Versatile Mage

Chapter 1777: Attacking the city

"Rock shark raid!!!"

Mo Fan's speed of completing the star map is getting faster and faster. This time, the rock geeks are called and they are called a rock full of powerful impact. The brown gold shale is slamming out from the stone wall and raiding horizontally. The rock geek jumped in midair as he jumped.


The brown-golded porphyrite seems to have a significant effect on the penetration force. Before that, the rock-iron giant could not bear this kind of attack. What is more, this rock geek saw the rock geek being smashed in the air directly after being attacked.

One hit spike!

The fierce impact of such a heavyweight object itself is that the sturdy remains, and the other is basically broken. If there is no 曜岩莫凡 to deal with this rock geek, it is still very difficult, but the 曜岩 cooperates with the middle-level soil assault magic. This rock geek is no longer able to threaten Mo Fan.

There was a weak and incomparable person in the body of the smashed rock giant. Mo Fan also expected this. After killing the rock geek, he jumped back and forth, one hand holding the young man who was gray.

“It’s Kang’s senior.” Tao Jing said with surprise.

"Hurry up, the other will catch up soon." Mo Fan stared at the guy named Kang, but his heart was dark.

****, how is this cargo so heavy, there are no two hundred pounds and one hundred and eight, and I want to let go of it?

If you are so fat, don’t come out to do such a dangerous experience. It’s hard to run when you run into the demon!


After saving people, Mo Fan was a little tired and gasping. Lin Qihui and others obviously disappeared. It is really a bit of a thought. You can’t trust a little more between people. Let’s say ten minutes, that’s For a rough time, you can't wait five more minutes. Who is going to go back two hundred pounds of fat people?

Mo Fan dragged the Kang fat man along the way, just outside his body was covered with a layer of gray, equivalent to a protective film.

When the twilight came, the lights in the city were still in the distance. Mo Fan, Tao Jing and Zhou Donghao were carrying a Kang fat man to walk down the mountain.

"How long does it take for the **** enchantment core to complete?" Mo Fan was dissatisfied with the spit.

Other magic can not be used, so Mo Fan is uncomfortable, even dragging a Kang fat man down the mountain are tired.

"It should be faster... Have you heard any sound??" Tao Jing leaned his ears.

"No, what can you have?"

"It seems to be from the city of Yucheng."


In the dark caves of the city and the hills of the mountains, the smoke and the dust are rolling, and the sound of the sounds is like a thunder.

In the air of dust, countless large rock blocks were thrown away from the position of the mountain to the city, as if there were hundreds of stone-throwing chariots, which were an important basestone defense of the city, but now they are The big stone that flew over was broken!

"How come so many such rock monsters come out at once, we obviously sent people to check in, and we went to the brigade, why haven’t come out yet!" Lu Bin of the Magic Association said with some anger. .

The opening of the enchantment will surely attract some demons to invade. After all, the nucleus of the enchantment contains a very large amount of energy. On the one hand, they want to acquire it. On the other hand, they do not want human beings to establish their protective territory in this area. .

Both the Magic Association and the military have already taken these into account. They carefully examined and guarded them. They were invaded by a strange creature in the end, and they were caught off guard by their stoning tactics!

"Those are the rock geeks who appeared a while ago." Wenxia officer said.

"I also know that they are so abominable, standing at a distance that our magic team can't attack, they are constantly smashing the big stones and killing our defensive hills... they must be directed The nucleus of the enchantment, in any case, can not let them close!" Lu Bin said heavily.

Behind Lu Bin, there are a group of magicians wearing light brown clothes. They seem to be well-trained. Even if they don't use half a magic, they can feel the strong earthy atmosphere.

These are the brownstone masters of the Yucheng Magic Association. They are mainly cultivated in the soil system. The so-called learning meeting of Mofan’s group of people is actually asking these monks for consultation. Unfortunately, the consultation has not yet begun, and it is extremely difficult. The creatures that have been dealt with have appeared!

"Nu ~~~~~~~~!!!"


Suddenly, the screams became as neat as the treacherous drums. The rock geeks finally couldn’t stand it. They gave up the stone throwing tactics and began to turn into a rock chariot and rolled up the dust! !

There are more than three hundred giants in the rock. They are strong and powerful. When they run on the ground, they give people a sense of oppression and fear. This allows the military mages and the city of the city to stay on the mountain. Rock Masters involuntarily stepped back.

"Don't be scared by their momentum, this city is about to become the most glorious earth element of the whole inland. It will also give your family and future generations the safest and most stable habitat. In the future, the city will be brilliant. At that time, you will become a tribute to the whole city, your name will be a household name!" Lu Bin stood on the platform of the mountain ramp, using his loud voice to stir up the hearts of all the wizards.

This battle is indeed extraordinary. It is related to the survival of an elemental city, and the coastal cities are busy building the embankment of the coastline. The stone needed to be transported from here, this city has been established. It also means that the coast will gain a stronger defense.

"Prepare to meet the enemy, never back down!" Wenxia officer seems to be the person in charge of the military. After her order was issued, the military mages stood up straight, facing the chariots of rock monsters. No fear at all.

"Rock barrier, preparation." Wenxia officer raised his hand and saw a fierce wave after the rock monster arrived.

At the same time, the military mages guarded at different levels of the mountain base exhibited the middle-level magic of the soil system. It can be seen that the brown halo blooms like a fireworks dance at the mountain base.

All the power of the star maps acted on the concave land under the city. The surface began to change drastically under the application of hundreds of soil magicians. The big rock slabs emerged, and the rocky mountains stood tall, and there were more Less evokes the tip of the rock with a strong attacking force, and screams at the rock geeks that are blocked!

The battlefield is booming, and Mofan, who is coming down from Mount Lushan, can look at this spectacular scene. Even with the night, you can still feel the majesty of magic and elemental creatures.

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