Versatile Mage

Chapter 1776: Just die!

Mo Fan is also worried about this matter. From the current situation, most of the soldiers have already met these muddy grotesques. I hope they can detect the terrible and threatening elements of this strange element and promptly block them. And destroy.

"There are some bloodstains here, they should be left behind." Mo Fan's nose is still sharp, smelling some faint **** smell.

Mo Fan and Zhou Donghao have been waiting for those silt deformation to leave, and then they are looking for blood.

Rock geeks are elemental creatures, they are not bleeding, these bloodstains must be calming them, it seems that they have not been crawled to the body by the mud geek when they fell into the hole in the hole, just being hit by rock monsters hurt.

Passing through the area with many stalactites, the dark cave in front begins to become narrow. This narrowness does not mean the narrowness of the left and right, but the height of it. When Mo Fan and Zhou Donghao enter here, they need to be in the body. Walking in such a place does give people a feeling of depression.


Suddenly, a vigilant voice came from the front.

"I am, Van Gogh, is Tao Jing you?" Mo Fan actually smells the fragrance of Tao Jing shampoo. She seems to love this taste. May be followed by the old wolf this guy, Mo Fan now also has some strong sense of smell.

"And me, Tao Jing, I am Zhou Donghao, I risked my life to save you!" Zhou Donghao said with great excitement.

"嘘!!!" Tao Jing immediately let him quiet and don't talk.


Zhou Donghao’s voice immediately attracted a big movement, and he saw a black-eyed figure passing over the dwarf cave, venting the rocks and rushing in to destroy the dwarf.

Mo Fan glanced at the rock geek and took a look at the environment of the dwarf cave. He secretly praised Tao Jing as a clever girl, knowing that she was hiding in a place where the rocky geek could not squeeze into the four-meter body. Robbery.

"What about other people?" Mofan asked.

"Several seniors said they went to find the exit, but they have not returned yet." Tao Jing said quietly.

Seeing Mo Fan to save himself, Tao Jing is obviously very moved. When she talks, she is a bit sour. She and Mo Fan are just getting familiar with each other. The other party can jump into this terrible hole and risk life. Danger.

"Are you chased by something?" Mo Fan asked.

"The rock geek, the kind we encountered in the last time in the Yucheng neighborhood, it forced us here, we had to jump down. We have been hiding here, the rock geeks are hanging out. We have a few discussions I am going to attract the attention of the rock geeks, others have escaped from the other side to find out the road, and they don't know if they are safe," Tao Jing said.

"It should be safe. You haven't found a few rock monsters around here?" Mofan pointed to the figures on the edge of the dwarf.

"Yeah, there are 4 here. If it is not my shadow ability, I don't think I can enter here." Zhou Donghao said, after he said that he seemed to realize something again, his eyes fell on Mo Fan's body. "Strange, I am a shadow system, with some hidden abilities, why are you not found??"

Mo Fan took a look at some stupid Zhou Donghao, really speechless to this guy.

As for his shadow, he still wants to avoid the vigilance of war-level creatures?

If Mofan used his dark attributes to bring him in, he was already encircled by the four rock geeks outside.

"What do you mean by that sentence, what do the seniors have to do with these rock geeks?" Tao Jing seemed to hear something, and hurriedly asked.

“Have you seen a silt deformation?” Mofan asked.

"I saw it, the thing flew to me, I used the rock skin to block it." Tao Jing said.

"The rock weirs we see is that this thing has changed. They have an instinctive aggression for the living. They will see people, regardless of men and women. Once they are successfully attacked, they will use this person's body to evolve into rock monsters. "Infinite, hard and incomparable," Mo Fan said.

"Ah??" Tao Jing never thought about such a bizarre creature, and his eyes unconsciously looked at the violent figures outside. "The few rock geeks who are stuck outside are actually the seniors?" They won't have anything??"

"From the middle-aged woman we rescued in Yucheng, these mud deformations are the deformation of the body. After the rock monsters are killed, the people will recover, and no danger is found for the time being," Mo Fan said.

Both Cao Juan and Su Jindu are alive, but the body is extremely weak, that is to say, those who have been crawled by the silt can only be rescued if they destroy the deformed rock geek.

Of course, there is no guarantee that this creature will not take human life.

"Let's take you out of here first," said Zhou Donghao.

"What about the seniors??" Tao Jing is still kind.

"I can't manage them for a while. We can't fight the rock geeks here. I don't know how many rock geeks and mud deformation monsters will be attracted. I will rescue you first, then tell the military and the magic association about them. Let them To deal with it," Mo Fan said.

"Good... okay."


Rocky weirdo IQ is not very high, Mo Fan casually cast some tricks to lead them away, and then immediately left the cave with Tao Jing.

When he arrived in the stalactite zone again, Mo Fan found that the mud deformations had gone far before, and there was no such rock monster in the vicinity. Taking advantage of the strong hiding ability of the shadow system itself, Mo Fan smoothly brought Tao Jing to the hole.

"Mom, this kind of guy who has no loyalty, said that ten minutes of leaving people really left for ten minutes. Now how do we go up?" Zhou Donghao found that there was no one at all, and immediately yelled.

"I am going to change the shape of the inner wall of this hole. Let's climb up slowly," Mofan said.

"it is good!"

Mo Fanshi unfolds the technique of the earth wave, and the inner wall of the hole becomes wrinkled and stretched. If there is no climbing, it is no different from rock climbing. More than two hundred meters is a bit high, and it can climb up slowly.


Just climbed more than 50 meters, there was an angry sigh underneath, and I saw a rock monster like a monkey slamming, arms climbing on the stone wall, and then bounced off the other side. One step on the foot, once again leapt over, and immediately approached the position of the three people!

"Rock...rock geek!!" Zhou Donghao screamed in horror, screaming with his limbs and squatting like a monkey.

"So I don't know how to live, oh!" Mo Fan saw the four-meter rock geeks chasing wildly, but could not help but sneer.

A few days ago, Mo Fan was still struggling to deal with this rock geek, but today his star map Dafa has been practiced... It is just like rushing to death!

(Beginning two more, I haven’t asked for a ticket for a long time, so I’ll ask for a monthly pass.)

(Hey, a lot of anime powder is asking, the full-time mage animation is still in the second season. Of course, there is a second season, it will come out in the second half of this year, September or November! The second season of animation is Bocheng disaster The story should be very high, hehe!)

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