explored his spiritual thoughts into Mofan's mind.

Mo Fan did not stop, let Guo Liyu's glimpse of the idea to enter his own Lei area.

"Xinghai...It’s really Xinghai!" Guo Liyu opened his eyes fiercely, and the shocking color on his face could not be added. He couldn’t help but exclaimed, "My God, how did you cultivate this guy? I went to the age of forty. Super order, how can you be more than ten years faster than me!!!"

"Teacher, aren't you saying that we should be calm and calm in doing this?" Xiaomian said weakly.

"It's too unfair to be a fart, God is too unfair, right, who is the disciple of the old monster? Can you teach such a super-order mages, how is it a pro-son of a cursed mage?" Guo Liyu said.

"Uncle Guo, he is Mo Fan, the student of our Pearl Institute."

"Mofan? Oh, you are the Mofan... That's the first thing in the world's academic debate... No, even if you are the Mofan, there is no reason to enter the super-step so quickly, you must have something. The adventure is right!" Guo Liyu said.

Like Mo Fan, this is all in the wild, and it’s a daily routine to experience this thing!

"I came to awaken. When I was in the middle class, I came and awakened the shadow system I wanted, so I think you should be able to bring me good luck." Mo Fan said to Guo Liyu.

"What good luck, that's my technology!!" Guo Liyu said with no anger, but soon Guo Liyu remembered something and hurriedly said, "You guys are not born double brothers, then you came to me when you said it. Not only did you wake up the shadow system, but also what is coming!"

"Summoning." Mo Fan did not hide, anyway, everyone knows that they are born in a double system.

"Right right...take it." Guo Liyu said.

"What are you bringing?" Mo Fan looked at Guo Liyu, who was in his hands.

"Money, you awakened two departments in my place, I only received you a piece of money, and quickly put that money into it!" Guo Liyu said.

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