Versatile Mage

Chapter 1767: Pick things up

"Heart is a fart, Laozi is now a preliminary master!"

Soon, Mo Fan shook his head again.

The enchantment of the enchantment has turned this 50-kilometer zone into a forbidden zone other than the soil system. With the ability of Mofan to display, a small amount of small rock crystal is estimated to be like a dog. !

Be calm, be calm, be bound yourself, be a soil-based child for the development of the motherland, and resolutely not do things! !

Deeply breathing a few mouthfuls of fresh mountain soil, Mo Fan has revealed the uncontested temperament of the world, and those who are hidden in the world are not like this, even though they have a wave of sorrow To the heart of a hundred years old, it is also very good to experience this little life occasionally.


Suddenly, Mofan, who was watching the cave, found a burly figure in the black cracked crack.

"There is an enemy!!"

I don't know which military mage shouted, and then I saw that the radiant magic that was used as a signal rose into the sky, shining with the flame of battle!

"It seems that something has climbed out from inside, but this is a normal thing for Yucheng." Lin Qihui said.

"It’s very strong, it’s a bit dark and not very clear.”

"Come out, come out, this guy is a bit too arrogant, so I will smash it out, not afraid of being smashed by our Master!"

Mo Fan and those who learned the meeting are on a safe mountain. The big cracks do give people a very terrible and deep feeling, but the burly creature that comes out from inside should not look like a strong and outrageous type from here. .

Sure enough, a team of military mages soon appeared, and they jumped into the big rift between the western suburbs and quickly spread out in the restricted area of ​​the city where the monster might step.


The monster opened his mouth and snorted at the army mage who was in front of him.

The monsters seem to be afraid of what they are, and they have taken a big step and rushed to the past with the group of military mages!

Its body size reaches about four meters, and the body proportion is like a weightlifter who has exercised for a long period of arm strength, waist strength and leg strength. It is a fairly strong and sturdy body width, so it cannot be called a giant in many demons. , running like this now still has a strong power impact!

The monster is light brown in the whole body. When it is completely out of the shadow in the big crack, the talents find that the guy is covered in rock, which is exactly a rock monster!

The rock geeks rushed and smashed the rock barrier that stood up in front of them. These rock barriers were cast by the military mages. They thought that the rock geek could stop, but did not expect to be crushed like a foam.

Fortunately, this group of military mages are well-trained, their formation quickly spread, and stood in the different angles of the rock geek.

The rock geek just wanted to attack one of them, and the military mage immediately withdrew the distance, while the other mage immediately attacked with unreserved magic.

Since the core of the enchantment is running, all of these military mages are using earth magic. They stoned the stone and gradually shattered the rock shell of the rock monster!

The rock geek is constantly playing and playing, completely trapped.

The battle ended in a few minutes, and the rock geek crashed down and turned into a pile of light brown gravel.

"Is this rock geek not strong enough? It is estimated that we can easily solve it if we want it." Zhou Donghao saw the rock geek fall down and could not help but laugh.

"Yeah, it feels stupid."

"Then you can see too much of yourself. In fact, there is no rigorous cooperation. The rock geek has collided with one. The people in the team have panicked. It is easy to be killed by this rock geek in the case of only earth magic. Lin Qihui analyzed very seriously.

Mo Fan also pays attention to seeing. He thinks that this rock geek is actually quite difficult to deal with. The number of military mages is too large to carry out the encirclement. Of course, it seems stupid and slow. When you can face it alone, Mo Fan can remember At the beginning, the rock barrier defense magic that several people used together was easily broken by it.

"What is the use of light? There are actually a lot of rock geeks here. If we come out, we have to practice it. If you go back, kill it and try it!"

"You have the most theory of this skill along the way. Don't scare your pants when you face the rock geeks!" said Liang Junheng in the team.

"What do you mean, who do you look down on??" Zhou Donghao was angered and pointed to Liang Junheng.

"I don't look down on anyone, I just think that dogs that bite people don't like to call, but they don't have the courage to be small, and they are often the most fierce. To tell the truth, you can talk about them all the way, and I really feel bored. I am noisy to sleep," Liang Junheng said.

"It seems that I have to show you my skills, otherwise some dog things really treat themselves as individuals!" Zhou Donghao bite back.

"Don't be noisy, noisy, noisy, it's a team, why bother..." Lin Qihui hurriedly stood up and persuaded.

"Yeah, why is it necessary to quarrel with the mouth, and there is no room for a result." Mo Fan saw this situation, it is very time to add a sentence.

"The mouth is skin?? Hey, the day after tomorrow, the practice of the hunting field is waiting for you, don't know when you don't know it!" Zhou Donghao said to Liang Junheng.

"I am waiting for your flower shelf." Liang Junheng put on that disdainful attitude.

Zhou Donghao was so angry that he was green, and it was obviously going to cross Liang Jun.

"You, this person, look at your Svens, how to add fuel and vinegar at the crucial time!" Tao Jingbai took a look at Mo Fan, did not say good.

"Adding oil and vinegar, is there?" Mo Fan touched his chin, a serious way.

"Not yet, it was just a noisy, and you said that they have to fight each other." Tao Jing said.

Mo Fan shrugged and was completely unwilling to admit it.

If you don't do things yourself, it doesn't mean you can't provoke others to do things, otherwise it will be very boring!


After the provocation, Mo Fan went back to the hotel first, and did not know if he saw the spectacular impact of the big rift, and his own earth-based stardust suddenly opened up, and there is a tendency to break through!

The upgraded little muddy pendant is not the same. In such a short time, let the first stage of your soil system break through to the middle stage, it is almost speed!

At the middle level, mixing here is no problem.

Drawing a map of a soil system, it should not take a few days, the level is high, it is really easy to cultivate this low-order star!

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