Versatile Mage

Chapter 1768: Stone man out of the individual

After entering the night, Mo Fan resisted all kinds of temptations and sat on the terrace of the hotel. Facing the cool breeze blowing from the bare mountains, he began to break through the stardust barriers of his own soil.

To tell the truth, the feeling of cultivation on this platform, let Mo Fan think of his days in Boao Tianzhu Magic High School. At that time, in order to get out of the crowd, it was all night and all night, and it was not on the roof. Leaving, a practice is a few months, and progress is even more.

Now it is totally different. From the awakening of the earth magic to the present, it will soon enter the earthen nebula.

The barriers that need to be broken are actually not strong at all. The main reason is that Mo Fan’s mental power is already very strong. In the past, it was extremely difficult for high school students to break the bottleneck.

"Okay, very smooth!"

Mo Fan stood up and felt the power of this newly injected earthen nebula.

After being repaired high, it is more sensitive to the surrounding soil elements. Sure enough, in the state where the nucleus of the enchantment is opened, the concentration of the soil elements is many times higher than usual, and other elements are excluded.

"Cultivating at this concentration, I can't use it for a long time. I am a high-level mage." Mo Fan opened his eyes and felt that it was a big profit.


In the middle of the night, Mo Fan carried out the casting of his own thunder star palace, and the 2,901 stars of the Star Palace. Mo Fan now only completed two constellations, one of which is still the foundation of the original high-order, and it is necessary to put a whole seven earthly constellations. It takes a lot of time to be fully integrated.

Early in the morning, Mo Fan stretched out and hungry. He was hungry on the street that was not on the city. He had been strolling outside the city to find a shop selling buns.

It's hard to get this kind of breakfast shop where only the magician can come in. This makes Mofan feel tired and tired all night.

"Hey, are you really true!" next to the buns shop, a hunter whispered.

"I can see that I can still have a fake. Yesterday, there was a rock geek that I had never seen before, and it was handled by the military people..." said the man with a straw hat.

"I know this thing, what is unusual."

"Of course, there is nothing unusual about it, but do you know what happened to the body after the stone geek died?" said the man with a woven straw hat.

"What can be done, luck is some expensive rock crystals."

"One person! After the rock blocks became powder, there was a person in the rock geek's body, a miner who was probably missing a week ago!" said the man who woven the straw hat.

Mo Fan was carrying a steamed buns, but he didn't care too much. He couldn't help but erect his ears.

Yesterday they were there, but after the rock monsters were eliminated, they left because of the quarrel, and did not see how the people behind the military handled the body of the rock monsters. I did not expect this to be followed!

The rock geek, clearly is an elemental creature, how can there be a living person hidden inside, is it because it was eaten by the rock geek?


Suddenly, a long, harsh alarm sounded in the air, disturbing the Xicheng District of Yucheng.

When the alarm sounds, it means there is a hostile situation, and everyone will be on guard.

"It seems like something is invading, go see!"

"In the big crack!"

Mo Fan saw that these masters were all looking to run around the Xishan suburbs, and they followed the trend.

On the way to the past, I just met Tao Jing and Lin Qihui. The two of them apparently heard the sound of the alarm coming out of the hotel. After Tao Jing met Mo Fan, he said: "You are really early."

"Hungry, get up early, it seems like something happened," Mo Fan said.

"Go and see." Lin Qihui said.

The three men ran to the western suburbs, standing in the position of the mountain barrier, you can see the big crack that makes people feel suffocating.

There are also a low-lying plain in the Great Rift and the city barriers of the city, and many military mages are guarding between the low-lying plain and the safe mountain.

A kilometer away from the big rift, there were a group of rock geeks like yesterday. Their rocky bodies had a strong texture under the sunlight, and the burly bodies lined up in a row to the city’s mountain base. More like a rock tank, full of momentum!

"How come so much at once." Tao Jing said with amazement.

"Fortunately, there are thousands of demons in the dark caves. The group that is now coming out is nothing, and the military should be able to handle it easily." Lin Qihui said.

Mo Fan looked at the size of the military. In order to make the city upgrade smoothly, the military is very adequately allocated. This group of rock geeks may be a terrible and difficult threat to the hunter team, but to the soldiers. The Legion is still hitting the stone with eggs!

"Help, help!"

Below the mountain ramp, a man’s voice suddenly appeared on a flat building.

"There is something underneath!" Tao Jing quickly discovered what he was saying, pointing to the city streets and buildings under the steps.

"It's a rock geek... How did this guy run into the city??" Lin Qihui said in amazement.

"First save people!" Tao Jing immediately jumped down, her skills are still healthy, those buildings of different heights just became the foothold of her flight.

After several consecutive jumps, she has arrived at the bungalow where the rock monster appeared.

The rock monster looks far from the ordinary humanoid monster. It is only after the front of the rock monster that the guy is the same level of the same bungalow. When Tao Jing arrived, it had already caught the man who called for help.

"Let him go!" Tao Jing angered.

She painted a star map and evoked a heavy object like a rock sill. The rock slid off the ground and slammed into the thick legs of the rock geek.

The rock geek was hit and the man who had just arrived was thrown out, and Lin Qihui, who was rushed, was caught.

The man was not injured, but he was a little confused. Lin Qihui gave the person to Mo Fandao: "You took him to a safe place. I went to support Tao Jing. She could not be the rock monster. opponent."

"Or I will support it, like this little demon..." Mofan said.

Rocky geeks are strong and strong, and they can't stand the skill of Mofan's violent mage. In Mofan's eyes, this rock geek is a little demon, and it is solved with little effort.

But before I finished talking, Mo Fan remembered that his other abilities were blocked, and finally he could only shake his head with helplessness.

Hey, you can't use other departments, you don't need it, just want to practice your hands, your soil system has not experienced any actual combat!

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