Versatile Mage

Chapter 1775: Connected to the dark cave

"Great, Van Gogh, our group of people feels that you can't beat you alone." Liang Jun ran over and patted Mofan's shoulder.

"If it wasn't for the rock barrier I released, he would have died." Zhou Donghao said. .

"Zhou Donghao, this person is really shameless. I just don't know who is running the fastest. If Van Gogh does not come forward, Cao Juan and Su Jindu can't save them. Everyone is not jealous and not without a brain. I really don't know what other faces you have here to say cool words." Liang Junheng said unceremoniously.

"That's right, there is no van Gogh, maybe we have to be dangerous, Van Gogh brothers, what magic is you just now, so domineering!"

Others are surrounded by Mo Fan, one by one, and they are not a group of fledgling students. They are obviously in this dangerous mountain.

Lin Qihui chased the past with a few people, and soon they returned.

Mo Fan hurriedly asked: "How come back, lost?"

"No, the rock geek jumped into a hole, and we didn't dare to follow it." Lin Qihui said.

"Take me to see." Mo Fandao.

Mo Fan followed Lin Qihui to the location of the cave where the rock geek sneaked. The hole was deep and the edges were uneven. From here, the bottom was not seen.

There are also reasons why Lin Qihui did not dare to go down. The following is dark and the depth is difficult to find. God knows that there will be monsters waiting underneath.

"It’s getting dark, or let’s go back first, wait for the rescue team to come over and say, relying on us to point people may have an accident.” Some people in the team began to be afraid.

After all, the rock geeks are war-level creatures, and they all have life threats. In this slightly open mountain, there is room for escape. If you enter the hole below, it is no different from the sheep.

"I will go down and see if there is nothing to gain, then I will go back with you." Mo Fan still didn't feel relieved, and he was also a young and quiet girl, and could not disappear so inexplicably.

"This is too dangerous?" Lin Qihui said.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't come out within ten minutes, you will quickly go back to the city and let the rescue team come over," Mo Fan said.

"Good... okay!" said Lin Qihui.

Others really don't have the courage of Mo Fan. They just watched on the hole. They originally thought about what kind of rope, rattan and the like to send Mo Fan slowly. Who knows that before everyone reacts, Mo Fan jumps Jump straight down!

This move shocked everyone, and they were awe-inspiring to this classmate. There are really few who can have this timidity in the wild.

"What's so great." Zhou Donghao saw everyone admire Mo Fan and said with dissatisfaction.

"You have the ability to jump, who can't use your mouth?"


Mo Fan has been falling, probably falling two or three hundred meters before touching the bottom, but for his current physical strength, this height can be directly reduced, the super-level Master is much stronger than the high-order. Moreover, Mo Fan has a demon constitution.

The neighborhood is very dark, with a little dampness. The world under the bottom of the hole is very open. Mofan is also good in the dark, so I can see the general appearance below.

"Wow wow~~~~~~嘣!!!"

A scream came from the top of the head, followed by a heavy fall sound.

"It hurts... Laozi's ass." A dark lacquered figure stood up, and the eyes were slightly bright in the dark.

"Zhou Donghao?" Mo Fan heard the voice of this mental retardation.

"It's me, you can come down, I can't! You care about Tao Jing, Laozi cares more about him than you!" Zhou Donghao said miraculously.

"Are you mentally retarded? Can you minimize your voice in this place and want to be crushed into a bolognese by rock monsters?" Mo Fan shouted unceremoniously.

"I..." Zhou Donghao did not know how to refute.

Mo Fan is also speechless, how to run down such a drag bottle.

Hey, forget it, more than one person can do more, just because other magic can't be used. When it's critical, you can still use this brain to make a back.

"How is this so big?" Zhou Donghao said.

"Can you see?" Mofan asked.

"Of course, I am a minor in the shadow system. In this place, my eyes are sharper than the demon." Zhou Donghao said.

"This may be a dark cave," Mofan said.

"No, are we not on Mount Lu?" Zhou Donghao was surprised.

"The height of the mountain we climbed is actually two or three hundred meters. Now it has fallen two or three hundred meters vertically. It basically falls into the dark cave. Otherwise, the underground space will not be so open." Mo Fan said.

There was some dampness nearby. It was the reason that it rained not long ago. Mo Fan also used this to discover the footprints of the rock geeks, which was just left behind.

Following this big footprint, Mo Fan and Zhou Donghao walked into a dark cave with numerous stalactites. The stalactites are as big as the pillars of the palace. Some of them are only half long and are not completely connected with the top of the cave. Many of them are completely It became a stalactite column, and the outer layer was covered with minerals that glowed with a little fluorescence, giving the black lacquered cave a little bit of light.

"Don't move." Mo Fan suddenly held down Zhou Donghao behind him.

Zhou Donghao, this guy doesn't know how to practice the shadow system. The sound is especially loud. If there are really those who are keen on hearing, let alone the war level, the slaves can hear it clearly.

"What did you see?" Zhou Donghao asked with a low voice.

"Those muds are degenerate," Mofan pointed to the front.

"How do I feel like an underground river?" Zhou Donghao said, he came out and looked at the place where Mo Fan said. After he saw it completely, Zhou Donghao was so shocked that he could not help himself.

As Mo Fan said, those who were attacking the mud of the previous attack, Zhou Donghao said that it is like a river, because the silt deformation is horrible in groups, creeping on the ground, and the number is a steady stream. River!

"Isn't that the direction of the city??" Zhou Donghao said very quietly.

"Well, it seems that the enchantment of the enchantment really brought some extremely headaches to the city," Mo Fan said.

"They will hit people, and then they will become the kind of rock geeks... My God, we will set off in the evening, isn't there a large group of soldiers entering the dark caves to sweep the demon? If those soldiers are smashing with these muds, Up!" Zhou Donghao did not completely have no brains, and immediately thought of this terrible thing.

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